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Recipe prt 2: The cook off.

Posted on Tuesday June 21st, 2022 @ 9:28am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Stan More & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi

3,551 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 6 - Crew Mess Hall/Lounge
Timeline: In Transit; Cardassian Refugees on board
Tags: Cardassian, Galoe, Refugees, Cookoff


-Mess hall-

It had been 24 hours since Sam had challenged Galoe to a cook off. The Cardassian seemed relieved that they had asked for a days delay. He had a sneaking feeling Galoe was not as knowledgeable about Earth dishes as he had boasted.

Sam half dragged Stan into the Mess hall. On the way he had explained everything that had happened so far.

“ I need you to roll up those sleeves and start cooking youngling.” Perkins said

“ I am not sure my gran is nay going to like this? Here broth recipe is a family secret.” Stan said

“ It’s for the honour of not only Starfleet but the Poseidon.” Sam said

Nodding Stan began his task.

After some researching Perkins had discovered a Cardassian version of an old Earth favourite of the mid to late 20th century , Mac and cheese. Basically boiled macaroni in a cheddar and mozzarella cheese sauce. But the Cardassian version had ground in insects and a very spicy vegetable. Grown in the hot springs on Cardassia prime. After checking with the ships botanist he found they actually had some. He showed the others the recipe.

“ It smells disgusting but I am told it was Galoe’s childhood favourite.” Perkins said

Oscar was off his shift, having planned this beforehand, and had spent time in his shared quarters planning his dish and working around the Cardassian elements. He arrived in the mess hall with his dish of Kasha, with a side of Borscht and Khleb in tow in containers. Having spent much of the time trying to figure out how to properly make a dish, he settled for simply making the one he agreed on. He had added his own unique blend of spices, with some flavoring his mother had taught him.

Presenting his dish and setting it near Sam's, Oscar greeted him.

"Good evening, Commander! I am ready and present as promised," he greeted. "This dish is entirely human, sadly. porridge, beet soup, and rye bread. In my native tongue, Kasha, with a side of Borscht and Khleb. It is simple and surely shall win over his heart."

Sam smiled.

“ Good. I think a full table spread of dishes would be a good idea. Each one of us works on their own dish. For me it’s this Cardassian version of Mac and Cheese. But there is no way I am killing real creatures to make it. I will adapt it using spices instead.” Sam said rolling his sleeves up.

Oscar gave a nod and began to set up his dishes, as well as begin to prepare to work on bettering them before the competition start. He would also offer help if asked.

Sam looked at the vegetable he had brought with. To put in the Cardassian version of Mac & Cheese Galoe liked. He looked at Oscar.

“ Oscar do you think this is suppose to be this color?” He asked

Oscar did a double-take at the traditional and ancient Macaroni and Cheese dish; the dish wasn't the right color. He tilted his head, and with permission, gave a taste. His eyes looked confused at first, then shrugged. "The color is off," he critiqued, "but it tastes better than the usual dish. I think it's fine."

Lieutenant Kicil stepped timidly into the mess hall and lounge pushing a small cart of food she had prepared. She was off duty and allowed her jet black hair hang loose down to the small of her back. She chose to wear one of her finer dresses made to appear like dark scales and exposed both her mid rift and right shoulder. She slowly made her way over to the table where Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins and Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi were. "Good evening Commander Perkins, Lieutenant Vladinchi. I have prepared traditional Cardassian meal of Sem'hal stew with Yamok sauce and for dessert a Larish pie. I also brought from my private reserve a Cardassian wine, K'Hava, it has a delicate flavor and is called a drink of friendship. It may give us an edge. I also brought a small jar of Yamok sauce and a small jar of Kamoy Syrup, they are similar to the condiments Terrans call Ketchup and Mustard in Cardassian society." she stated with a shy smile. "May I assist you with anything?"

"Hello Dr. Kicil, I am T'Pri, may I ask you a question?" T'Pri asked.

Lieutenant Kicil turned and straightened "Of course Commander T'Pri, what is your question?" she asked suddenly self-conscious about her appearance and joining the group in their endeavor.

"Do you share your culture's predilection for practical jokes?" T'Pri asked.

Kicil regarded the Vulcan for a moment "I happen to enjoy a good joke, practical or otherwise, however it has nothing to do with my culture. I happened to have been raised on Vulcan by my adoptive Vulcan parents and aunt." She waited to see how T'Pri responded to that reply, she meant no offense but she wanted Commander T'Pri to understand that she was not your typical Cardassian.

T'Pri then raised her hand giving the Vulcan salute.

