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Favourite things Prt 3: Movie time

Posted on Wednesday September 15th, 2021 @ 12:57am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Miles O'Connell & Ensign Lethe Sivarr & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord

3,611 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: Arrived at Betreka Nebula


- Shuttlebay -

Perkins licked his fingers as he moved back to the package. As he did not wish to insult Kord. Sam decided not to show Beast from the black lagoon. Instead, his eye caught a movie at the bottom he had not seen.

It’s a mad mad mad world. Made in 1963 on Earth. It featured a large cast of comedians and actors from that era. What people at the time referred to as a chase movie. Extremely funny and it would not insult anyone.

Plus as most of the action was slapstick comedy. You could munch away on your popcorn. Without being put off seeing someone getting their head chopped off.

As Sharpe sat down he twisted to look at Sam "so Sam, what film have you picked out for us for tonight?" He asked full of curiosity, he still found the events with Kord and Norman the plant to be very amusing still.

"Well, there is this very old but still to this day. Very funny Earth chase movie called Its a mad mad mad world. About a group of strangers who come to the aide of a dying man. Who tells them about some buried treasure. They then all race off to be the first to find it. What these people do to get to it first is extremely funny. One pair end up destroying a department store after getting locked inside. I have printed some old booklets that explain who the stars are." Sam said giving one to Sharpe.

Helping himself, Cal smiled at the two men, then saluted. "Greetings, Gentleman. What a fine day for cinematic mayhem!" Hirsch learned next to Sharpe who was leaning into Sam, "Commander Sharpe, can I call you Sharpe?" Hirsch had begun to engorge himself into the popcorn. "This is my din, din!" He grinned at Sharpe.

Taking the booklet and looking through it, he nodded his thanks to Sam as he sat back down to read.

Then leaning towards him the Chief of Security Hirsch asked him a question, he looked at the Chief of Security "yes you may" Sharpe said with a smile oO din, din really!! Oo Sharpe thought to himself but kept the smile "so you have not had anything else besides Popcornm yet then?" Sharpe asked.

Hirsch had turned to Sharpe with Popcorn stuck in his teeth, and grinned. "No, this is delicious. Thank you."

By now Kord had already begun to dig in himself. He ate a load of popcorn as he observed the happenings and conversation around him.

"Commander Perkins. Have you seen this movie? A Mad, Mad World. I am a fanatic over 1960s earth combustion vehicles." Cal then coyly added.
"Look for the two palms crossing!" Then winked. If Mr Perkins had seen the film, he would understand the reference without giving away the plot.

" Oh, I have seen this many times. Yes, the two palms...... Once you see the movie Kord you will understand. To be honest I must confess old Earth combustion vehicles have always fascinated me too. Up until the late to early 21 century. The vehicles had character but then from 2008 onwards they started to look all the same. But the old ones like the Ford Mustang......I think it was known as an American Muscle car?" Sam said.

It was obvious to Lazarus that the conversation between the Lieutenant Commander and Lieutenant had to do with some inside joke. Lazarus did not understand it. He continued to eat, casually now.

Sam handed out the booklets. "This gives you a rundown of the people starring in the movie." He said

Lazarus took his booklet with a grunt of gratitude.

Looking over at Kord "relax Lazarus, you may even find human slapstick funny, it is essentially actors making idiots of themselves on film to make viewers laugh" Sharpe said to the Gorn.

Lazarus looked at his Chief when he gave his reassurances. He grumbled softly, munching on some more popcorn as he returned to briefly examining the booklet.

"Maybe," he conceded. "I'll try."

Hirsch had received the pamphlet for the movie and looked over it. "Ooooo... The movie was filmed in Panavision! This will be a colourful treat." Hirsch happily replied to Sam's comment on old Earth combustion vehicles as well. "Sam. Have you tried the 4x4 wheelers? They were considered a recreational combustion vehicle or an all-terrain vehicle, I think."

“ Yes, but to be honest I preferred the cars that drove on the tarmac? Is it called….roads. But wasn’t there something called an RV? Large oblong-shaped vehicles like small homes on wheels? Very much like our shuttlecraft. But unable to fly.” Perkins replied

"Where would one want to take a small house in a vehicle? What would they do? Such a fascinating time." Cal had nodded in return to Sam.

“ I believe they went to special parks set aside for such vessels,” Sam said

O'Connell took a seat towards the back of the seating area as he was not fond of comedies and he wanted to be able to get out of the area quickly if he needed to as he was not a fan of crowds. Also, he would address any engineering two issues that may arise to allow the chief the ability to fully enjoy himself with the movie.

