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Departure from Starbase 47 - Part Two

Posted on Monday February 22nd, 2021 @ 6:12pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi & Commander Kanaka Shakura

1,846 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon; Bridge
Timeline: Leaving Starbase 47
Tags: Kanaka Shakura, Franklin Johnson, Departure, Betreka Nebula


Captain Franklin Johnson greeted his bridge crew as they acknowledged his arrival to the bridge. He quickly encouraged them to at ease before making way to his command chair, sitting down and getting comfortable as he readjusted his uniform. He looked then to the helmsman currently on duty.

"Helmsman," Franklin began to ask, "how are we looking for departure?"

"Happy to report that all systems are nominal, sir. Ready when you are."

"Very good," Franklin said as he replied to the report with a smile. He turned his head towards his XO. "Number One? How are we looking for departure?"

"All Departments reporting and ready, Captain; all crew accounted for, all stocks checked and triple-checked. Ready to embark from Starbase Forty-Seven on your order." Kana had taken her place by the Captain's Command Chair. "Shall I give the signal, sir?" She gave him a smile. Despite all the stress of the previous few days, she was admittedly a little excited for this moment; this was her first proper action on the Bridge as Executive Officer, after all.

Franklin was excited as well. It showed when he gazed toward his Number One and gave a firm nod, motioning for her to continue. He sat back in his command chair and gripped the sides, a sense of jubilation flowing through him. They were finally making way again after so many setbacks, so many shortfalls, and so many lost in such a short time. It was time to make up for those things, to honour those gone, and to preserve the true purpose the Poseidon had been redesignated for.

"Let's do it," Franklin said.

Kana nodded with a smile as she looked across the deck towards the helmsman. "Signal for departure to the starbase and set course for the Betreka Nebula. Once at a safe distance from the starbase power up to Warpspeed...Eight. We shouldn't want to waste any time."

"Departure, Aye." The helmsman responded as he went through the motions, signaling to Starbase Forty-Seven for release from docking. As the process began, the ship slowly began to disengage from its locks and drift back out into the dark void of the space beyond, turning as the helmsman acted dutifully and without strain. Kana could sense the relief both in him and the whole crew for the ship to be underway again, the sense of excitement for this new adventure while also the bubbling hunger for justice against any pirates they were due to encounter at their next destination.

The viewscreen of the Poseidon now showing clear space ahead of them, the helmsmen now turned to the Command Chair. "Engines set to Warpspeed Eight, Captain." His hand hovered over the appropriate button as he awaited the signal.

Here, again, the Captain found himself at the moment that each Captain in Starfleet would inevitably face. As much as he believed he did, Franklin didn't have an accepted statement to approve the order for warp. It was simply any known order, any phrase that gave the right word. It was something he'd honestly need to work on. For now though he'd stick to his usual. With a quick point of his hand, Franklin gave the order to jump.

"Kick her on," Franklin said, and realized he may had just found it.

The helmsman, to his credit, didn't display much of a reaction as he simply nodded and acted upon his commanding officer's order. Kana meanwhile couldn't help but display a sideward smile towards Franklin as he uttered the phrase. "Doesn't really carry the same effect as Picard, sir," she commented, "But it does carry the effect of Franklin Johnson. That is something I can get behind." She gave him an affirming if playful look. It was obvious to her that his confidence was beginning to grow with each passing challenge, and slowly but surely they were beginning to see the Captain the young man was destined to be.

"Thank you, Number One," Franklin replied with a smile, focused forward.

Meanwhile, the Poseidon's warp engines came to life as all of a sudden the deep abyss of space and the stars beyond became nothing but a tunnel, the ship now hurtling itself towards its new destination. The Betreka Nebula would be in their reach within only a couple of minutes of warpspeed, but the challenge would be patrolling such a vast expanse of gas clouds all on ones lonesome. It was a daunting prospect for all involved, but also equally exciting; there was no knowing what they might come across, what scientific marvel they might witness or what threats they may face and have to rise to. There was a general sense aboard the ship that Kana could feel, a determination to be more ready then they were at the Bright Nebula, something that she anticipated would be fresh in their minds for quite some time to come.

"What shall be our priority actions when we reach the Nebula, Captain?" Kana asked, seeing this opportunity as their time to deliberate and decide their next moves. "I have no doubt the Science department will want to explore the many gas formations and see what they can discover about its processes, but we'll have to be wary of any threats, be they pirates or the hulks of the Klingon or Cardassian ships that remain from their skirmishes. May I suggest we work sector by sector, identifying and neutralizing any potential threats, then allowing time for study of any potential anomalies, before moving onto the next? It will be slow progress, but the safest approach."

