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Posted on Wednesday December 8th, 2021 @ 12:55pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Commander Sam Perkins

1,492 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Engineering


- Corridor -

Sam walked along the corridor deep in thought. 75%. 25% safety 75% killing the entire crew of the USS Poseidon in some very gruesome way.

The recent batch of probes had returned from the nebula. Most of them had passed quarantine and had been allowed on the ship. Except for one probe that had raised a red light. The scanners had run a full sweep of the probe and found it was carrying an unknown substance. The readings he had taken from the ship. Had been rather strange, ranging from a gas to a solid biological mass. Perkins suspected it was a glitch in the probes onboard the computer.

Nevertheless, the computer had given him a 75% chance. That there was a threat to Poseidon. Sam argued that it could be a glitch in the system. But Starfleet science protocols were very strict. Perkins suggested a force field around the probe. But because the sample kept going from solid to gaseous. Quarantine was not convinced that it would work. Perkins was sure it would, he managed to get them to agree. Providing he spoke with engineering first.

Sam was not exactly in engineering’s good books at the moment. After what the science department's mascot did to Kord. He would have to be polite and really really hope the Norman incident was forgotten.

- Engineering -

Perkins entered engineering and looked around for Sharpe. He knew the Chief Engineer would be busy. But quarantine insisted he spoke with him first.

Sharpe was in his office when something made him look up he saw the Chief Science Officer "hello Sam, come on into my office" he said as he waved Sam to him.

He noticed Kord looking at him so Perkins hurried over to Sharpe's office. “ Hello, Paul. I know you are very busy but we have a slight problem.” Perkins noticed Sharpe looking towards the Jeffries tube grill in alarm.

“ No no, no Normans not got loose in the Jeffries tube again. Susan is keeping a watchful tendril on him. Quarantine won’t let me bring a probe in without seeing you first about a force field. Just in case there is something inside that could liquify the crew's innards.” Sam explained.

Looking away from the Jefferies tube grille Sharpe deflated a little, "oh goody no amorous plant to cope with, so Sam, what is this thing about a shield you mentioned, I am assuming there are some issues?" Sharpe responded.

Sam showed Paul the padd in his hand.

“ One of the nebula probes has picked up a strange sample that seems to alternate between solid and gas state. Quarantine is concerned that a normal force field is even at high power. Would not be able to contain it. Personally I that’s a load of hooey but you know what worrywarts those guys are like. We need to develop a protection field that won’t fail to keep it contained.” Perkins explained

Running what Sam said through his head "we might be able to supply extra power to specific force-filed emitters and back that up with power cells as backup, but the frequencies would need to be increased" Sharpe said walking over to the nearest console and began to type in test figures and began to mumble to himself.

Perkins considered what Paul had said. “ Might be a good idea to include an emergency transporter. If it looked like the field was going to be compromised. The sample would be beamed back into space.” Sam suggested

Pausing in his task he looked up at Sam "that is a very good idea, Sam, I will input that into the scenario" he said returning his attention back to the console as he adjusted things "ah, yes that will work, especially if we pull power from each of those systems" he said talking to himself.

Perkins smiled as he watched Paul. “So. How are things in engineering?” Sam asked cheerfully.

Not looking up from what he was doing "after I removed the last bad isolinear chip all seemed to run smoothly the holographic system needs some final tweaks, but eventually, you will have access to the EMH in the Science labs" Sharpe said as he finalized his calculations.

Perkins gave a sad sigh. “Oh. I am really pleased to hear that….. um, which one will it be? The one is based on Zimmerman or that blonde guy. Only I kind of don’t get on too well with the Zimmerman one.” Sam said

"Unless things change Sam it will be a female EMH called Alex, but that is subject to change, it seems the base coding of Zimmerman was altered at some point to make the EMH look like an attractive female, do not know if it has a personality, yet, only had it active in Engineering for a short time, time enough to get an operational scan and assessment done," he said and changed the subject "so, how are those annoying Science Cadets behaving since smashing up the Science lab when I first got here?" He asked.

A female EMH. Perkins remembered reading a Starfleet report into why starship crews. Preferred female voices to computers than male ones. It was stated that people listened less to a male voice than female. Well just so long as the filling matched the outer coating. He had once had a Mexican standoff with an EMH over some fungus.

“ Actually thanks for reminding me. I have three cadets who overplayed a prank. On myself, Hirsch and Busujima. So if you have anything smelly and messy for them. They will be more than happy to help.” Perkins said.

"Speak to medical, I am sure the CMO can find them something equally disgusting to do, I do not want those Cadets in my engine room, I have only just gotten it the way I like," Sharpe said and pressed a final surface and looked at Sam "okay Sam, the power is back to 100% and allowances have been made for said forcefields" he added.

“ That’s good that’s good……Um this female EMH not that it matters of course…..but I’m….who are you modelling her on it?” Sam asked

"Generic, although there may be some modifications on a cosmetic level, that is what I will have to work out with the EMH, but as regards to those Cadets I do not want them anywhere near my engine room, not even to clean the waste deuterium tanks" Sharpe responded.

Perkins looked over the panel.

“Will the sensors trigger the transporter if anything looks like it may escape? That’s ok about the Cadets. I’ll speak with medical. Whatever punishment they have must put off others from doing the same. They embarrassed me in front of my friends. No one does that….. sorry Paul.” Perkins said

Smiling, "no worries Sam, as for the sensors, yes there is two tones, a loud low pitched tone which will indicate that a containment field is weakening and a very loud annoying pitch sound that will signify a containment breach of the specimens," Sharpe said.

Perkins flexed his fingers. “If there is a complete breach how long before the automatic beam out kicks in?” Sam asked

Sharpe turns to check the readings "I can get it no lower than five seconds" he said looking back up and back at Sam and shrugged "any faster and everyone and thing not bolted down will be claimed by the void" he added.

“ Five seconds is plenty of time for something nasty to implant itself to a living thing. Look how quickly the people become Borg once they have been poked. Unless we put this probe somewhere else on the ship. Where if this does happen no one gets sucked into oblivion?” Perkins suggested

Sharpe hid a sigh "Sam, this is an old ship, you are lucky I can give you the 5 seconds, this ship is held together on promises, be lucky you have what you have in this regard Sam" he said as he reset the console and signed off and as he returned to his office "is there anything else Sam, I have other stuff to do?" He asked with a wan smile.

“No that’s fine. Perhaps we can have another movie night sometime?” Perkins said.

Giving the suggestion some serious consideration "perhaps, but let's not have too many, heh, it will spoil the novelty of them films" Sharpe said with a smile "I will let you go now Sam as I know you also have work to do" he added Sam gave him a nod and left Engineering he returned to his office "Science officers wanting more power and faster times, some wonders I cannot do!" he quietly exclaimed to himself and sat at his desk to catch up on some engineering reports.


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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