Lazarus briefly took note of Lieutenant O'Connell to the rear. He had seen him on several occasions, mostly by chance, and he seemed to be a finely tuned Assistant Chief. Why he was alone was confusing to Kord, but it was his business and privilege.

"Hello, my shipmates," T'Pri said. Entering the room with a cooler of beverages.

"Wow, what's in the cooler? " Sam asked giving T'Pri a booklet.

"A Vulcan bringing in a cooler, I hope you have something stronger than soda in there Commander T'Pri?" Sharpe asked with a big smile, he was hankering for something strong to drink.

O'Connell made his way towards T'Pri. "Salutations Commander, do you need a hand with that cooler?" he was also hoping for something stronger to drink and it looked heavy for her to be carrying alone.

"Commander, T'Pri. Everyone wants to know. What's in the cooler? I once heard a Bartender on Deep Space 09, stating that Vulcan's become inebriated by ingesting chocolate." Hirsch cocked his head aside. "I'd prefer the alcohol."

T'Pri opened her cooler and brought out a sealed decanter of Romulan Ale and a flask of Vulcan red tea.

Sam walked back over to Kord. He was just about to speak to his friend.

"This is Romulan Ale. Actually, I've never tried chocolate. Help yourselves." T'Pri said.

Sam looked at the Gorn.

Lazarus took note of Sam approaching. By this time the mingling crowd had bunched in other places, leaving Sam and the Gorn relatively alone. Kord gave a slight head-nod to his superior before he spoke.

“Did she just say Romulan ale? Isn’t that stuff illegal?” Sam asked

"Yes it is Sam, but the Captain is not here so enjoy it unless the security chief is going to confiscate it?" looking at Hirsch as he hoped that he would not spoil the evening by doing that; he also hoped that a drop of Romulan ale would not be a bad thing as they were on some R&R time.

Sam did not want to be a killjoy. But the Captain's face after the Norman incident came into his mind.

"Mind if I try some?" asked Lazarus.

Looking at the Gorn in surprise "It might be a bit too strong for you Lazarus, but then again it might be weaker than the Gorn alcoholic drink!" Sharpe said, he had never ever tried Gorn alcohol, but he remembered Romulan ale all too well, still it was something strong, so getting a glass he poured himself some, enough to last him most of the movie as he was not a fast drinker.

Sam turned to Sharpe “Paul is that wise? Letting him drink that blue Romulan stomach lining stripper?” Perkins whispered.

Looking at Perkins "As a rule reptilian species are quite robust when it comes to foreign foodstuffs, but as I have never worked with a Gorn Prior to my assignment here I would not like to say" Sharpe responded to Sam.

"Wouldn't a Gorn's digestive system treat Romulan ale as if it was just dirty water? I have heard they can ingest just about anything and not get affected." O'Connell added.

Lazarus merely grunted as he drank his ale. He was surprised to find that it went down exactly like water. He couldn't be sure if he was disappointed or relieved.

For his own part, Lethe had gathered himself a bowl of the popped corn kernels and taken a seat at the back, with a cordial nod to O'Connell. His seating choice was not due to a desire to get out quickly, but to be able to better observe his shipmates. Still new onboard, it seemed a good opportunity to observe a number of them engaged in a single social activity. There was also the fact that as the second tallest present next to Lazarus, he didn't want to be 'that guy, blocking the view of anyone seated behind him.

When Hirsch had heard of the Romulan Ale, the blue stuff, he inwardly sighed. If he didn't hear anything, see it, he wouldn't have a reason. Some things he had to let fly on the ship. Hirsch had made a mental note to have a quiet reminder with T'Pri regarding the ale, as it was still illegal if not used recreationally.

Further, he was perplexed. T'Pri was a Romulan. Why did she flaunt the law? It was illogical—concerns begun to manifest T'Pri and her mental state.

"Romulan ale was illegal 40 years ago but since the destruction of Romulus, it is no longer illegal. I am not a Romulan, I am a Vulcan. Though I have many Romulan friends, some are on this ship. This is supposed to be a social occasion is it not? Just enjoy." T'Pri said noting her shipmate's concern.

The Gorn raised his glass to T'Pri and gave a lizard-like smile briefly. "The Lieutenant Commander speaks truthfully," he said in support of her statement. "I am enjoying myself. All should enjoy. Also, this does taste like water," he remarked as he drank more of the ale.

