Lieutenant Saeko "Crazy Horse" Busujima

Name Saeko "Crazy Horse" Busujima

Position Squadron Leader

Rank Lieutenant


  • 1 Mission Posts

Last Post

Thursday October 14th, 2021 @ 2:25pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8.5
Weight 123 lbs
Hair Color purple
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Saeko holds a tall athletic physique and has long arms, which gives her an edge in confrontations. She wears her shiny thigh length purple hair straight down. Of the hair on her head, Saeko has a large triangular bang in the middle which hangs down to her nose.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Takao Busujima
Mother Midoriko Busujima
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none of note

Personality & Traits

General Overview Saeko's name is suggestive of her personality; often coming off as unhinged and not very trusting of others. As a result, most tend to avoid her, viewing her as "too dangerous" to keep company.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Skilled pilot
+Skilled in sword combat
+A surprisingly good shot
+"Jane of All Trades"

-Mentally unstable
-Has abandonment issues
-Has a "less than sophisticated" approach to things
-Has trouble trusting authority figures
Ambitions No one is really quite sure what Saeko's ambitions are, as those are cards she holds close to her chest. But even if they weren't, most are afraid to ask because of her personality.
Hobbies & Interests -Sword combat
-Automatic weapons
-Military and police hardware
-Japanese culture

Personal History Saeko was born September 5, 2368. Her father left her mother when Saeko was 3, and when she was 6, her mother was arrested and charged with possession of Romulan Ale. It was these events in tandem that lead to Saeko developing abandonment issues. With her father uninterested in taking care of her, having relinquished custody when he left, Saeko was placed into foster care.

Growing up, Saeko was unsure of what exactly she wanted to do with her life. She tried out for a couple sports, but her tenure ended with her taking frustrations out on her coaches before rage quitting. However, she did find that there were two things she was good at: Sword combat and flying. However, as there wasn't much of a career to be made out of being a swordswoman, Saeko decided to go into Starfleet, so she could fly all day long.

However, during Saeko's time in the Academy, it became evident that they were interested in making her into a "Jane of All Trades". When she graduated from the academy in 2388 with the rank of ensign, she was assigned to the USS Fujimi as a Science Officer. Even though it wasn't the job she wanted, she was incredibly proficient at the job she had, and within a year of graduating, she had already made Lieutenant Commander.

However, shortly after gaining the extra half pip, a superior officer pulled her aside one day and attempted to sexually assault her. However, he did not anticipate Saeko to be as skilled at self defense as she was. Though Saeko was able to successfully repel her attacker, she didn't stop after she had clearly won, and continued beating him until she had to be pulled off him. The superior officer was near death as he was rushed off to sickbay.

This event led to Saeko losing her extra half pip in retaliation, and though she was promised an inquiry into the superior officer's actions, she was quietly shunted off to the USS Irohazaka before any action was taken.

Saeko spent roughly the next five years or so drifting around, working various jobs aboard various ships as she was needed, making true to the "Jane of All Trades" Starfleet had desired of her. That was, until 2394, when someone aboard her most recent assignment, the USS Ibaraki, referred her to an opening in the USS Poseidon's Fighter wing. After some deliberation, Saeko decided to move forward with the opportunity, as it would finally grant her what she had been wanting to do, and that was fly.
Service Record 2385-2388: Starfleet Academy (Science major)
2388: USS Fujimi (Ensign - Science Officer)
2388: USS Fujimi (Lieutenant - Science Officer)
2388-2389: USS Fujimi (Lieutenant Commander - Science Officer)
2389-2391: USS Irohazaka (Lieutenant - Operations Officer)
2391-2392: USS Kantai (Lieutenant - Engineering Officer)
2392-2394: USS Ibaraki (Lieutenant - Security/Tactical Officer)
2394-Present: USS Poseidon (Lieutenant - Squadron Leader)