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A Chef's Delight

Posted on Monday September 6th, 2021 @ 1:33pm by Commodore Gregory Paladin
Edited on on Monday September 6th, 2021 @ 1:41pm

449 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 5, Gymnasium
Timeline: Arrived at Betreka Nebula; During the Replicator Issues
Tags: Replicator, Cook, Chef, Commodore


"Cadet Ryobi! Nice to see you again!" the cheerful and welcoming voice of the Commodore spoke out as he moved the scoop into the bin and placed a bit of shepards pie onto the Cadet's plate. "There you go, eat up!"

"Thanks, sir!" replied the happy Cadet as she wandered off to the makeshift tables.

It had been like this for a week or two now. The Commodore, after seeing the crew moral deteriorate following the malfunction of all replicators on board the ship, had taken it upon himself to claim part of the ships Gymnasium on Deck 5 for the purpose of making a make-shift food hall. Here, using supplies stored in the belly of the Poseidon's hold, he put together a field kitchen and tables with folding seats. Since that time, the majority of the enlisted crew had been in his food hall and enjoyed his home-cooked - or ship-cooked? - meals.

The Commodore worked overtime. Managing to acquire a team of cooks under his belt, he had split the team with responsibilities both in the Officer's Galley on Deck 3 and with his makeshift food hall here on Deck 5. Combined, there were around fifteen Cadets and Enlisted crew who were working hard to feed a ship of a few hundred souls. It reminded him of stories of back in the old days, when ships didn't have replicators. That and seeing the joyful mood of the ships crew grow and grow with each feeding made it all worth while for the Commodore.

There was also the case of Chief Science Officer, Lt. Cmndr Sam Perkins, taking the initiative and forming his own team in both the Crew Mess Hall on Deck 6 as well as his own Science Lab. They had spoken briefly on it, but overall the Commodore was just happy to have some help in providing to the vast number of crewmembers in need of some good, refreshing food.

"Another one, T'fa?" beamed the Commodore, looking up for his musings and giving a scoop to a Vulcan who apparently held back a smile. There was just a hint from the Enlisted crewwoman, before she bowed her head and wandered off.

Looking down, the Commodore realized he was running low on his famous Shepard's Pie dish. He looked to his assistant, giving the signal he'd step away, and after a thumbs up was exchanged between them the Commodore grabbed his bin and headed for the kitchen.

There were more people coming in for their lunch breaks, dinner breaks, and even breakfast. Gregory had a lot of work ahead of him, as did his team of reliable cooks.



Commodore Gregory Paladin
Mission Advisor & Ship's Chef
USS Poseidon


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