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A Prestigious Award; Part Two, Lt. Cmndr. T'Pri

Posted on Monday May 23rd, 2022 @ 4:31pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Captain Franklin Johnson

433 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge, Captains Ready Room
Timeline: In Transit; Cardassian Refugees on board
Tags: Award, 2395


Major Graydon had just departed not but a scant few hours earlier when the Lt. Commander had finally been relieved off her shift. Captain Johnson was alerted and sent out an invitation for the ship's Chief Intelligence Officer to report to him immediately. It was time to present her with her award of recognition for her efforts in her Executive Officers courses at the Academy. Franklin was extremely proud of his CIO, and proud of T'Pri as a friend.

When the door chimed, he rose from behind his desk, shouting, "Come in!"

Commander T'Pri entered the Captain's ready room. It had been an excruciating day busy day of grading papers and student evaluations, T'pri was always scrupulously fair and she had a few students who were absorbing the material, but most were still getting the just of what being an intelligence operative was all about. Still, T'Pri was a patient teacher, and very meticulous as was typical of Vulcans. She composed herself and readied herself to enter the presence of her Captain.

"You wanted to see me, Captain?

"T'Pri!" the Captain greeted, "Thank you for coming on such short notice. I have some fantastic news from Starfleet. As you know, you've passed your Executive Officer courses. This reflects well on both yourself and your service to the Poseidon and Starfleet. As such, I wanted to briefly take you to the side to congratulate you with a formal award."

The Captain walked to his desk, grabbed an award box, and came back to open it. It showed the Captains Merit Award; the award had a circle in the center, with two wings extending outward with three stars on each wingtip, making six stars on the tips, with the center circle having a single five pointed star. He offered the award box to T'Pri.

"Lieutenant Commander T'Pri, it is my honor to award you the Captain's Merit Award for your exemplary service to both this ship and your personal academic pursuits," the Captain said smiling. "You are a fantastic example of an officer and I am honored to have you on board."

"We come to serve, Captain. You are most kind with your praise, Thank you for the opportunity I learned a lot." T'Pri said.

"Excellent," the Captain said with a smile, handing off the award. "I'll let you back to your duties now, if there's nothing else. Thank you again for your dedication to duty, T'Pri."

"Thank you Sir." T'Pri said then turned to leave.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon NCC-42635


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