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Cadet's Lecture; 1 of 5 Set Performance Reviews

Posted on Sunday August 22nd, 2021 @ 6:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch

640 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Cadets Lecture Hall, Deck 08
Timeline: Current


"Well, that is why I had called you all hereā€¦" Hirsch had interrupted a couple of cadets, grinning as he walked in.

Some early whispers engaged in the large lecture hall-style theatre. Hirsch had readily paid attention to a small but significant total of Academy recruits on the Poseidon. Calvin had assured Captain Johnson's request that security of the Cadets was paramount, as was the whole vessel.

Cal handled overseeing the cadets in their programming, counseling, and well-being, taking over from Lieutenant Vladinchi and keeping them in order, keeping them in check, and checking in when situations onboard arose, such as the data terminal that was breached for the Captain's replicator. One of many situations right now onboard.

"Cadets Rema Tolta, Andish Harrar, Candice Chamberlian. I thank you for the good snacks provided for everyone. Help yourself if you already have not, please. Thank you. These are fantastic brownies, my lord." Hirsch gave a shout-out. "Ok. Now." He swallowed, collecting himself and then wiping his hands on a napkin turning to his padd, which was interlinked to the room's broader service delivery model technology.

"I thank you all for being prompt." Hirsch looked at his stainless steel wrist chronograph. "I believe now is an ok time to start. What does everyone think? We start now and get out, say ten minutes early?"

The cadets chuckled and nodded.

"I believe that is a yes." Hirsch grinned. "Ok, You will see the padd briefings in front of your seats." Hirsch approved a nod to the Academy Cadets.

"Please, open them. Have a quick read if you have not already done so. As you are aware, this will be one of five set performance standards on board the Poseidon. You all are required, per Starfleet Academy Rubric cube A1-008-909.9 situational reviews may commence at any time." Hirsch continued.

"We will be moving in fast-paced, efficient sets of teams. You may notice this in your briefing. There are six cadets to a performance group. Bridge, engineering, security, sciences, operations, and medical. You will all be intermixed according to your attendant for your Department. Please, see me after if you have any questions."

Hirsch couldn't help but slowly walk along in his seminar to the Cadets as he spoke. His eyes were laser-like, watching each subtle reaction.

"The performance scenario is a data analytic terminal breach. The procedure involves an essential system. You will all work together towards finding this breach. It's subsequent manifestations into Poseidon's systems. A mess, in other words." Calvin ironically cringed on the inside.

"Being aware that data breaches impact all departments. All onboard systems are likely targets, and the negative impact can reverberate throughout whether you're in security, engineering, or operations. You will likely, at some point in your career, encounter a data breach. Always be a concern as long as Starfleet sends ships into our Galaxy." Hirsch took a drink from his mug of coffee.

"Alright. Questions?" He then deadpanned the class.
Silence. The cadets were puzzled, excited, anxious for their first of five performance reviews in group situations.

"Alright. Cadets, assemble in your teams. The clock starts in twenty minutes. Engineering labs. That is deck 07. You have all been pre-booked for your teams. All essential equipment will be at your disposal."

Cadet Raven Mattwick raised her hand.

Hirsch shook his head. "Cadet Mattwick. If this question is in regards to Phasers, Rifles, and Photon Detonators. You have zero, Zero, access to the Weapons Locker." Hirsch had affirmed, coughing.

"Remember you are NEVER to be near the Weapons lockers. Cadets, this is clearly out of bounds." Hirsch had quipped as cadet Mattwick dropped her raised hand. "Alright, now any other questions?"

Cadet testing is marked, graded. Soon enough, perhaps offer an insight into the Captain's Klingon debacle.


Lieutenant. Calvin Hirsch
Chief Security Officer
USS Poseidon


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