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First Glance

Posted on Saturday June 11th, 2022 @ 12:08am by Cadet Senior Grade Cody Matthews & Cadet Senior Grade Loren Finanahad

1,000 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Cody and Loren's room
Timeline: 2395


Loren tapped in the code he'd been given by the quartermaster, and the doors to his quarters, his shared quarters, slid open. Not sure if his roommate was asleep, or even there, he eased into the room as quietly as he could. As the doors closed behind him, he moved further into the room and took the duffle bag from his shoulder, and eased it to the floor. Then he looked around.

Walking out from the bathroom, toothbrush in hand, Cody stopped short when he heard the doors to his quarters close. Stepping further into the room, he saw a person he didn't recognize, not that he recognized many people yet. Clearing his throat, he said "Excuse me? Can I help you?"

Loren kept his eyes focused on the face of his new roommate, a rather handsome face he thought, and one that bore a confused appearance.

"Sorry," he said, "I wasn't sure that you'd be here. I'm Loren Finanhad, I've been assigned to this room. I think we're going to be roommates. Didn't anyone tell you?"

Composing himself, Cody replied "I apologize, I didn't realize you'd be moving in so soon. I was told I'd be getting a roommate, but I wasn't told any more details, just that they'd arrive at some point." Stepping forward, he extended a hand and said "I'm Cadet Senior Grade Cody Matthews. It's nice to meet you. I hope you don't mind that I took the bottom bunk and made myself at home."

Loren took the other man's hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Cody. I don't mind at all. Bottom, top, doesn't matter to me. I'm not picky. You're fine"

"By the way, I'm also a Cadet Senior Grade. Right now, I'm a nurse, but I want to become a doctor someday. What about you, what position are you looking for?"

Smiling, he replied "Right now, I'm splitting my duties between Counselling and the Medbay. I'm not sure which I want to do more, because I like helping people. At the Academy, I've done well in both areas of study, so I'm looking forward to experiencing them in the real world." Pausing, he added "I was just about to do some reading before bed, I'll let you settle in. Let me know if you need anything." Placing his toothbrush in its case, on top of his very regulation specific organized dresser, he picked up a padd and reclined on his bed. He was looking forward to the next chapter in one of his favorite 20th-century novels and was hoping to be able to finish it before his duties kept him too busy.

Loren tossed his bag on the top bunk, then opened it and took out a change of clothing.

"I'm going to grab a shower, be back shortly, you can tell me about the ship if you're free but no pressure."

Then he left the room, moving into the room Cody had come out of. assuming it was the bathroom.

He came back inside about half an hour later with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Cody looked up as he heard the bathroom door open, and took a moment to compose himself. He'd been used to sharing a room over the years at the Academy, but it had sometimes been a challenge keeping his thoughts in check. Loren was an attractive man, and Cody wouldn't deny that some of his thoughts were non-regulation. However, he wasn't ready to take that step in his journey yet, knowing it would be a big one and something he'd have to prepare for. Clearing his throat, he said "If you'd like some privacy to get changed, I'll turn back to my book. I don't want to make you uncomfortable Loren."

"Very little makes me uncomfortable. You can avert your gaze if you'd prefer. There is something you should know about me, though."

Not looking up at Loren, trying to hide his embarrassment, Cody replied "What is it, Loren? I hope I haven't said anything to offend you." Having met a range of different types of people and species during his brief time at the Academy, Cody was always careful in what he said, to avoid offending anyone. Likely part of that behavior was from his upbringing.

"A lot of people confuse me with a Trill, because of the spots, but I'm not. I won't bore you with the details, but I am Kriosian and an empathic metamorph. That is pretty rare among my people, at least for a male. It means a lot of things, but the, how do Terrans put it, bottom line it means I can read surface thoughts, and the more I get to know someone the deeper I can read their thoughts."

Somewhat shocked by Loren's openness, Cody took a moment and replied "Thank you for sharing that with me Loren. I hope I don't think of anything to upset you by accident. Please let me know if I do. I want us to get along as roommates, especially when we really don't know a lot of others on board yet."

The nursing cadet shrugged his shoulders, "You're welcome. I just thought it would be good to let you know. And, I'm pretty sure nothing you think is going to upset me."

"I want to get along as roommates as well, and I do want to know more about you. I'll try not to be too reserved or stand-offish."

Smiling, Cody said "I look forward to getting to know you. For now, though, I'd like to get a bit of reading done to relax before bed. I know tomorrow is going to be another busy day."

"Of course." Loren replied. "I think I'm actually going to turn in now. I've got a bit of space lag. It's like 0200 for me."

Nodding, Cody replied "Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning.


Cadet Senior Grade Cody Matthews
Counselor's Aide/Nurses Aide

Cadet Senior Grade Loren Finanahad

Tag Finanhad


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