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Fancy Meeting You Here

Posted on Thursday October 14th, 2021 @ 2:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Saeko "Crazy Horse" Busujima

1,005 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Current


After her medical exam, Saeko decided the next course of action was to grab a hearty meal before giving an inspection to the portion of the fighter wing under her command. Upon entering the mess hall, she approached the replicator; curious as to how the Poseidon's computer prepared her usual selection:

"Soba noodles and orange juice." She ordered, the requested food appearing in the replicator for her to remove and consume.

Taking her meal from the replicator, Saeko then set about finding a place in the mess hall to sit.

Calvin was more than weary lately of all the technology on the ship. Even after having had the Captain's personal replicator tampered. The ship security was an evolving situation, and having to take in account of the various intelligence, security, and command implications.

With so much going on, Calvin had stopped as he groaned. He placed his large hand at his stomach chest, feeling the vibrations deep from within. The stomach groaned, in so much as, becoming angry at Hirsch for not feeding it.

Taking a u turn, and down another deck. The quickest place for a bite to eat, Cal entered the Mess Hall. Noticing that it was packed, as it was near dinner hour, just after the last Alpha rotation. Cal quickly stood in line and then ordered a vegan Pad Thai dish, along with a tonic water.

Rounding the room, the seats and tables all were filled out. "Damn it." Hirsch had looked around. For a moment, maybe, someone would recognize that he was a Chief and that he might hear a; 'oh here Sir, have my seat. I am finished.' Nothing, nadda!

Wait. There was a seat near the stars caped windows, a two seated table. One seat had looked free. The other, well was occupied. Recognizing that the Officer was from the Squadron Unit, and was a Lieutenant. "Encounters of the Squadron Kind." Calvin had said, as he dropped in to the seat and hiked his metal seat forward. Having set his tray down, he begun to look at his food. "It's called Vegan Pad Thai. What do you think? Does it look ok?" Hirsch stated.

"I've never personally been into that Vegan stuff." The lieutenant replied, taking a sip of her orange juice. "As it is, I should have ordered my Soba with some steak... Anyhow, I was more interested in your tonic water; surely it can't be as nutritious as a good old glass of orange juice?"

Hirsch grinned. "It's actually more that I like the taste, oddly." Shrugging he leaned inward to take a look at Saeko's dish.

"Tonic water. Funny. At first I found it awful. However, stuck in a runabout on cestus II. The replicator oddly found it optimal to only replicate... Tonic water. That's why I like it. Saved my life! Plus it has quinine! Tasty." He chuckled taking a drink and offering to cheers with Saeko.

"My watch. It is a Seiko. Are you Japanese of heritage?" Hirsch asked curiously, a watch fanatic.

"I am Japanese, thank you very much." Saeko responded. "What gave it away? My appearance?

"Not necessarily." Hirsch replied. "I had an Aunt who had lived in Kyoto for a while. I visited quite often, about as much time as I could transporting back and forth. There is also a large security and communications sector for Starfleet in Kyoto." He added.

Taking a bite of his meal and tasting the texture. He found it... "This is at least palatable." He motioned his fork at his bowl.

"I'm sorry, am I missing something?" Saeko asked. "I've got to admit, I'm new around here, so if there's any situations developing that I need to be aware of..."

"Situation." Calvin had paused. And leaned back in his chair. "There have been serious security breaches into the main LCAR's, master interface programs. Keep an eye out if you notice anything." Hirsch was not enthused about presenting the 'situation' or developing one on board the Poseidon. "The Captain and relevant crew members have been apprised.”

"Like me. Since I'm the head of Security." Calvin also had teaching and mentoring duties to many of the Starfleet Inter-Academy placements on the lower decks.

"I see..." Saeko said after a moment of silence passed. "Well, I will certainly be sure to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Thanks for the heads up."

Of course, Saeko knew that it would be easier said than done, because she had been known to be the cause of suspicious activity, and as a result, her perception of things considered to be off was a bit different than that of her contemporaries.

Just then Hirsch's silver wrist watch had chimed. He checked his time. "Chronometer is alerting me that I need to check-in with the academy prospects." He slowly rose from his seat, in the process attending to his empty tray back to the mess replicators. "If you'd like to come along, I'd be more than happy to introduce you to them." Cal had cocked his head a slight smile. "I'm sure they would enjoy meeting a Squadron Leader."

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't necessarily consider myself a 'role model'." Sakeo said. "Although, it could be a good chance to show those kids what not to be when they grow up..."

Hirsch had lent a grin, surprised by the self deprecation of the Squad Leader. "I thought all flight officers were cocky and self assured." Cal gestured for Saeko to come along, as he enjoyed her company. "Opposite thinking Lieutenant. I like that. Let's show them, what... Not to be." He shook his head in a joke.

Saeko looked back at her half-finished food before deciding to take Hirsch up on his offer, giggling to herself as she brought her half-finished tray back to the replicator for recycling. However, she made sure she drank all of her orange juice first.


Lieutenant Saeko "Crazy Horse" Busujima
Squadron Leader


Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security


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