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It’s a small galaxy

Posted on Monday May 23rd, 2022 @ 9:21pm by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Stan More

418 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: USS Poseidon: Corridor
Timeline: In transit: Transporting Cardassian refugees



The ship transfer went quite well. One moment he was on the USS Wellington as ships botanist. The next he was moved to the USS Poseidon as security officer.

Something at the back of his mind gave him a nudge. Wasn’t Uncle Perky on this ship? Uncle Perky was not really a close relative. Just a long standing family friend.Stan would need to speak with him. Just in case Sam told Stan’s grandmother before he could. About his department change.

As luck would have it. Perkins was walking towards him. The Chief Science Officer was so engrossed in reading a padd. He failed to notice Stan at first.

“ Boil macaroni until soft then add crushed Cardassian rock beatle lava.Before adding cheese…” Sam read aloud

“ Hello Uncle Perky.” Stan said

“ Hello wee Stan……. WER!!!!!!” Sam said doing a double take.

“ It’s me wee Stan.” Stan said

“ WER!!!!” Perkins said

“ I have transferred to the Poseidon.” Stan replied

“ WER!!!” Sam said

“ I’m a new security officer” Stan told him.

“ B B B……Stan. Security. I thought you were on the Wellington as a Botanist. Does Morag know about this?” Perkins asked

“ Nay yet. I dinna had the chance to tell her. How have yer been uncle?” Stan asked.

“ Here it’s Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins or Sam. Please don’t let anyone hear you call me Uncle Perky. But getting back to the department change. Are you sure this is wise? What about all that trouble on the Komorkis?” Sam asked concerned

“ That was a few wee years ago. I have been on the Wellington for two years and a bit. I felt it was high time for a new challenge.” Stan said rubbing his hands.

oO So Starfleet are allowing an ex mental patient access to the weapons locker.Oo He thought.

“ I see.” He said aloud

“ I am fully healed now. Uncle.” Stan said

“ Stan” Sam warned

“ Sorry. Commander. Ya ain’t gonna wake one night and find me standing over ye with a knife. Drenched in blood about to remove yer kidneys.” Stan explained

Perkins blinked.

“ Kidneys. Do you still remember your grandmothers recipe for simulated Steak and vegetable broth?” Perkins asked.

“Aye. I do.Why?” Stan asked

“ Follow me to the mess hall I’ll explain on way. Oh and welcome to the Poseidon.” Sam said dragging Stan along.

[ OFF ]

Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Stan Collin More ( NPC Perkins )
USS Poseidon


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