"Your service honors us". T'Pri said.

"Tell me, do you prefer Cardassian dishes or Vulcan dishes?" T'Pri asked.

Kicil as she raised her hand giving the Vulcan salute "Dif-tor heh smusma." she replied, greeting Lieutenant Commander T'Pri. "I enjoy both, I am particularly found of Ulan soup and Shav-rot" she replied to the question asked of her.

Oscar greeted the Lieutenant as she approached, smiling at her appearance as well as well as nodding in approval at her dish. "Very nice to meet you again, Lieutenant," Oscar said with a smile. "No doubt your dishes shall compliment this affair."

They had previously met here the day before, when Kicil had arrived and accidently ran into Oscar. Oscar smirked at the memory, remembering it as comical and a very memorable introduction.

She turned to Lieutenant Oscar "Hello Lieutenant it is nice to see you again also, and I am glad I did not collide with you again. I believe if I did I would find myself in sickbay." she replied with a smile. "I must warn you that most humans and for that matter Vulcans do not find the taste of either Yamok sauce or Kamoy syrup palatable."

"Duely noted," Oscar replied. He then moved out of the way of Sam and Kicil and started the finishing touches on his dish.

Sam looked up and smiled.

“ Hello. We have not had an introduction. I am Sam Perkins welcome to the Poseidon.” Perkins said to Kicil

Kicil smiled at Sam Perkins and said "Hello Mr. Perkins I am Kicil Priadden, newly assigned assistant chief medical officer. So which dish is yours? Also I really must ask why you challenged Galoe to a cook off? From all I heard he is a Master chef and won many awards, including several on Earth."

Perkins gave a shrug.

“ To be honest Kicil. I have no idea what happened. He was being impolite about how we humans can’t cook our own dishes. The common sense area of my brain shut down and I challenge to this cook off. At the time I had no idea he was a highly trained chef. As for my dish….A Cardassian version of Mac & Cheese. It was Galoe’s favourite when he was growing up. Minus the crushed beetle lava. Using spices instead plus this rather interesting Cardassian vegetable. Any idea what it’s name is?” Sam explained

Kicil smiled at him, "Then you obviously have not been around many Cardassians. Cardassians believe they a superior to any other known species. What makes it worse in this case is that Galoe knows he is superior to most of the individuals on this vessel when compared to him when it comes to cooking. He is merely trying to establish a dominant position in this social situation. His arrogance though will be his downfall, see I happen to be very good at gourmet cooking myself, though I admit it is a hobby of mine, hence the reason I know who he happens to be." Kicil took a look at the vegetable he showed her "It would happen to be a Ra'ast, it should be chopped and roasted with carefully selected herbs. I can say that Galoe will notice the crushed beetle larva not being in the dish, but it smells and looks delicious."

Sam nodded.

“ Thanks. I could not bring myself to cook something’s children. Even if it is only a beetle. Plus your help will be much appreciated. What type of herbs do you recommend?” Sam asked

Kicil chuckled "You do realize that many species and cultures eat insects, including many on Earth, as for what type of herbs and spices; you could use zi'ith, rih'eex and ground bratik root; but just about any herb and spice will do. The secret in Cardassian cuisine is it is about the layers. Cardassians layer the flavors because their pallet's are able to discern them."

Perkins eyes widened in surprise.

“ Really? That’s very interesting I never knew that about Cardassian recipes. So what would be the perfect way to do this layering. More spices at say the bottom of the dish then increase of decrease the intensity of the spices?”Sam asked

Kicil smiled and laughed "It is a very difficult technique, one first starts light of spice slowly grows it to a full flavor of spice then brings it back to a light flavor of spice."

“ My goodness. I think we are going to need your help on this.” Sam said

"I will attempt to teach you the technique, but it does take years to learn" replied Kicil.

“ Thanks for that. But time is not our friend on this. I don’t want to sour the dish with a badly added spice. So perhaps another time.” Sam replied

"I understand and agree. Look me up the next time you want to learn Cardassian spicing techniques." Kicil replied with a smile.

“ Commander?” Stan said

Calvin is not one to miss out on the friendly competition. Especially food, he was a good cook in the Hirsch Household. However, the near knew nothing of how to prepare a Cardassian Dish. Although, there was one dish that was of minor importance to Starfleet. Kristar roots were a primary ingredient in Halant Stew.

Krintar roots were sent throughout the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. They were a significant source of home-cooked morale if this dish was so crucial for the Cardassians to have it specially transported to Bajor while their brutal occupation.