The Captain nodded after a moment.

"I think that's the safest approach," Franklin considered. "I'd also like for us to exit warp with yellow alert. I don't want a repeat of the situation at the Bright Nebula, as I'm sure you don't either. Once we're positive we're in a good position, I can hand task of searching sectors over to you. I think our Cadets on board would be quite eager to have something to finally do, don't you?"

"Absolutely, Captain." Kana looked over to the officer stationed at Tactical as she gave them an affirmative nod. Having overheard the conversation, they made ready to have the ship at yellow alert as soon as they exited the warp, which would occur in only a few moments. Turning back to Franklin, the Executive Officer leaned in closer as if to have a more private word.

"I think, in-between searching sectors, the mission would provide us ample time to finally have a counselling session together, don't you think?" She shared an exchanging glance with him that expressed both how gentle but also how committed she was to providing him counselling; she knew he was not a fan of the prospect, but both knew that it had been put off long enough, and especially after everything that had happened recently, the man needed to get some thoughts off his chest. There was no point in lying to her, she was a Betazoid after all.

There was a nervous tick visible on Franklins brow as he maintained his professional composure, giving a gentle exhale as he refused to look at his Number One for a moment. Following a brief internal struggle that, hopefully, would come across as simple concentration, the Captain gave a nod.

"Yeah," Franklin said, conceding, "it's been a while. We can make those arrangements. Might be good to get my focus in order after everything that's happened, Number One. I appreciate your consideration and care on the matter."

"Of course, Captain." Kana smiled. She could sense that he was still struggling within himself, but he was making a concerted effort to keep up appearances.

"Dropping out of warp now," alerted the Security Officer at Tactical, who just happened to be Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi. It was apparently his rotation there since there still wasn't a formal Chief to that station. "Going to Yellow Alert as instructed."

Franklin was quick to readjust his focus, giving a nod as he scanned the viewscreen. "Anything on sensors?" he asked as the trail of stars came to an end, revealing a rather breathtaking nebula of striking colours and stark contrasts. There was silence on the bridge as all at once, everyone who could see the viewscreen did so. Then everyone was quick to focus back on their stations following their brief moment of admiration.

The Executive Officer marvelled at this birthing pool of stars - with its vibrant colours, ever twisting and cascading forms of dust and particles - and could feel at once the culminating sense of wonder and excitement that took over almost all the souls residing on the ship as they got the same view. It was pleasant, for a change, to feel so much warmth instead of so much angst. Deep down, however, she could not help but wonder how long it would be able to last.

"All clear," replied Lieutenant Vladinchi, "I've done several scans sir, including tachyon scans, and the only thing I'm detecting is the components of the Betreka Nebula. Very fascinating scientifically but other than a minor threat to shield charge, I don't believe we're in any danger."

Franklin gave a nod. "Alright. Any indication of Cardassian or Klingon vessel debris?"

After a moment, Oscar replied, "Negative. Just the Nebula itself, Captain."

"Thank you Mr. Vladinchi," Franklin said, turning to Kanaka then. "Number One, it's your ballgame. I want a portion of our concentration on detecting any ship-based debris, anything that can lead us to a possible location for any suspected pirate sanctuary. I'm heading into my ready room to approve a list of events for the Cadets and look over anything else the Department Heads have suggested. You have the conn, Number One."

"Right you are, Captain." Kana stood attentively as she waited to take the Conn. This would be her first time ever being in such a position; she had never imagined such a thing being possible for a Counsellor, but here she was. It was a sign of how much the Poseidon had already been through, that needs had necessitated such a change. She was determined not to let anyone down, especially not the Captain.

Franklin gave a nod, quickly standing and retreating to the door to the Foyer and Captain's Ready Room.

Kana watched him leave before she eventually took her seat. Adjusting herself and getting used to the feel of the chair for a few moments, she quickly felt the eyes of all the bridge officers turning to her as they waited for their next instruction. Clearing her throat, she gave it to them. "Set us to cruising speed and start sweeping the Nebula sector-by-sector. I want sensor readings every half-hour if not before when something shows up."

"Yes Ma'am!" The bridge crew responded as they went about their orders, and the Poseidon proceeded about its mission to find what lurked here.


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


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