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Time for Breakfast

Posted on Sunday August 25th, 2019 @ 6:18pm by Lieutenant Nealey Brinsley & Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim

917 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: Deck 3
Timeline: Pre-Departure, Post-Briefing

Nealey was on her way down a corridor heading to her next destination with a PADD in her hand. She hadn't really planned on transferring to another ship - but with a change of hands on the Victoria it didn't feel the same. However so far the old but sturdy Poseidon seemed to be a good choice.

Freya was on her way to breakfast. After her promotion the previous evening, she was now wearing a red uniform - and it still did not feel quite right. Nevertheless, she was determined to make it work, despite her misgivings.

She was deep in thought when she nearly walked into someone, causing the other person to drop the PADD she was holding. "Oh, I am so sorry. Mind must have been lightyears away," she mumbled in apology, and quickly picked up the PADD to hand it back. "You were at the briefing last night, weren't you?" She held out the PADD. "Lieutenant Freya, Chief Flight Control Officer," she added, with an uneasy smile. "Don't think we have been introduced?"

Nealey accepted the PADD from Freya and put it down at her side.

Nealey smiled. "Don't worry about it Lieutenant. I'm Lieutenant Brinsley - Chief of Operations. I was just on my way to breakfast actually - would you care to join me? My wife is having a lie in today because she's feeling a bit under the weather"

Freya nodded. "Sounds like an excellent idea. So you are on board with your family?", she enquired, as they continued towards the dining hall.

"I am. There's me and my wife plus my younger sister...and then there's my two daughters too. I suppose I'd better include the cat in it as well - he's the only boy in the family but I don't think it bothers him too much" Nealey responded.

Freya laughed. "Must be quite hectic then! It's taking me some time to get used to families on board to be honest. I don't have much family myself, only my grandfather and my sister, and they are a long way away." She sighed as they finally got to the dining hall, and made a beeline for the replicator. "Coffee, black, strong," Freya ordered, yawning as she grabbed her cup. "My third one already. I have a feeling this will be a long day."

"It can be but I wouldn't have it any other way" Nealey said.

She replicated herself a cup of tea before thinking about what she was going to have to eat. Normally she liked to rotate what she had but today Nealey was drawing a blank - nothing particularly stood out.

Nealey sighed. "I'm so hungry but I can't decide what I want..."

Freya took a big swig of her coffee, and smiled. "I know what I'm having." She turned to the replicator. "One Spanish Omelette with Ham, Cheese and Chorizo." She took her plate and turned to Nealey. "Might be something for you, if you like egg and potato. Anyway, I'm going to find a table." She smiled and walked off, sitting down at a nearby table, and began to eat.

Nealey ordered herself a cooked breakfast - without any eggs - and headed over to the table Freya had chosen. She put her tray down before sitting down herself - taking a sip of her tea before starting to eat.

"This is delicious" Nealey commented.

"Well we certainly need a good breakfast, don't we?" Freya laughed. "Seems we are pretty close to getting underway, so I'll be spending most of today going through the navigational charts and maps for our route. The fun part of a Conn officer's duties." She snorted and took another drink of coffee. "Ops must be quite busy as well at the moment?"

Nealey nodded. "Operations has got a to-do list longer than my arm and not enough staff - but I'm confident we'll get there before we depart spacedock as it's a great team. My partner's a conn officer as well so I'm sure you'll get to know her soon enough"

Freya looked up, and shook her head. "Of course, Madison Brinsley. Should have put one and one together." She laughed. "Sorry, brain is still half asleep. I'm planning a meeting with the conn officers later today. Well, I say meeting. Really, it's just Madison and I at the moment. Hopefully they'll send us someone, else we're going to have a bit of a problem."

Nealey grinned. "I'm sure she'll be along - she said she's going to see the doctor later this morning so hopefully they can give her a clean bill of health. I would have brought a couple of my colleagues over from the Victoria too - but as they're Tactical and I've moved back to Operations - I don't think it'd have been the right move for them"

Freya smiled as she finished her breakfast. "Well, we still have a few days, so here's hoping. Remind Madison to report to my quarters at 1900 hours. Since I don't have an office, quarters will have to do." She gathered up her things and placed them on a tray. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant." She held out her hand. "To good co-operation?"

"Of course - I'll remind her when I catch up with her at lunch. A pleasure to meet you too Lieutenant" Nealey replied.

She stood up and shook Freya's hand - watching her depart before sitting back down and continuing to eat her breakfast.


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