“ Uncle….” Stan said

“I have brought Halant Stew, with freshly burrowed Kintar roots. Full of Kintar roots, over here!” Hirsch held his casserole dish upward, pointing it to Galoe. He then turned to Sam and Oscar with a cheeky grin Cal Set the Halant Stew it on the table of spreads next to Sam and Oscar’s and the incredible assortment of words that the new Chief of Medical brought onboard.

“Dr. Kecil. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Calvin lent his large hand forward for a handshake. Never one to give up a chance to be introduced to the new Doctor. "Chief of Security, USS Poseidon. Call me Calvin." He stated.

“ Uncle Sam…” Stan called

Oscar finalized his finishing touches and stood at ease beside his dish, awaiting what was to come next as those around him shared introductions. He would give a polite nod and smile to those he knew around him, and to those who didn't know him he'd give a smile and nod as well.

Kicil took the large hand in hers and smiled as she shook his hand "The pleasure is mine. It appears we have gotten ourselves in a little competition with the Cardassian Galoe, one of the refugees we are transporting. I can say he is an excellent chef from all I have read. One thing to remember folks is that most Cardassians have excellent sense of taste, compensates for the hearing." She again smiled, "However, I have confidence we shall dazzle our fine guest with the selection set out before him."

“ Uncle Perky.” Stan began.

Perkins made a shushing gesture with his hand. Then laughed nervously when the others looked at him.

“ We are not related. I am a very old friend of his fathers. This is Stan he is new to the Poseidon. His grandmothers simulated beef broth is the toast of Edinburgh. He is making it for us.” Sam said

"A pleasure to meet you, Stan. T'Pri offered. Beef Broth you say?" She continued.

“ At great personal risk. If she finds out I am doing this she will hunt me down and remove my wee body parts.” Stan said shaking his head.

“Ha ha ha ha…. Just his little joke. Our Stan is quite the joker.” Sam said nervously.

Just then Galoe came in holding a large covered pan. Sam had to admit there was a very delicious smell coming from it.

“ Greetings my soon to be vanquished fellow chefs. I present roasted goose a la orange. With olive oil basted roast potatoes and steamed broccoli. Plus for desert which my friend will bring in. A extremely old Earth desert that sadly none of you Starfleet can seem to get correct. Only I a simple Cardassian seems to do it a great service. Eton mess.” He said smugly.

“That’s funny.” Hirsch passively watched Galore bring in Teton, wheeling the dishes to the hall. “I wonder who is trying to impress whom here, Doctor.” Not long ago, Galore was spurting out that he knew the best cuisine, and Starfleet food was the pits, Cal thought.

“So, he pours sherry and orange slices on a duck. Then roasts it….” Hirsch peered over as he scanned the dish Galoe brought.

Hirsch lent a knowing glance towards Lieutenant Priadden. She was a striking female Cardassian. She was stunning. He passively waived quietly for the chief’s assistant Cecil to join him in a lean in over the Duck L' Orange.

A whisper that only Galoe could hear with those ears. “Is… Is that?….. That’s…. That’s a duck strand of white in there! Could that be feather?” Hirsch tried his best not to beam at that moment! Already this was a waste of time. Galoe just wanted to present his masterpieces and then leave the room.

“ My dear sir that is as you Starfleet say. The special ingredient. A couple of feathers from the creature that gave its life so we or I may cook it’s flesh for a dish fit for a Gul.” Galoe said

Stan looked at him in horror.

“ Och. Yer gotta to be kidding! That was a live wee beastie yer cooking!!!” Stan said shocked

“ Stan…..silence is golden…..” Perkins said

“ But!!!” Stan began

Perkins just shook his head at the young man.

“Lt. Priadden” Hirsch lent his calm, collected, relaxed smile to this welcomed new member of the Poseidon. “It is very, very nice to meet you.” Calvin smiled, which, was a gush for Hirsch.

Kicil turned and with a smile replied to Lieutenant Hirsch "Pleasure is mine. I am the new assistant chief medical officer. Hoping to help my fellow crewmates win a little challenge in a cooking contest."

Perkins pointed at Galoe.

“ Did you know he’s using a real Duck for that dish not a simulated one” Sam said

"Oh Dear, oh dear indeed. If it is real." Hirsch's eyes lit up. "Starfleet Section. 5. Criminal Code B-29-03..." Hirsch then checked his handy wristwatch, taped in some info... C 54, Sorry. The live transfer of Aquatic Wildlife classes 30-30 Wild Mallards is in conflict with Federation Legislation. I'm sorry. This dish is illegal. If it was indeed transferred off world, or even DNA identified as black market trade. Shame." Hirsch shook his head. "Did you know about this Galoe?"