T'Pri raised an eyebrow, "That is an interesting observation, what do the Gorn drink or consider libations, if I may ask?" T'Pri asked.

Looking at the Vulcan "something much stronger than Klingon Bloodwine I would wager" he said in a neutral tone as he looked at Sam, "I told you Sam Reptilian species can be quite resilient to foreign foods, take the Vorta for instance. Still, it is nice to know Romulan Ale is not nasty to Gorn, but I think one of their drinks would flatten any non-Gorn if we tried even a small cup" Sharpe said.

"Romulan Ale is like drinking water or Russian Vodka," O'Connell stated. "Klingon Bloodwine is overrated as well. Where is the Andorian Whiskey or Rigelean Tongue Juice, those will put hair on any species."

"Have you ever tried Saurian Brandy?" T'Pri asked.

"Saurian Brandy is not bad, but still on the timid side of beverages, if you ask me," O'Connell replied.

As the conversations rounded, Kord answered T'Pri's prior question. "To answer your previous question, T'Pri, I do not know intimately. I was enslaved most of my younger years."

Perkins thought about the Romulan ale. It was all a matter of perspective. Kord was not going to go on a drunken rampage. That blue stuff was quite tame compared to some of the Gorn alcoholic drinks. There was one Sam knew of that was so potent to non-reptiles. Just by smelling it got you so drunk. Passing out unconscious was one of the side effects. Luckily he was allergic to Romulan ale. So if he avoided being anywhere near it. If the Captain found out. Perkins would not be telling any lies. Because technically he never went near it.


“ Ok everyone if you would like to grab your snacks and drinks we’ll begin. Please take your seats for tonight’s movie.” Perkins said.

Lazarus perked up, then quickly stumbled to the ground briefly before righting himself with his tail. Surprised by the sudden loss of balance, he blinked and carefully placed his almost empty cup of Romulan Ale on a nearby table. He instead grabbed some water, then refilled his popcorn before carefully seating himself.

Hirsch snuggled himself into the comfy seats that were provided. Sam had done a great job of creating a themed atmosphere! Hirsch had peeked to the side, seeing that Gorn was seated comfortably and ready to watch some Earth cinema. This would be a fun and interesting evening!

T'Pri grabbed a bowl of buttered and salted popcorn and her mint green tea and found a comfortable spot,

Sam stood in front of everyone as they took their seats.

“ Ok. Tonight’s film is It's a mad mad mad world. Made on planet Earth around 1963. It stars many of the planet's movie stars of that time period. Many of them are not known for starring in a movie of this type before. This is what was known as a chase movie. It contains many amusing and funny incidents that I am sure you will find funny. The booklets will help you if some of the dialogue you don’t understand. It also gives a rundown of all the people starring in the movie and other roles they were famous for. Now sit back, relax and enjoy.” Sam said signalling for the movie to begin.

O'Connell took a seat in the very back of the arranged area. In fact, he sat upon a cargo crate that elevated him above those in front of him so he did not have to see the back of someone's head and thus have a less obstructed view of the picture. He had his popcorn and a fresh box of Snowcaps and a bottle of Saurian Brandy as it was the strongest beverage available and yet would not make him too drunk to respond to any engineering calls that came about.

With his drink and booklet in hand, Sharpe joined his Deputy on the crates at the rear "So Miles, have you ever seen a slapstick movie before?" Sharpe asked as Sam explained a little about the movie that was about to be shown.

"No, Sir, never saw a slapstick movie before, did not know what that was until now." O'Connell replied.

T'Pri knew she would get an education on old earth humour, it was a difficult subject for her to grasp, but she was slowly learning and developing a sense of humour.

Sam took his seat next to the projector. He then had the lights dimmed as the show began. First up was a collection of adverts and trailers from the 1960s. He hoped this would set the mood for the film to come and also show his friends. What life in 1963 on Earth was like. It was only as the trailers began that he suddenly realized two of the movies to be advertised was The creature from the black lagoon and Them! A film about mutated ants. He hoped his friends Kord and Lethe did not take offence.

"Wow I would enjoy seeing 'THEM', it looks intriguing." O'Connell stated out loud to only be 'shushed' by everyone else.

Lethe leaned slightly forward in his seat, looking past the centuries-old cinematography and technology of the time, at the subject matter of the advertised movies. The black lagoon creature did bear a passing resemblance to Lazarus, which was interesting enough on its own. The giant ants of 'Them', however, reminded him strongly of some of the wildlife back on Tharos, and he experienced a pang of nostalgic homesickness at the sight. Perhaps he would need to watch that one if it ended up featured in a future movie night.

