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Getting Stuff to Work

Posted on Monday November 1st, 2021 @ 1:20pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe

2,291 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Engineering/Holodeck
Timeline: Current
Tags: Holodeck, Warp Core, Sharpe, Engineering, Isolinear Chips


During one of those rare moments he had to himself, Paul with his toolbox and small case in hand to holodeck two and accessed a hatch in the holodeck wall and opened up the case and took out a converter and installed it. Using a scanner he reconnected the power flow and tested the converter and the simulation proved viable so closing the panel up he went to the arch and called up the display and run a diagnostic.

As this holodeck warp core did not need any extra background programming so only the core and a console was needed, "Computer activate replica version one" he said and a full-sized replica of the Poseidon's warp core appeared in the holodeck along with a console connected to it, then another unit connected to it a power storage unit large enough to theoretically power this holo warp core for at least five minutes, he started the power transfer to this storage unit, all was going well until a power surge began to build up, cursing he powered down and stepped outside and pulled open a larger maintenance hatch and deactivated the large panel in front and diverted the power for a short time then disconnected it and moved it to the side where he ran his tricorder over the panel and it was ok.

By removing this panel exposed a crawlspace, so with Padd and scanner and some spare Iso chips in hand he shimmied into the small space on his back and begun to scan the Isolinear chips inside, it was a steady beep until he came to a redundant back up for emergency power here the beeping tone changed he held the scanner over it a bit longer and activated the identifier and cursed. Temporarily diverting the power away from the offending chip he pulled it looked at it.

"Okay that is a pirated Iso chip," he said and put in a standard one appropriate for the system and returned power to it and the scanner told him all was as it should be so sighing contentedly he shimmed out of the space and got up. Picking up the panel he removed he returned it, made sure the panel was secured and joined up where it should be he reconnected it to the power lines and it came on with a steady light, smiling he put the outer covering back on and locked it. Looking at the offending item he took out "why were you in that system?" he asked the chip not expecting an answer, he put it in his pocket and returned to the holodeck.

Once again he began the power-up and this time there was no surge and this made him smile, he continued to monitor the power build-up, while he was waiting he created a holo replica of the Space Invaders game machine and began to play. He was allowing a slow power build-up as this was the first time he had done this. But try as he might he could not concentrate on the game so removing the game from the holodeck he walked over to the far wall and pulled the panel there and scanned the Isolinear chips in that section and smiled as this area had not been sabotaged, then a bleeping sounded alerting him to completion. He put the panel back and stood as he walked over to the console and run a diagnostic all looked well so far, so he began to prepare to run power into the replica warp core and then he connected the replica to the ODN line that had the converter on and prepared, first though he would need to contact the bridge.

Tapping his Commabadge, =/\= Lieutenant Commander Sharpe to Commander Shakura. =/\= he did wonder what the First Officer would think about this idea personally.

=/\= Commander Shakura here. What's the situation, Sharpe? =/\=

=/\= Among other things Commander, I have found another one of those contraband chips and there is an idea I have been working on for years, that it is time to bring you in. =/\= Sharpe said.

=/\= I see. I can see that you're currently on the Holodeck; give me a moment and I will be right with you. =/\=

=/\= Acknowledged Commander, Sharpe out. =/\= Paul said as he closed the link.

True enough, Shakura arrived a few minutes later, striding into the holodeck with her arms held behind her back. Immediately as she walked in, she noticed the replica Warp Core in the centre of the space. Arching her eyebrow, she met eyes with Sharpe. "Hazarding a guess, this isn't just a standard simulation is it?"

Smiling at the First Officer "No Sir, it is not" he said with some amusement he then looks at the First Officer "A little background first about the time I was DCEO on a Steamrunner class ship as a Lieutenant Junior Grade and I thought my idea would please the then Captain, but it did not, we were in a battle, the ship was badly damaged and in my naivete, I tried to help with giving the ship some much-needed power boost to survive, the Captain knew nothing about my actions until after the attempt almost blew the ship up. I got one heck of roasting on that, but I analysed it after and found my idea to be sound, it was the case of the wrong time and wrong place and trying to make modifications to a damaged ship"

He paused to inhale...

"So over the years as time permitted I made adjustments and I only picked it up again after becoming your new CEO, it is refined enough to give five minutes of extra power before it fails, but that is in a simulation. Eventually, I worked out that this idea would work better for a redundant backup to emergency power which would do shields, SIF and essential systems, it will not work to boost weapon power, if it did not work on a Steamrunner class then a Miranda class has no chance. But I should be able to make it work for Shields, SIF and emergency systems, but it becomes unstable after five minutes, I have tried adding more and managed thirty seconds extra but there is a price for such a boon, there always is" Sharpe explained knowing that the Commander had to know the good and the bad of this.

Kana would not pretend to understand the complexities of the engineering or science at play, but she knew Sharpe's record. She had reviewed it thoroughly enough before his arrival and had studied it more closely following their last encounter after he disclosed his stint with Starfleet Intelligence. Despite the risks involved in such a mechanism, the Executive Officer still felt safe in the Chief Engineering Officer's hands.

