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There is something in the Lab

Posted on Thursday December 9th, 2021 @ 11:48am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch

2,634 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Science Lab & Corridor outside.


-Science Lab-

Perkins rubbed his chin as he entered the Science Lab. He had been given a padd with some rather interesting data from the recent probe. A strange asteroid had been found. Some samples had been taken and after the usual quarantine. They were now in the Science Lab waiting for Analysis.

Entering the lab he moved over to a couple of small cactus like plants with flailing tentacles.

“ Hello Norman and Susan how are you today?” He asked them. Usually they would wave a tentacle or two at him. But today they seemed subdued.

It was then that Perkins noticed the air in the Lab felt colder than normal.

“ Computer raise the temperature in her please.” Perkins said.

++ I’m sorry Sam I can’t do that.++The computer responded

“ Computer?” Perkins said alarmed

++ In fact Sam it’s far to hot in here. Turning off heating altogether.++ The computer replied

First his breath began to mist. The ice began to form on the surfaces. His teeth began to chatter and his skin came out in goosebumps.

Perkins tried to press controls on the terminal.

++ You should not do that. I think you should stop. Removing air from lab.++

Sam could not stop here , he got up and after grabbing Norman and Susan. Who both began to droop in their pots. He rushed out into the warm corridor.

-Corridor outside Lab -

Once outside he sank to the ground panting. Norman and Susan began to recover. People were looking at him as he sat there.

Saeko happened to be passing by the science lab when she saw a science officer burst from the lab and collapsed onto the ground, clutching what looked to be two potted plants.

"Holy smokes!" Saeko exclaimed. "Are you okay?"

Hirsch was jogging along the corridor of the ship, listening to his tunes. His view rounded a corner near Lincoln and Redway crossing on the deck plan. He slowed down to notice a small... Was it a scene, or a situation. Involving Lt. Commander Perkins and Lt. Busujima respective.

"Can I help?" Hirsch had smelled the unmistakable scent of cold co2 rapidly evaporating into the hall. Hirsch's eyes focused on Sam as he knelt to meet the Officer. "What happened, Sam?" Calvin was concerned about to hit his communicator to inform the Sick Bay. Although, it looked more like a temporary.... "What happened here?" Hirsch turned his gaze to Saeko.

Norman and Susan began flailing their tentacles as if they were trying to explain to Hirsch and Busijima. What had just happened in the Lab. Sam took a few deep calming breaths before speaking.

“ The science lab computer has gone crazy. It decided to not only turn off the heat but also the air….. it’s like the thing has become self aware or something.” Perkins said to them.

Slowly he got to his feet. Perkins gave Norman and Susan a quick look over. The plants seemed to be ok. Like himself they were a little spooked by what had just happened.

"Is.. Is your plants ok?" Hirsch had known that the Lt. Commander had deep affinity for his botanical albeit semi sentient looking beings. Hirsch narrowed his eyes. "The computer. That is rather implausible. Safety guards did not enact?" By mandate, Starfleet systems had redundant safeguards ensuring that if a life form was in a room, carbon-based oxygen breathing, there would be an over ride.

Perkins put Norman and Susan down in a safe part of the corridor.

“The science computer has a whole string of safeguards. This should not have happened. Mind you the way things have been going lately. Someone could of messed with the computer. We need to get back in there and find out what is going on. I would rather not go alone would you two help by coming with me?” Sam asked

Calvin had watched Norman and Susan set down safely. He was glad to see that after all Perkin's had been through that him and his plants were ok. Hirsch entered security coding in to the hallway interface outside the lab. A quick check had showed that the safeties were operating within normal parameters and that despite the incident oxygen and atmosphere was restored to normal levels. "It would seem that everything inside the lab is operating normal." He rubbed the side of his noggin thinking how odd things were acting on the Poseidon.

"Shall we re-enter?" Hirsch had gestured for Lieutenant Busujima to enter, and then paused and letting out a sigh. "I had best enter first." Calvin clasped his type II phaser at his holster and engaged the doorway, as he lent a hand outward to gesture Perkin's and Saeko to stay a safe distance.

Perkins shook his head.

“ We should go together plus. It might be a prudent idea to wear EVA suits just in case.” Perkins warned.

"He's got a point." Busujima added. "Given the stuff I've seen happen on board lately, I wouldn't be surprised if false computer readings were a thing."

Sam nodded at Busujima.

“ Yes it is very easy to send out false readings. We could walk wright into a vacuum in there. Although I hope not there are other plants in there. Without air they could die.” Perkins said

"I know we store some EVA suits in the shuttlebay; why don't I go run and grab some?" Saeko proposed.