Kord became enraptured by the movie. It just so happened that Sam and he were near each other, and in between scenes Kord gently pushed his bowl of popcorn towards the CSO. "Food?" he offered.

Perkins smiled and took some “ Thanks, Lazarus” He said

Lazarus gave his version of a smile and nod back in response to the gratitude, resuming his observance of the movie.

Sharpe took his eyes off the adverts and gave Miles a dirty look, but had to hide a smile as he was shushed by the others.

With the ads and trailers now over. The film began.

Sam thought It was incredible. To think this movie was made in 1963. Considering the materials they had at the time. How they managed some of the stunts was incredible.

He had set up two projectors both self-loading. Something the cinemas of old did not have. That way he could enjoy the movie without the worry of changing film reels. With all the technical skulduggery going on the Poseidon. Perkins had triple-checked the projectors were working himself. No one, not even his Grandmother was allowed to touch his movie projectors!

“ You see that! When that guy died he kicked the bucket!” Sam whispered. Then blushed as not many people knew why this was funny.

Hirsch found himself immersed in a whole other world, a whole other time. Calvin had recognized Earth and Humans, but the craziness, wackiness of the film held a whole other time in itself. Hirsch found himself laughing at the first few slap-stick moments in the film. His eyes watched, as the projector illuminated his face and everyone else. Staring into a window from another time.

"Bravo... Ding Bell! Bravo.." Hirsch had whispered in awe.

From his position Sharpe watched the slapstick with rapt attention as he occasionally looked away to have a drink, he thought he would find such a film funnier, but he was only finding it amusing which in itself was a bit distracting.

Micheal roared with laughter as the jokes kept on coming as he hadn't laughed this much in ages, and he had found it like a release valve after what had been going on recently with the replicators and such. but he would have to get back to finding the person who was behind this tomorrow, but for now, just enjoy the film.

The Gorn found himself flummoxed at most of the attempted satire of the film, though at times he did chuckle. To anyone else observing it would be clear he was enjoying the film, though with heavy reservations. A lot of it didn't make sense to him, but thanks to his recent experience with the crew he had gained some understanding of various gags and their cultural significance.

"Commander, I was so engrossed in the movie, I did not realize you were sitting here," Miles whispered to his boss. "I did get holo emitters installed in Sickbay and the Science Labs, next is the Bridge and Brig."

"Excellent, if you only now noticed me sitting here, then you must have been engrossed, do not if you heard small chuckles coming from the Gorn at some points," Sharpe said indicating Kord.

T'Pri enjoyed the film she was fascinated by the slapstick comedy, while her sense of humor definitely needed more work and study, the film was surprisingly lighthearted even the dangerous scenes. Even though they all seemed to get hurt in one way or another they didn't die and the movie was humorous until the end, even logical to one extent or another. Apparently movies like this were best enjoyed in company. Some of the nuances were strange to her but she found if she didn't analyze the film, she enjoyed it more. Something about being in the moment seemed applicable. She didn't completely understand the concept of humor, but she did see its appeal. Whimsy definitely had its place.

Finding the movie funny, O'Connell replied to Sharpe. "I have never seen a movie like this and would not have seen it if it was not for this event. Thank you. Never noticed a laughing Gorn."

The film ended with a very funny scene and Sam gave a chuckle. Slowly the lights began to come on and he stood.

“ Well everyone I hoped you enjoyed that film. Considering it's the age I thought it was if not still one of the classics. I would like to thank you all for coming. Also, I would like to thank the Captain, Paul and Michael for giving us permission to do this. Thanks and maybe we can do this again sometime soon.” Sam said

Lethe couldn't honestly say he didn't find the entertainment file amusing at times, though it likely lost a great deal of the nuance in translation and a lack of understanding of the cultural references of the time. Nonetheless, it was an enjoyable time spent, even if he wasn't quite technically off duty. Hoping neither Sharpe, O'Connell, nor Kord had memorized the current duty roster, the ensign quietly excused himself and slipped off to get back to work; he had a couple of hours of his shift to make up for.


Lt.Cmdr Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Calvin Hirsch
Chief Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Ensign Lethe Sivarr
Damage Control Specialist
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Micheal Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Miles O'Connell
Deputy Chief of Engineering
USS Poseidon


Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


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