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Spectrophobia - Part One

Posted on Saturday February 12th, 2022 @ 5:10pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon

1,852 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: U.S.S. Poseidon, Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: In the Betreka Nebula; Approaching the North-East Sector
Tags: Betreka Nebula, Away Team, Akril-Class Starship

"We're approaching Subsector N-E-Thirteen now, Commander."

The Flight Control Officer on duty reported to the Executive Officer, who sat in the Captain's Chair. Simply giving a polite nod in acknowledgement, she took a sip of her black coffee - something she only drank on these "night" shifts - and sat back. Kana had begun taking a more active presence on the Bridge ever since it became clear that the Poseidon was under an active threat, so both she and Captain Johnson agreed that it was imperative that a Command Officer had to present on the Bridge at all times, in case the worst came to pass.

Despite this, the Poseidon's sweep of the Betreka Nebula had been surprisingly uneventful in terms of the actual objectives of the operation. Betreka was notorious for being a hiding spot for smugglers and bandits, yet they had discovered not a single one in their sweep thus far, and they were now reaching their last leg. In any other circumstance this might be hailed as a sign of good fortune, but with the intelligence that Lieutenant Hirsch and Lieutenant Commander T'Pri had briefed her on not too long ago, Kana worried that this was all likely due to the pirates who had seemingly started to build their own enclave in this very north-east sector of the Nebula.

Fortunately the enclave itself was still a few subsectors away, and they knew this thanks to the satellites that had been devised in order to observe it, but common knowledge would expect some sort of encounter before then. Yet there was still nothing, and with each unremarkable sweep of every subsector, Kana only grew more concerned.

"We've got something, Commander."

The Executive Officer was thrown out of her thoughts as the ship came to a sudden stop. The viewfinder up ahead quickly came into focus, and through the swirling acidic clouds of the Nebula, small pieces of debris starting coming into view. Then more, then more again.

"Scan that gas cloud up ahead; see if you can locate the central mass amongst all that debris." Kana ordered, to which her night crew - young and quickly building up their experience - dutifully obliged. She could feel amongst all of them a sudden cocktail of nervousness, excitement, determination: even though they knew they were in a dangerous environment, they were determined to meet it head-on and to do their best. Despite it being a stressful time, even a senior officer like Kana found it reassuring in its own way.

"Commander, I think you'll want to see this." The Tactical Officer on duty waved her over, a slight look of astonishment in their eyes. Kana stood and walked over, looking over his shoulder as he turned to look back at his terminal. As the two of them looked at it together in silence, everyone else looked on, waiting on tender-hooks for the next word.

After just a few moments of looking at what the scan had uncovered, Kana stood straight and tapped her commsbadge. =^= Commander Shakura to Captain Johnson and Major Graydon: I need to see you in the Captain's Ready Room immediately. We've found something. =^=

Turning to start making her way, she gave one final order to her night crew. "Hold position and continue monitoring; have the ship on Yellow Alert in case of any sudden ambush. If anything happens or changes, summon me immediately."

==== In the Captain's Quarters ====

=^= Commander Shakura to Captain Johnson and Major Graydon: I need to see you in the Captain's Ready Room immediately. We've found something. =^=

Franklin awoke with a start and a strong gasp of air at the sudden announcement that filled his quarters. Never before had he been interrupted during sleep for any manner of situation, save for the more serious encounters as of late. His blood pumped his mind to wakefulness as adrenaline surged through his veins, his flight or fight response activated. Instinct kicked in and he began to dress himself from the bed, launching himself toward the exit.

=/\= This is the Captain. On my way. =/\=

==== In the Marine Armoury ====

Phoebe had just walked out of the holodeck attached to the armoury, having just completed a brief training exercise, designed to keep her on her toes. As she was starting to stow her equipment she got the comms message to come to the Ready Room.

=/\= Graydon here, I'm on my way up. =/\=

==== In the Captain's Ready Room ====

After a quick pitstop in the bridges Head, lasting only a few minutes, Franklin emerged with a wet face and hair to better bring himself to alertness on the left side of the bridge and ran to the right to enter the foyer. He made his way into his Captain's Ready Room just in time to see his XO, Kanaka, there with a very serious expression. He had only managed a slight glance at the viewscreen on his way but didn't recall anything eventful.

"Report," he asked of his XO, taking a few breaths to slow himself. "What's wrong, Kana?"

Phoebe walked in the door, seconds behind the Captain, wearing half dress uniform, half combat gear, with a rifle slung over her back. "Apologies for the get up, I was mid-combat exercise when you called for us. What's going on?" Phoebe asked.

