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Posted on Sunday February 13th, 2022 @ 11:25am by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek & Commander Sam Perkins

866 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Sickbay, U.S.S. Poseidon, Betreka Nebula
Timeline: Following Now It's Serious
Tags: Sam Perkins, Medbay, Betreka Nebula, Replicator Incident

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Perkins felt sad. Was he ever going to be able to use his arm again? To think the end of a promising starfleet career. All due to a couple of plants wanting their food. He hated not being able to do things. Sam couldn’t even stand for his Captain.

All in all it was only his arm that hurt really. Plus his hair was a little more frizzy then usual. It was just this problem with his arm that worried him. He hoped the doctor could fix him.

He looked up as a doctor moved up to his bio bed. Sam looked up at them and tried to smile.

“Hello“ Sam said.

With an expression with all the warmth of a nitrogen glacier and in tones appropriate in a funeral parlour, "Your recovery will be slow," as he set to checking several readings and examining what few medications he had access to at present passing by the once again shut down and sealed replicator, allowing no emotion bar mild disdain leak out despite supreme displeasure at the state of sickbay and his beyond desperate levels of medical supplies, "In addition to electrical burns, you have extensive nerve damage, not to mention compromised neurotransmitter levels," the Romulan delivered in a manner of one describing an unpleasant bout of weather to a complete and unwelcome stranger.

Perkins had expected this. In a way he was glad the Doctor had been direct with him. At least Sam knew what had been damaged and hoped they could fix it. The Chief Medical Officer moved away and Sam lay there thinking. Looking around he saw someone else in sickbay. But could not see who as there back was to him.

“ Excuse me could I ask you something?” Sam asked “ Could someone check
on my plants in the main Lab. They did not get fed.”

"Your plants are being looked after, Sam." Kana responded, stepping closer towards his biobed so that he could see her more clearly. She could sense his confusion, worry and sadness. "You suffered some pretty serious injuries from that malfunctional replicator. You're in good hands here, and you need to focus on recovery."

As she reassured him, the Chief Counsellor make sure to take particular note of the Chief Science Officer's expression and emotion. She knew that he wasn't taking his bedrest well, nor being too far away from his work.

“ Thanks. They should not suffer due to my clumsiness.” Sam said.

He sat back a feeling of relief came over him. Now if only his arm would work again. It was hard having to use your left hand when you were right handed. Silly things like scratching your nose or other parts of your body. Were not easy with the left hand unless it was a place a right hand would not reach.

“ So do you know if the engineers found out why the replicator tried to kill me?” He asked

"I do not think it tried to kill you, Sam." Kana responded promptly, "We're still investigating whether it was tampered with along with the other malfunctioning replicators. If they were, I imagine this may have been a step far beyond what they were originally intending. At least, I would hope..."

She paused for a moment, then asked. "Do you believe anyone on board has cause or wish to harm you?"

Sam could not really think of anyone on board that wanted him dead or injured.

“ That was just me making light of a bad accident. No it was just a malfunctioning replicator and my bad luck being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean some of the cadets were angry at getting low grades. But they understood why and vowed to do better. I don’t think they would kill me for that.” He replied.

"No, I don't think so either." Kana smiled, joining Sam in making light of the situation so as to reassure him. She could tell however that his earlier comment wasn't as light-hearted as he had claimed, even if he didn't realise it. This incident happening so close to the recurring nightmares about Russhook had clearly shaken the chief scientist's confidence, so Kana was equally concerned about making sure he was able to bounce back.

"Whatever the case, I don't want you to worry too much about the cause of the incident. Both Lieutenant Hirsch and Stevens are working hard to establish the causes and ensure that such incidents don't occur again. I want you to focus solely on your recovery, OK?"

Sam nodded.

Kana nodded back, content that at least Sam was beginning to recognise the need for recovery before anything else. "Good. Now I'm going to leave you in the capable hands of the Lieutenant Commander T'vek, and we'll see each other again once you've recovered fully." She turned on her heel and exited to the Medbay, giving a polite nod to the Chief Medical Officer as she left.

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Commander Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek
Chief Medical Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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