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Awards, Recognitions, and Promotions; PART 2

Posted on Saturday September 19th, 2020 @ 2:34pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Nivora T'vek & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Lieutenant Hibiki Zh'kallas & Lieutenant Damian Kane & Commodore Gregory Paladin & Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord & Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne

2,894 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon; Recreation Lounge, Deck 5
Timeline: 45 Minutes after the recess for Awards, Part One


========== [45 Minutes Later] ==========

Nearly forty-five minutes later, the Commodore approached the Podium with his trusty Vulcan Ensign Aide. The two discussed something in private on the stage as the crowd around the Recreation Lounge mingled before parting again, the Vulcan Ensign taking his position near a stack of award boxes similar to those already handed out. After a moment more, Gregory's voice was amplified over the crowd as the lighting dimmed and attention was drawn to the Podium with the lighting brightening around that area.

"Fellow crew of the USS Poseidon," Gregory began as he allowed a moment for the conversations to die down. "Thank you all for your attention. It's time to continue our awards. I would like to call to the podium Lieutenant Nivora T'vek and Lieutenant T'Pri."

Lt. T'Pri was still in the back with Mr Kane. She then heard her name called and stood up and walked over to the podium and stood next to T'Vek whom she had come to greatly admire.

To say that T'vek was surprised by being called up was an understatement, though he hid it well behind his eternal poker face, as he rose imperiously from his perch in the corner and strode with serene purpose to the Podium, doing his best to hide his fatigue the brighter lighting of course would not hide the pronounced hollows under his eyes and decidedly paler skin, that T'Pri had been called up as well was entirely unsurprising, she had struck him as an insightful and diligent officer.

When the Vulcan and the Romulan had stood at their places on the podium, the Vulcan Ensign approached the Commodore and handed him four award boxes. Thanking the Ensign, Gregory approached the two awardees and stood in the middle between them. He first faced T'vek.

"Lieutenant T'vek," the Commodore began in a respectful tone. "While I understand you are still a citizen of the Romulan Star Empire, it must be stated that when you agreed to our Officer's program you essentially became Starfleet personnel. No further clarification of this was shown than your actions and deeds during the Battle of the Bright Nebula. You not only bring honor to your home Empire, you also bring honor to Starfleet for the amount of lives you saved that day. Without your dedication to duty and hard work, a lot of good cadets and crew would be dead. To this end, I award you the Medical Division Services Award and a promotion to Lieutenant Commander!"

As he carefully handed the award box with the Division Award to T'vek, he realized that with the Romulan's present attire it was hard to pinpoint where to put the rank pips. Saving face, Gregory leaned in to whisper, "I'll leave you the honor of placing these pips on the appropriate spot, forgive me for not knowing where," and handed him the Lt. Commander rank pip award box as well.

"I can only apologise for the disrespect in form of attire, I have had something of a long running shall we say repartee with our quartermaster about a full uniform requisition, and thank you," he replied with an equally quiet and subtle whisper, as he accepted the box with a polite nod. Neatly concealing the grimace at the recollection of the lengthy one sided shouting matches that had consisted of her shouting and him smirking, he wasn't entirely sure at the time if the view-port of her office wouldn't break such had been her pitch.

Gregory would smirk at the reply. He would add, "and a damn fine job, despite all those odds against you T'vek," before he turned his attention to T'Pri.

The Commodore examined the Chief Intelligence Officer before facing the crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen and Crew of all Orientations, Lieutenant T'Pri deserves your thanks," Gregory said, examining the crowd. "Without her dedication to duty, none of us would likely be alive today. As Chief Intelligence Officer, T'Pri personally discovered and found the enemy means of communication that enabled us early warning and, quite frankly, a chance to survive."

As if on cue the Vulcan Ensign returned, handing the Commodore two award boxes. Gregory swiftly turned away and back to T'Pri, opening both as he spoke again.

"To that end, it is my honor as a Representative of Starfleet to award Lieutenant T'Pri with the Intelligence Division Service Award and a full promotion to Lieutenant Commander!"

Working gently, the Commodore handed the Division Award box to T'Pri and began the process of changing her Lieutenant Pips out for Lt. Commander Pips. Carefully, on each side, Gregory replaced the lower rank with the higher. Afterwards he gave a gentle pat on the Vulcan's shoulder, showing appreciation as he bowed his head slight and uttered, "Thank you for your hard work and dedication," to her before facing the crowd.

T'Pri nodded. "Thank you, Commodore! We come to serve!", T'Pri replied extending a Vulcan hand salute. T'Pri had not expected the promotion at all. Fascinating, she thought.

The Commodore gave the Vulcan salute back, with diligence. He stood for a moment longer afterward to allow the two to take in the applause and appreciation before signaling them to their seats. When the Podium cleared, he called out again.

"For the next person, I call Major Phoebe Graydon!"

T'Pri took her place back in formation.

Phoebe stood from her seat. She was dressed in her formal Marines dress uniform, along with a phaser strapped to her belt. All things considered, it was more a habit than anything else to have her sidearm on her at all times. She walked upto the Commodore, snapping off a quick salute, and coming to attention.

