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"Neteri's Flashback

Posted on Saturday March 19th, 2022 @ 3:50am by

416 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Quarter's
Timeline: Right behind A Chance Meeting


Neteri sat in her quarters crying. The events that surrounded the incident with Paven had suddenly appeared yet again. She had met a great looking man in Lt. Hirsch and it was during their conversation the flashback of the explosion of his fighter that ruined the whole meeting.

Lt. Hirsch was very understanding and sympathetic and had consoled her while he was with her. Yet after the incident, Neteri had folded in on herself and shut down her feelings for another man. It was something she had to do because if she let herself feel the emotions of yet another possible relationship, it would hurt her worse the second time. In a sentence you could say that she was terrified of love!

The flashback, the ability to see it being replayed in her mind's eye was way too much for even her after all this time. It seemed like yesterday the accident happened. Seeing Paven sitting in his fighter, "Flirt", taking off from the deck for the practice run, Neteri had feelings for him in a way only she could understand. He was warm, proud, carefree, yet faithful to the end.

"Oh my goodness, Nooooooooo Paven!!!," Neteri yelled out in her empty quarters. The incident was unfolding in her minds eye and this time it was more real than before. Paralyzed, Neteri watched as his ship turned slightly port, hearing him say "Oh shit!!" and watching it explode in front of her. Feeling all his emotions, shock, anger, bewilderment, hurt, pain, and loss nearly took Neteri over the edge again to a catatonic state. Try as hard as she could, she could not move or scream until the entire scenario ended, which left her in a heap on the floor of her quarter's.

=====Three hours Later=====

Stirring slightly, Neteri had a hell of a headache. Looking carefully around her quarters, she realized she had passed out on the floor. Thinking back, she hit upon the reason why she was on the floor and it brought the tears again. Another flashback again!! This particular one, Paven's death, was the most intense one ever. She would have to meet with the counselor yet again.

It dawned on her why she had Paven's incident flashback again, her talk with Calvin. This was something she would have to conquer before it ruined her career. Tapping her communicator, =/\= Counselor, I need to meet with you as soon as possible=/\= Neteri said.


Lt. Cmdr. Neteri "Ikran" Shannon
USS Poseidon


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