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Two Ends of the Scale

Posted on Saturday August 24th, 2019 @ 2:34pm by Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon & Captain Franklin Johnson

1,250 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: USS Poseidon; Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, Bridge
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch; Pre-Departure; Post-Officer's Meeting

Phoebe had headed back to her quarters following the staff briefing, hoping to find Chloe waiting there for her. She had decided it was time to go and introduce her daughter to the CO of the Poseidon, so that she knew where to go if her daughter had any problems and she wasn't around to help her. She walked up to the quarters door, which parted before her. "Chlo?" She called out. "You here kiddo?" She looked around the room. They hadn't had much time to unpack, so there was boxes and boxes piled up around the room. The only thing she'd found time to unpack was the picture she had of the two of them, which she was planning to take to her office.

Chloe heard her mother walk into the room and heard her calling her name. "I'm here Mum." She called back, pulling on her uniform and walking out into the central area of their quarters. She had just finished having a shower, before she went to meet any of her commanding officers. She had put her hair up into a loose pony tail, to keep her hair out of the way of her eyes. "What's up?" She asked, walking over to her mother and giving her a quick hug.

Phoebe accepted the hug and sighed. "I thought we could go and meet the Captain, if you're ready to meet him." She asked, already knowing the answer.

Chloe nodded in reply. She knew she'd have to meet the CO sooner or later, and knew she'd prefer to do it with someone there to support her that she knew.

Phoebe led the way out of their quarters, and headed towards the turbolift. She walked into it and waited for Chloe. Once they were both in and ready, she pressed the button on the panel for the bridge, and they quickly sped off towards the bridge. "Don't be nervous, he's a lovely person, and very approachable. Just be yourself." She smiled. She knew that her daughter was a very shy type, not one to go out and try and meet everyone, but usually keeping to herself.

They arrived on the bridge and headed straight for the ready room. Phoebe gave a quick nod to the duty officer on the bridge, who stood as they entered. Phoebe walked upto the Captain door, looked down at her uniform, smoothed it down, and pressed the chime.

Chloe stood just behind Phoebe, feeling nervous about meeting the CO. She to checked her uniform was in order, before taking her hair out of the pony tail she'd put it up in, and letting it flow freely over her shoulders.

The Captain's Ready Room doors slid open, revealing the at-ease postured Commander Franklin Johnson. He had a smile on his face, nodding to his XO as he greeted with, "Number One," then glanced at the Cadet. His smile widened.

"Ah! This is who you wanted me to see, right? Cadet Graydon? Very nice to meet you!" He said, extending his hand to shake, after which he would invite them in. "Come, sit!"

Chloe stood close to Phoebe as they walked into the ready room. She looked around the room as they moved further into the room, hearing the door hissing shut behind them. She walked closer to the Captain and shook his hand lightly, still feeling slightly nervous. She looked across at Phoebe, who took the seat opposite the CO, and she did the same, taking the seat next to her.

Phoebe smiled. "My apologies for not calling in advance, it was quite a spur of the moment thing when I got back to my quarters." She smiled, knowing she didn't need to apologise, but still doing it anyway.

"Anything for my XO," Franklin said with a smile. "Anyway, so, Cadet? Your mother here tells me you'll be one of our students this trip. Is that right?"

Chloe nodded. "Yes sir. I'm one of the Operations Cadets onboard sir." She said.

"Very good," Franklin replied. "What classes has been assigned to you? I assume some engineering and general logistics. Has the Academy already sent over your expected courses?"

Chloe nodded again. "Yes sir. I've also requested some Medical lessons be sent over as well. I'm still not one hundred percent certain if I'm going to pick Operations or Medical for a career, so I thought I'd try and experience both while I'm on board."

"Excellent!" praised Franklin, looking to Phoebe now, "Looks like your daughter has a very good head on her shoulders. Have you also explained the roles expected of her in her position? Authority and chain of command?"

"Thank you Captain. She is aware of the roles, and the Chain of Command. Her Mentor, then the Department Heads, then myself and you." She smiled.

"Very good," Franklin said, turning back to Chloe. "Very good. My office is always open to you if you need help. This ship isn't like most ships, we're under Academy direction along with Starfleet. We're required to help you become the best officer you can be, or enlisted personnel, whichever you choose."

He stood, "Would any of you like a drink? I'm about to get one from the foyer."

Chloe smiled at the explanation. "Could I have a Coke?" She asked.

Phoebe shook her head. "I'm fine thank you boss." She smiled.

The Commander nodded to both, leaving and shortly after coming back with a replicated glass of cola for Chloe and a sweet tea for himself. He went around the desk to sit back down, taking a long drink. "Love me some sweet tea," he chuckled. "I see you prefer soda, Cadet? Don't meet many who do anymore. That a habit of yours, Number one?"

"I can neither confirm nor deny that it may be a bad habit that I have passed on." She answered chuckling.

Franklin laughed, sitting back as he relaxed.

"Well, ladies, what do you have planned for the next few days? We have our officers meeting coming up, anything in particularly you two plan to do?"

“Get ready to leave mainly. Meet the rest of the crew, and the meeting.” Phoebe answered.

Chloe smiled slightly. “I need to meet my mentor, and my department head. Apart from that I’ll be getting to know the ship.” She answered.

Franklin nodded to both, nursing his sweet tea as they replied. He seemed to ponder a few things himself.

"There's a few things I need to do as well," the Commander said, adding his own reply to his question. "Speaking of, what do the two of you think about a follow up meeting between us? Completely informal of course. Maybe after we're underway in one of the new holodecks that's been added? I know I need to take care of a few things here, so I'd like to continue this little get together at a more appropriate time."

Phoebe nodded. “I think that’s a brilliant idea.” She looked at Chloe. “What do you think?”

Chloe nodded. “That would be fine.” She answered.

"Great!" Franklin said, smiling, "I'll catch up with you all later. Feel free to grab another drink from the foyer if you want."

Phoebe smiled. “Thank you for your time Captain. I’ll see you at the meeting.” She said, smiling before leaving, with Chloe following close behind.

=/\= End =/\=

Commander Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon
Operations Cadet
USS Poseidon


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