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[BACKLOG] Away from the nest

Posted on Friday February 26th, 2021 @ 12:53am by Captain Franklin Johnson & Commander Sam Perkins

881 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: Just after ‘ Regarding Perkins ‘


Cadet Jeremy Hoffman waited patiently for Perkins to return. He still could not believe that even after his warning. Not to bother his tutors again. His controlling mother had bothered the Captain. He could only imagine what she said to Captain Johnson with horror.

When she had called him again. To tell him that.

“ My little prince come home before they send you to the Klingons” She wailed “ Your Captain Clinton is a bad man”

“ Mama what did you do?” He said angrily

“ Mother knows best.” She replied making a silly face.

“ If you have destroyed any chance I have of becoming a Starfleet officer. I swear I’ll set a Klingon kill squad on you!” He said

“ Ten hours ten hours I was in labour with you. Ten.....” she began but Jeremy cut the link. He knew it was impossible to speak with her.

Perkins returned. Jeremy stood up and waited for the Chief Science Officer to speak.

“ It’s ok. But Captain Johnson wants a word. Don’t panic. Just tell him the truth and try not to rant to much about your mother.” Perkins advised.

Jeremy needed to get this sorted There was no way she was going to spoil this for him. So he hurried to see the Captain.

So a few minutes later. After checking five times his uniform was tidy. Cadet Hoffman reported to Captain Johnson.

It had been only around thirty to forty-five minutes since Franklin had talked with Mr. Perkins, so it came as a surprise when his door chimed for entry. He believed it would have been Sam returning, but at this interval it could have been anyone. He gave a noncommittal, "Enter", to approve their entry as the door would unlock following the voice command. Once it slid open, Franklin took a glance at the door, waiting for whomever to enter.

When they didn't after a moment, he said again, "You can enter, I'm at my desk."

Jeremy was so nervous about seeing the Captain. He never heard the call to come in after he pressed the outer door bell.But he heard him a second time and marched smartly in.

“ Cadet Jeremy Hoffman reporting as ordered sir.” He said standing to attention.

"Mr. Hoffman! Please, sit!" Franklin indicated with a gesture towards the chair across from his desk, smiling. "Don't worry, you're not in any trouble. I called you here to clarify a situation. I wanted to hear your opinion on it."

After the Cadet would take his seat, Franklin continued.

"Your mother contacted myself and a few other members of Starfleet recently. She stated that you were against your current posting. Before I go into any details I have from your immediate superior, I wanted to hear your side of this story so I can properly gauge on how to proceed."

Jeremy crossed his hands on his lap and began.

“ My mother. All my life I have always wanted to join Starfleet. Even as a child. To follow in the footsteps of my late great uncle Mordechai. He was an engineer on the USS Excalibur. Killed in action after a Klingon sneak attack. At first my parents were cool on the idea. But as I got nearer and nearer to 16. Something happened to my mother. I think she always thought it was just a craze. Things between her and my father were not going well. When he filled for divorce something in her head snapped. She started to treat myself and my siblings like we were children again. Especially me being the youngest of course. My elder siblings managed to get away from her. But she just would not let go of me.” He explained

"Overbearing," Franklin said, musing aloud. After a moment he gave a nod. "Alright, I think I understand the situation a bit better. Tell me this, then, Mr. Hoffman, do you want to be in Starfleet? It's a simple yes or no answer."

Without blinking or taking his eyes of Captain Johnson Jeremy gave one simple word.

“ Yes “ He said

"Very good," Franklin said. "Then from this point on, I'd suggest you concentrate on that. Starfleet will handle your mother as appropriate now that we got your word in."

Jeremy was relieved that his mother had not ruined everything. But in the back of his mind he was still worried. She could put on quite a show when pushed. Once she had convinced a medical team she was having a heart attack. When it had just been a ploy to stop him going out with a girl.

“ Captain sir. Can I still change departments from Science to Security?” He asked

"Of course! Pending you have the required classes completed, meaning any material you need to complete to fulfill an obligation for a requirement. If you check up on that and complete anything, I'll personally approve it," Franklin said, smiling.

Jeremy smiled and stood.

“ Once again thank you sir.” He said shaking the Captains hand.

"You're welcome, Mr. Hoffman," Franklin replied, ending the handshake. "If you need me for anything else regarding this situation my door is always open."


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet Jeremy David Hoffman
USS Poseidon

Played by:-

Lieutenant Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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