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Engineering meeting

Posted on Tuesday January 25th, 2022 @ 1:16pm by Lieutenant Miles O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant J'Loni Mo'Bri Daughter House L'Keth & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord

1,381 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: After Maintenance Post


After his tight trip into the Jefferies tubes, Sharpe walked into his Office, updated his filed and tapped his Commbadge =/\= Commander Sharpe to all Engineering staff, meeting my office in five minutes, Sharpe out =/\= he said and prepared the Padds he had ready for his senior engineering staff to arrive.

Banging her head as usual, "Augusfratt!!," standing up rubbing her ridges, she dropped off her tools and headed to the bosses office.

"You rang Chief?," J'Loni asked finding a place to sit.

Lazarus Kord was in the middle of doing routine maintenance on a power conduit near Engineering. Once he heard the call for a meeting from his combadge, he quickly and promptly redid all connections and closed the panel before arriving where instructed.

"Reporting as ordered," he announced as he arrived beside J'Loni.

"Sir, sorry for the delay, but I am here," O'Connell stated as he stepped into the doorway of Sharpe's office which was simpler to do since he was literally already on his way to see the boss when the message went out.

Receiving the summons, Lethe gave a quiet grunt of acknowledgement and pushed up out of the chair where he had been going over Poseidon maintenance logs covering the last few years. He saved his progress, made sure his spines were straight and there was no food stuck in his mandibles, then made his to engineering where he quietly joined the other officers in the chief's office. "Ensign Sivarr, reporting."

Looking around the assembled, he mentally prepared himself "thank you all for being here, even though you had no choice *he smiled* this is the first meeting, I will be holding with my staff, I want us all to be on the same level and page, so here is the latest I have located the final three illegal isolinear chips, ironically they were in the Warp, Impulse and thruster systems, now we have standards ones in. Basically, the pirated Iso chips were a perverted version of a code I once created back during my academy days when I went undercover, cannot say any more than that due to confidentiality and a need to know. Anyway, these chips had a corrupted form of coding done by the Tal'Shiar, which ironically was an edited code of what I created, these chips were likely put into place when the ship was docked and under maintenance, now I am pleased to announce all are gone, but I still want a mapping of all ships systems done, now before I move on are there any questions?" Sharpe asked.

"Sir, I have only to report that most of the holo emitters you needed me to install are done. I only have the two more locations to go and then the ship will be fully accessible to our holographic emergency systems. Engineering is completely done and so are all the science labs and the bridge." O'Connell stated when asked for any questions as he felt he needed to provide an update since he was called to the gathering.

"None here," Kord said. He stood awkwardly in the room as one of the tallest, but thankfully his progress over the weeks had helped acclimate him to his coworkers and peers.

Looking at his Number two "thank you, Miles, There should only be Bridge, Engineering, Medical and Science Labs, or you might want to install some in the shuttle bays too as sometimes the injured need immediate treatment before being taken to medical" Sharpe said.

"Medical is my next target and then I will add the shuttle bays," O'Connell replied. "I will have them all up and running within the next two days."

He looks at Kord "Lieutenant Kord, what report is there from your section of engineering?" He asked the Gorn

Feeling on the spot briefly, Kord didn't initially respond. He instead glanced around as if being sure he had been called before realization hit that he was under the limelight. He gave a swift nod to his superior. Kord wasn't over any part of engineering, in particular, rather his job was mostly to utilize his skills to keep the old Miranda class ship working. Being an expert in disassembly and reassembly for ships of her class a dimension ago, he had been tasked with using those same skills to maintain the ship spaceworthiness and patch up loose ends. He had been doing that earlier just before being called here, as a matter of fact.

"Routine maintenance on the ship has increased slightly by a factor of 2%," Kord remarked, taking numbers from memory. "This is due in part to our recent mission of fixing the sabotage issues as well as addressing retrofitting issues from our previous time in spacedock. Overall, our supplies of spare parts remain at an acceptable level and other than mistakes made by cadets with the equipment, I've mostly been rerouting or patching up power conduits to better work with the upgraded systems we have now."

"You do not have to remind me about those damn Cadets Lieutenant I am still chafing at the damage they done in the Science lab not long after I got here," Sharpe said remembering that time "but good work on the rest Lieutenant Kord and thank you for your report, Lieutenant J'Loni your report please, one of you go first I do not mind who," Sharpe said.

"We have completed the work on the damaged ODN conduits and the power relays have been replaced. Power output is up by 5% currently. We hope to get it up to at least 20%," J'Loni said.

Looking at the Klingon and smiling "that is good new Lieutenant, good work with the power distribution" he said glancing around the room "are there any other reports or additions you guys need to report?" Sharpe asked.

Kord, taken slightly aback by his Chief's prior reply to his report, shook his head in the negative. "No, sir," he replied. "Nothing further."

Looking at his Deputy "and you number two, anything further before I let you all get back to your duties?" he asked the man.

"Sir, I have nothing else to add, but I will get to work on completing the holo-emitter installation. I have all the medical locations outside of the main sick bay and then the shuttle bays and the bridge to complete. I will do Medical then coordinate to do the bridge which would go quicker if I an do it during delta shift as there is a smaller staff on duty then. Otherwise, I am good to go." O'Connell stated in response to his Chief.

Holding his hand up "Woah, Holo-emitters should only be in Engineering Medical, Science lab and the bridge, this ship cannot take much more than that, so Lieutenant O'Connell please remove those from the shuttle bays" Sharpe said

"Sir, I will remove them but it was your idea to have me install them there for the off chance of emergencies," O'Connell responded.

He checked his notes and massage his temples "Yes, I did sorry Miles been a busy day, just one more location added to my checklist when I fine-tune the EMH" he pauses and looks up with a smile "okay any other business before I dismiss and allow you all to return to your tasks?

"No other business from me sir, I am ready to get back to my task at hand," O'Connell replied.

Looking at the others "What of you guys, anything further?" Sharpe asked.

"I was going to check the power taps visually to make sure we don't have inferior ones. In my repairs of the ODN conduits, several were noticed removed and replaced. There is a possibility there may be others that have gone, shall we say unnoticed at current?" J'Loni said.

Kord shook his head. "Other than unusual power fluctuations, which I've narrowed down to older power conduits needing replacement, I have nothing further to report."

"Very well, thank you all for attending and your reports, you are all dismissed," Sharpe said finally bringing the Engineering meeting to an end.


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon

Lt. J'loni MoBri Daughter House L'Keth
Damage Control Specialist
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Lazarus Lord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant JG Miles O'Connell
Assistant Chief Engineer Officer
USS Poseidon


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