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Projects in Motion: Holo emitters

Posted on Wednesday February 16th, 2022 @ 10:40am by Lieutenant Miles O'Connell

762 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon
Timeline: current time


Miles was working away gathering all the supplies to allocate for the holo-emitters to be installed in the key areas of the ship.

Based on the specs, he would have to replicate forty-five emitters for places like Sick-bay and the Bridge. Engineering would likely need seventy-five emitters and then the science labs could likely get by with a holo emitter pad installed in the center tile of the ceiling as it would likely cover the whole room of each lab. Security would get one emitter per cell and then two in the main area.

He had allotted the appropriate amount of time for each location and coordinated the work to happen in the overnight shifts on the bridge and in engineering to avoid interfering with other crew and their duties.

So O'Connell started in Engineering and was able to get all of it done over two nights when the engineering staff was more or less in on-call mode. Then he worked on all the science labs and got them on par with what would end up in all the medical locations on the ship.

He then altered his direction and did Security and the science labs as they are the less active areas on the ship for the most part during delta shift.

O'Connell took a break and watched an old earth slapstick motion picture. Then once the movie was over, it was back to work for him. Holo-emitters would be the best addition to the ship as it would make it possible for so much more assistance for medical issues and so much more.

After the movie night, O'Connell set out to reinforce the holo-network that was being used to allow the EMH access to all the new emitters. If he did it correctly now then after the refit of the holo-emitters in Sickbay and the medical labs, he would know the system could support all the new emitters. He saved Medical for the last as to be able to transfer the EMH to other systems while he took the Sickbay emitter offline for the upgrade.

Once the Medical emitters were all upgraded, he then transferred the EMH back into the Sickbay systems and linked the program to recognize all emitters on the ship even those that would next be installed in the shuttle bays.

He then had to attend a meeting in Engineering to provide an update to Sharpe. He gave his updates and participated in the meeting and then got back to work. Next he would focus on the emitters in the shuttle bays which would be easy as a few in the center of each bay would do the job. The Bridge would be the final location for him to work. By his calculations, it would take three delta shifts to do the job and then maybe the EMH could ask to develop a ECH subroutine to command the ship in dire consequences.

After the meeting, Miles got back to work. He was able to complete the task of installing holo-emitters in all requested locations on the ship. He even was able to enhance the power relays that support the emitters. There should be no concerns of a power drain nor a signal derogation for the EMH. Miles was able to keep the emitters set so power was only routed to them when needed based upon the request for the EMH in a specific location. The computer relays in the areas for the emitters were also tweaked to allow for the extra program support of the EMH when needed in said areas.

After all these emitters are installed and online, it would be as if the EMH could almost act like a member of the crew and for the most part function on just about all of the ship except in individual quarters, or the corridors. The EMH would be able to leave sickbay and help the crew in just about all the locations where accidents could happen. Miles was sure this would be a great addition to the ship and set up the medical team for faster response times.

He was completed with the task the very next day as he worked on the task by pulling a double shift just because he was so close to getting it wrapped up. He was thrilled to have finished as it meant that more crew could benefit from the EMH in times of need. Now if only he had another fun task to perform. As long as he had some caffeine, he would be good to go.



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