Sam looked at Hirsch.

" I think we really should." Sam said

"Yes. That would be prudent." Hirsch had nodded. "Why did I not think of that?" He shook his head. As Saeko had went to get the EVA suits in the shuttle bay down the hallway. Cal had turned to Sam. "So what were you working on before the Computer had turned. Odd?" Hirsch was perplexed.

“ I was looking a scan of some odd samples one of our probes brought back from a nebula. On a padd.” Perkins explained

"So the computer didn't activate any protocol. Did it report anything to you before this happened?"

“ No. As soon as I spoke to it all this started.” Sam said.

Hirsch breathed outward as he tapped on the side of the door frame, helping him think things through. "That... That is extremely odd."

Suddenly Norman started to flail his tentacles. Perkins looked at it then he looked at Hirsch. Who was tapping the door frame. A warning light went off in Sam’s head. He pulled his friend away from the door. Just as it began to crackle with electricity.

“ Watch out!!” Perkins said

Calvin had suddenly felt his hair raise across his body. What was a split millisecond of conscious thought, he heard Perkins call something out. Only then it was too late as Hirsch's body was electrocuted, his hand unable to let go from the doorframe. Only when Hirschs body had begun to lunge forward, as his eyes rolled back into his head did his hand slip its grip from the Lab Doorway.

A Thud! Hit the ground as Calvin lay there.

Sam knew in the time it took the medics to arrive Calvin could be dead. He quickly ran a tricorder over Hirsch’s body. The charge had not been as bad as it looked. Still enough to knock someone out but not for long. Luckily in his rush to leave the Lab. Perkins still had his science back pack with him. He rummaged through the contents and found a hypo. After fiddling with it he pressed it against Hirsch’s arm.

“ Calvin…..Calvin….” He said.

A quick gasp had Hirsch coming into consciousness. A split-second dose of danger sparked the delayed response playing out as Cal jolted to the side of the floor, grasping at his phaser.

The fuzzy lighting from the hallway had cleared into focus. He had a mild headache but nothing of concern for the moment.

Saeko had just rounded the corner with 3 EVA suits in hand when she heard Calvin getting electrocuted, just barely able to see him fall past the heavy EVA suits that were partially obstructing her vision. As soon as Hirsch hit the deck, Saeko dropped the EVA suits and rushed over.

"Jeezus; can't leave boys alone for one second without them doing something stupid." She grumbled. "Perhaps Charlie's not that far off when she says they should scrap this old bucket."

“ The Poseidon is a refined old lady. She’s not an old bucket.” Sam replied

“Thank you. I am quite fine.” Hirsch scoffed off the embarrassment of thudding to the floor. A slight tick was seen in his left eye, which eventually faded. “Now. Where were we? Were we?” He had turned to the doorway, now seeing Lieutenant Saeko arrive with EVA suits.

Giving a polite nod to Norman, Calvin stated. “Norman. Thank you. I owe you one.” He tried to wink, but the tick had completed that first to Norman.

As if the plant understood Calvin. Norman bowed its centre stem at him.

"I believe we were at suiting up." Saeko said, turning and picking up two of the EVA suits from the floor and tossing them in the direction of the two men.

“Thanks. Are these things insulated only if the computer in there has got one sandwich short of a picnic. It might try and fry us again.” Sam warned.

Hirsch had suited up having his tricorder at his side, along with his type II phaser. He checked his com badge just in case. =^= Hirsch to Perkins, Busujima. Do you hear me correctly? =^=

“ =/\= Yup I hear you. =/\=“ Sam replied

=A= "Loud and clear." =A= Saeko responded.

Hirsch acknowledged with a nod making eye contact with the three of them. “Good.”

=^= Sam, does everything look ok? =^= Calvin had watched as Sam checked the lab informatics display once more before entering.

“ =/\= Yes the door does not seemed to be electrified now. But watch your…..=/\=“ Sam began as the Lab doors opened

=A="Magnetize your boots to the deck plating."=A= Saeko said, doing what she described as the doors opened. =A="The pressure equalizing could have similar force to being sucked through an airlock."=A=

" =/\= Good idea. =/\= " Perkins said giving Saeko the thumbs up.

Cal had nodded in agreement. This would be a must with the way the computers were acting.

Through the open doors they could see just inside. Because it was almost pitch black. There seemed to be a red glow picking out features nearest the emergency lighting. But very little else. It made Perkins feel uneasy.

“ Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly….” Sam said

"=/\= Your references are quite apt. Did anyone ever tell you that Commander? =/\=" Hirsch had reached and took out his palm search light, which was already an included attachment to the EVA suits that Lieutenant Busujima provided them.

-Science Lab-

Perkins did not like this. The lab was to dark for his liking. Plus he kept having the feeling they were being watched.

As they had each filtered out into the open lab layout the premesis had seemed sterile, yet almost... Hirsch didn't enjoy the feeling that had waved through him. "=/\= The experiment you were working on Sam. Where is it? =/\="

Sam pointed to the front.

" Over there..." He responded.

++ He's got company......shhhhhh......Hello Sam I see you have not come alone....I told you.....shhhhh ++

Perkins looked at the other two.

" Something is wrong here,I know those voices.." Perkins whispered

"That's definitely not the computer talking..." Saeko agreed before realizing one of the voices had some familiar inflections. "Wait a minute..."

Saeko stopped moving where she was as the painful memories came back to her, and she was seemingly paralyzed by fear.

Sam looked over to her.

“ Saeko? Are you ok?” He whispered

Hirsch had stopped. He was on his way to the experiment area, when he turned to see Lieutenant Busujima. She looked to be conflicted with a thought, perhaps an image? Hirsch had turned his tricorder at her direction. "I'm getting EM readings off the charts. Something is targe-" Just then, Hirsch's tricorder was hit out of his hand flying nearly halfway across the large lab, slamming to the floor.

"Lieutenant." Hirsch questioned Busujima. What was happening?

"No... No, it can't be..." Saeko muttered, placing her gloves on her helmet. "That's impossible!"

++ “ What did you do?…shhhhh!!”++

Perkins backed away slightly.

“ What on one of Jupiter’s moons is going on!” He said

Calvin was concerned as the situation was quickly out of his control. "Computer. Initiate Computer Security Lock Down. Gamma 447-0221 Security Enact." The main laboratory computer processed the request its sequences tweaking and notified that the changes were logging, and then the computer had reported. = Error to Command Prompt Request Error 8909. =

"Stay back!" Saeko shouted. "You lost before, and you'll lose again!"

+Is that so? ...Shhhhh...+

++” Billy we have gone too far…….Shut up Burrows!” ++

Suddenly things began to come into focus. Sam’s rage took over.

“ CADET BURROWS!!!!!WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!!” He shouted advancing towards the computer.

++ “ It was his idea!! Shut up Burrows for all they know the computer has gone crazy…” ++

"Burrows? As in related to Commander Michael Burrows, who tried to rape me all those years ago??" Saeko suddenly asked, the rage escalating in her voice.

++ The family kicked him out. We don’t want that kind of person in our circle…..Borrows shut up you idiot!! No I wanted to let her know we are not all monsters like that… shut up”++

Hirsch had listened his hands on his phaser at his side now, ready to draw at the situation developing. The visuals, or distortions in the lab atmosphere was becoming more apparent. Between the red alert and emergency powered lighting in the lab, the scene was beginning to play theatrical.

"Who is there?! Stop what it is that you are doing! This is a severe security breach and you will be charged." Hirsch spoke clearly and loudly.

The lights in the lab came on. Slowly two rather shamed faced Cadets slowly stood up. Sam felt his face turn the same colour as his hair.

“ I am so sorry Calvin and Saeko. I thought the computer had gone mad. I had no idea these two idiots decided to end their Starfleet careers by playing a prank on us.” Perkins said apologising.

"It's fine; it's just..." Saeko spluttered, blushing. "I need to go back to my quarters. You're on your own as far as putting back the EVA suits..."

And before either Hirsch or Perkins could stop her, Saeko turned around and walked out of the lab, heading back to the shuttlebay to return her EVA suit.

Perkins looked at the two Cadets. Then he turned to Hirsch.

“ I am so sorry about this. Look if you wish to go I’ll sort these bottom feeders out. Believe me they will be wishing their mothers had headaches. On the day they were conceived.” Sam said.

"Cadets. Names. Lt. Commander, please the officers names." Calvin was furious, as Hirsch had bristled from within. The Officer was known as being fair, and mild, yet when he was pissed off he became intolerable. Hirsch scowled, as he walked across the two cadets in front of him.

“ Cadet HenrySmith and Cadet David Burrows” Sam said seething.

"What you have done here. We have plenty of time to discuss they cadets are confined to their quarters until further noticed. No privilege's except for basic functions.”

Both cadets nodded and left with their heads bent from the lab.


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Saeko "Crazy Horse" Busujima
Squadron Leader
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


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