"Well, I must say, Sharpe, you've outdone yourself yet again. It certainly is far out of the conventional Starfleet wheelhouse, but considering our current situation..." She was, of course, referring to the Isolinear chips and the looming pirate threat, " might be exactly what we need."

"Thank you, Commander, with this holographic backup power idea as stated a maximum of five minutes extra power, it would be essentially a holographic warp core on the holodeck that would transmit energy into a converter which would then pump it into the ships reserves, giving extra power to the prior mentioned systems only for an extra five minutes, now it will not work with weapons, but it can handle Emergency power, SIF and shields. The downside is the program would have to be reset after every use which will take three days so should only be used sparingly and in an emergency but this can be done,"

Sharpe paused and broached another subject...

"This is only an idea at the moment Sir but I was thinking of installing physical emergency bulkheads that would operate should all power fail, it would be the ultimate last-ditch effort to save the ship. I know ships rely upon emergency forcefields when hull breaches occur, but what if the power to said fields fails, how do we save areas of the ship then Sir?" Sharpe said "granted this is but an idle idea and it is one that will have to be implemented at a Starbase as it cannot be done else" Sharpe added.

Kana listened and nodded along, understanding that Sharpe had clearly been doing his homework following Poseidon's faring in the Battle of the Bright Nebula. While she was a reliable ship, she was also a bit out of time; even with the refits, she wasn't the most advanced ship out there, and that made her a softer target for belligerents. With the cadets in their care, Kana was determined to use every means necessary to ensure their survival and security.

"I understand, Sharpe. I want you to prepare a report for the Captain, explaining this," she gestured to the holodeck's simulated warp core, "and your proposition for physical bulkheads. With the forward plans I've received from Starfleet, it might be some time before we can implement them, but that doesn't mean we can't forward-plan for it and make arrangements as necessary."

Looking sheepish "um... I spoke to the Captain about this extra power idea and he was all for it, then I realised that I should have gone to you first, but I was so excited but now I am bringing you in on the matter. Currently, I can keep the holographic core online for two minutes before I have to deactivate it before a meltdown starts to occur, as I said a work in progress and nowhere ready for full-scale implementation, but as for those bulkheads it would be good if we can get them installed when we are at a Starbase, but we will also need to beef up security when that happens, thanks to those Pirated Isolinear chips" Sharpe responded.

"Ah...I see." Kana remarked with a less amused expression, but still grateful that Sharpe had been prompt to inform her despite going past her in the Chain of Command. "Thank you for informing me, in any case. If the Captain is for it, I certainly am as well."

"As for the security," she continued, "I trust you can continue the good work you've been doing with Lieutenant Hirsch on the issue. Judging by the fact you found a few here already, it's definitely critical we keep the holodeck clear of them if this is bound to be our ace in a dire situation. However, we'll want to make sure we don't make that obvious, so it's important we keep this discreet." Her eyes were stern as she looked at Sharpe.

Looking at the First Officer "Commander I have been a Security Chief myself and a Security officer I can keep a secret" he said with a raised eyebrow "as for the EMH issue my Deputy is working on that, before too long the EMH in Medical will be 100% again and there will be emitters in Engineering, Science and the Bridge, as for those Iso chips we have almost completed our search for any remaining ones. But where this ship is concerned I will do my best to keep her operational Commander, now let me show you this holo-engine in operation" he said.

With that, he went over to the console and activated the holographic warp core, the thing came to life and it hummed as he fed the excess power to the ship's batteries, the moment he started it the timer began to count down the three minutes, he stepped back "this is a taste of what I will hope will be a working version, I am currently sending the excess power to the ship's batteries, they needed charging" Sharpe said.

Kana watched with polite interest as Sharpe demonstrated the "Holo-engine", as he termed it. She observed his actions and listened to his explanations. While she couldn't claim to understand much of the internal mechanisms of ship mechanics beyond the fundamentals that she was required to learn, she appreciated the craft and precision that went into all of it. She could see from how Sharpe carried himself that he took immense pride in everything he was doing, particularly at this moment. That, in its own way, made her proud too.

"Well done, Sharpe." Kana kept it plain and to the point, but there was no less warmth in her expression.

"Thank you, Commander, I will keep you up to date on my progress with this and the holo emitters, but for the immediate future the holo engine is not ready and I am due to do that final search for any remaining bad Isolinear chips" Sharpe responded indicating that he had no further information on the current matter to impart upon the First Officer.

"Very good. Thank you for bringing me here to demonstrate this, it was rather illuminating." Kana gave him a complimentary pat on the shoulder as she then turned to make her leave from the Holodeck. The demonstration was certainly illuminating not only to the functionability of the concept of a Holodeck Warp Core, but to Sharpe's ingenuity as an Engineer and an officer. She'd definitely remember this moment for any future commendation.

With a final nod to the First Officer Sharpe proceeded to deactivate the holographic warp core and disengage the connections, he wanted to make sure it was powered down and made safe, he was aware when the First Officer had left, but only partially as he was distracted by his task.


Cmdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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