"Lieutenant, may I ask what Starfleet regulation say about the transfer of frozen, deceased Aquatic Wildlife?" asked Kicil

Galoe began to laugh.

“ Really Starfleet you can’t beat me so now it’s trying to cheat. Well I also share this officers curiosity. But something for you to bare in mind. I may be the holder of your planets most prestigious awards for cookery. However I am not Starfleet nor for now are my people. Hence I am not governed by your laws. Also and I am sure the good doctor will agree. My race must consume real meat products to function. Therefore if you look in your tiny book of rules you will see a side note. Saying what I have done is legal for Cardassian’s.” Galoe said smugly.

Perkins looked at Hirsch.

“ Please tell me he’s wrong,” Sam whispered.

Kicil shook her head and replied "I am afraid he is correct, with a caveat, it does not have to be alive. Hence the reason I asked about the transfer of frozen, deceased Aquatic Wildlife. As I was underway to the Poseidon, I reviewed the ships manifest of food stock brought on board and in the pantries, refrigeration units, and freezer units. It pays to know what is in stock. Real food and not replicated food makes for much better Diplomatic and special occasion meals."

Sam sadly shook his head.

“ If he’s using the real thing. We are done for. Arrrrr what have I done?” Perkins said beating his head.

"Looks like you were fooled again, Mr. Perkins." T'Pri said.

Sam gave a shrug.

“ Well let’s start plating up. It’s time to put our dishes on the table.” Perkins said

So he began spooning his Cardassian Mac and cheese into a bowl. As a finishing touch he sprinkled some chives over the top. Galoe had started to spread his dish out. Perkins had to admit it did smell good.

Kicil chuckled and looked at Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins "Do you often get yourself in these situations Commander?" she asked as she began setting out her dishes.

Oscar smiled at the joke as he set his dishes out and politely assisted others.

"Its alright Sam its part of your charm" T'Pri said.

Kicil laughed and opened the bottle of K'Hava she had brought and poured a glass for everyone present. She then handed a glass to Galoe first then made her rounds to everyone else "In the spirit of friendship" she said to everyone and held her glass high.

Galoe looked at the glass Kicil handed him.

“ Oh my. I have not had this since……. I am sorry……I am sorry….. congratulations everyone you beat me. I must go. I lay my colours before you sir’s and ladies.” Galoe placed the glass on the table and left the room in a hurry.

Sam looked at Kicil.

“ What just happened?” He asked

"I am not sure to be honest, but I offered Galoe a glass of K'Hava wine. It is a Cardassian wine and is called a drink of friendship, from my personal reserve I brought with me. Since the war I know there has been extremely limited amount left." replied Kicil. "I meant no offense to Galoe, merely a simply taste of home; and for us all to enjoy a friendly bit of competition in friendship."

Oscar watched Galoe leave, looking concerned between those present. He gently scratched his chin, wanting to chase him and ask what happened, but feeling that maybe he'd be overstepping his bounds. He quickly rushed off, trying to catch up to Galoe and gently placing a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

“ Best let him go. Whatever it was I got the feeling he did not wish to share.” Perkins said

Hirsch narrowed his eyes. While the complexities of Federation Wildlife Management Law was not as so cut and dry as Kicil seemed to be at ease. Frankly, most legislation was indeed out of date and technically if brought to a Federation Arbitrator, as to which Hirsch could, would quickly get caught up in headlines. The Eco-Groups of the Federation would be the first to cry "foul" or in this case Duck. Hirsch let sleeping ducks, sleep?

"I see Galoe can be of a dramatic exit. Completely not his type of character." Hirsch smiled at Kicil.

“ No. something is wrong here. Maybe the wine sparked a bad memory?” Perkins suggested

Hirsch had prodded at his now cooled off pie. Cal frowned. "Galoe having bad memories. Never!" He scoffed, but then rolled his eye to himself, and thought for a moment. "That was weird, yes Sam."

T'Pri looked at the pie it seemed to have been prepared correctly.

"What is in it, Calvin?" T'Pri asked.

"This old thing? He toyed with the dish as he then cut a slice and plated it for T'Pri with a fresh fork and plate. "Hirsch family old humble goodness." He handed T'Pri a slice. "Green apples, crisp and caramel pie filling. Homemade crust." Cal winked.



Lieutenant Micheal Stevens
Chief Operations
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Kicil Priadden
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


Ensign Stan More ( NPC Perkins )
USS Poseidon


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