"Apologies for the sudden summons, Captain, Major, but you both needed to see this." Kana's expression was stern as she tapped a few keys on the Captain's Computer Terminal. The room dimmed and an image began to project out from the monitor into the wider space which they all stood around. Within a few seconds, the scatter of images came into focus: it was a three-dimensional projection of the Poseidon's current surroundings, showing the ship itself and the classification of gas clouds that currently swirled around it. The keen-eyed would notice that there were a number of other small particles drifting amongst them.

"This is North-East Subsector Thirteen. The ship was brought to an emergency stop out of warp speed due to the increased density of debris. This is why." Kana pressed another key on the Captain's Terminal, and the projection enhanced the large gas cloud that loomed ahead of the Poseidon. As it came into focus, the signatures of two hulking masses began to define themselves, though incomplete due to the disruption of the clouds on the sensors. Yet, all those assembled were well acquainted enough with military technology to recognize the resemblance of both: Cardassian and Klingon.

"It seems as though we've trespassed on what looks like to be the remains of an encounter between the Cardassian Union and Klingon Empire. Scans suggest the two vessels could be an Akril-Class Starship and a K'vort-Class Bird-of-Prey, though it's impossible to be certain without venturing into the cloud to investigate further." She walked around the desk and towards both Franklin and Phoebe as she explained the situation. Meanwhile, the projection displayed reconstructions of the aforementioned classes, along with the relevant statistics.

"However, while this may seem like just the remains of a long-ago conflict, I think the fact that we've stumbled upon this as we've progressed closer towards the supposed location of a pirate station means that if we've found it, it's likely they have as well..." She paused for a moment. "...It could be the salvage of wrecks like these that have allowed them to operate more offensively as of late. To be sure, we'd have to send a Forensic Away Team to investigate."

She looked to them both, waiting to hear what they both had to say.

Franklin listened intently to his XO, quietly looking between all present and the projection before settling back on the information display. His mind was racing briefly as thoughts of possible attack surged, then the realization it was a benign situation settled in. He reviewed the schematic information as well as the historical overlay from the projection, something he never seemed to like to use for his personal use but was happy the XO made use of. Giving a firm nod after her explanation, he looked at Kana.

"An away team you say?" he inquired, giving a smirk. He looked to his 2XO before continuing. "Who do you think - who do you both think - should lead and participate?"

His question was asked to both, so his eyes scanned between them as he awaited an answer.

"Standard Starfleet Practice mandates that I lead the Away Team, sir." Kana promptly interjected, before looking at Major Graydon. "This is why I thought it important for you to be here as well: First, in my absence, I will need you to support the Captain on the Bridge until my return. Second, in the absence of the Forensic Away Team I'm required to assemble, the readiness of the Marines will be crucial to ensure the security and continued smooth operation of the Poseidon. Third..."

She stepped back and tapped the Captain's Terminal once again, which reset the projection back to the position of the Poseidon in relation to the rest of the Subsector. "...Our current position, with the mixture of the disruption from the gas clouds and extensive debris, is tactically vulnerable. We have no way of getting a distress signal out cleanly, and our sensors will have a harder time spotting any approaching vessels, especially if cloaked." This was a distinct possibility, what with the salvageable parts of a Klingon Bird-of-Prey at play.

"Therefore, I need the Marines to be ready to fight a pitched defence of the ship in the event of a surprise attack. Do you understand, Major?" Kana asked, her tone serious, though her eyes showing the deep personal trust she had built with Phoebe since the beginning of their mission.

Phoebe nodded once. "I understand what must be done Commander. We'll be ready when you need us."

Content with the Major's answer, Kana turned her attention to her Captain. "As for who should be a part of the Away Team, I have the people I require in mind. Since this will be a forensic endeavour, we'll be best served by the most analytical minds on-board: Lieutenant Commander Perkins, Lieutenant Commander T'vek, Lieutenant Commander T'Pri, Lieutenant Commander Sharpe and Lieutenant Hirsch."

The comment about "Starfleet Protocol" stung a little, as it was every Commanding Officers dream to at least go on one away mission. He gave a firm nod in reply, however, acquiescing to the primary rules that governed Starfleet.

"Alright, make it happen Number One, Number Two," he said looking between them, though firmly locking eyes with Kanaka to acknowledge her status as XO.

Phoebe nodded and stood up. "Good luck." She said. "To all of us." With that she turned, and walked out of the ready room, intending to head straight for the barracks, her need for sleep now diminished.


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Major Phoebe Graydon
Marine Commanding Officer & Second Officer
USS Poseidon


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