Gregory was quick to salute back. The Ensign approached, handed over an award box, and departed again. The Commodore approached the Major, handing over the now-open award box with two division awards. After the crowd quieted, he spoke.

"Major Phoebe Graydon, your conduct during the Battle of the Bright Nebula was in line with the beliefs and regulations of Starfleet. For this reason, I have chosen to award you not only the Marine Division Service Award, but also the Command Division Service Award."

There was some cheering, but Gregory didn't move. Sensing the obvious intent to continue speaking the crowd quieted again. Gregory continued.

"This Marine Division Service Award is for your conduct during the Battle of the Bright Nebula, but this Command Division Service Award is for something completely different. Looking at your files, I have noted that you've not only served this ship with honor as her Marine Commanding Officer, but you also served her as her Executive Officer for a period of several months. Noting your accomplishments during that time, I have chosen to award you for that service and your efforts on this ship with this Command Division Service Award. Congratulations, Major."

Gregory released the award box to Phoebe's hands, then patted her firmly on the side of her shoulder. "I'm very proud of you," he said so only they could hear as the crowd began to have a cheer. "Without your efforts, this ship and program we have probably wouldn't be running. Not to exclude the present XO's accomplishments, not by a long shot with what amazing things they do. I just wanted to make sure you were recognized officially for everything you did."

He smiled then, turning to the crowd and allowing Phoebe a moment to appreciate the cheering crowd.

T'Pri clapped politely.

Phoebe took a moment, smiling slightly. "Thank you Commodore. Thank you everyone. I know we've all been through alot together, but I know we can all get through this, and all the other challenges this ship can throw at us. These awards, as well as each other, will help us to remember our fallen. And I believe I can speak for the whole command team, when I say that our doors are always open, if anyone needs a chat or a cuppa." She looked around the room, smiling over the faces that looked back at her.

The crowd applauded cheerfully towards their 2XO.

Phoebe turned to the Commodore. "Apologies for taking up your stage Commodore." She said, with a small smile.

The Commodore smirked, patting her shoulder gently. "You earned it."

Once Phoebe had taken a seat, the Commodore took two more award boxes from the Ensign. Once things had settled, he called out the names of both Lieutenant Lazarus Kord and Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi, both instrumental to the salvation of the Poseidon during the Battle of the Bright Nebula. Once both stood on either side of the Commodore, it was clear there was a discrepancy; the Gorn stood seven feet tall and towered over everyone in the room, save for a few alien cadets. Both Lieutenant's maintained their professionalism, as did the Commodore - despite having to reach a bit to hand the award box away to Lazarus.

The Commodore then went on to state the awards; an Operations Division Service Award for Lazarus Kord for his heroism in the line of duty and his direct action of saving the ship from a demolition device, a Security Division Service Award for Oscar Vladinchi for his heroism and bravery during the boarding actions of the battle that was pivotal to repelling the enemy. A moment was spared for both to enjoy the claps and praises, particularly to the Gorn who seemed oddly bashful for a moment, then it was over. Both Lieutenant's went to sit back down after personal words between the Gregory and them were shared, a few moments to each.

After things settled down, Gregory spoke again.

"Next I call Lieutenant Shalmira Heddan!"

Lieutenant Shalmira Heddan approached and, with a short ceremony was granted her Science Division Service Award. There was some clapping and cheering, followed by a few words exchanged between Shalmira and Gregory. The Romulan then went to sit down.

After a moments pause, Gregory spoke again.

"I now call up, Lieutenant Hibiki Zh'kallas!"

The Andorian wasn't expecting an award. Afterall she had only been doing her duty. But as she had been called she crossed the room and stepped up towards the Commodore.

"Commodore" she addressed him formally.

---TAG Paladin---

"I now call Master Chief Charles Payne!"

Chief Payne rose from his seat. He was not aware he was to be awarded anything. In his Dress Uniform, he walked over, and stood at attention in front of the Commodore.

The Commodore smiled at Chief Payne, taking an award box from the Ensign and then approaching the Master Chief. He handed the box over and gave a firm nod.

"Master Chief Petty Officer Payne, for your actions both on the bridge and below decks during the Battle of the Bright Nebula, for keeping the cadets and the crew in line, and for your heroism in the line of duty, I am proud to award you the Command Division Services Award. Excellent job, Master Chief."

Gregory then stood beside Charles, leaning to say, "and a damn good job keeping those boarders off our ship." He then patted his shoulder, giving Charles a chance to relish the praise from the crowd.

"Sir, I was just doing my job. What was expected of me." Said Charles to Gregory silently.

"And a damn fine job it was," Gregory assured with a pat on the shoulder.

The Commodore allowed for several more moments of the crowds praise to be enjoyed by the Master Chief before guiding him off stage. The crowd began to chat among themselves, and for all intents and purposes it honestly felt like Charles had been the last to be awarded. As that feeling permeated among the guests, Gregory waited for the first individual to rise from their seat to leave before he cleared his throat for the attention of everyone. Once he had them, he smiled.

"Crew of the Poseidon, we have one final individual who deserves an award tonight," the Commodore said, carefully. He gazed into the crowd, spotting Franklin. "Commander, please come up."

The silence that followed was stilling. Commander Franklin Johnson rose, not expecting to at all be awarded or recognized in this event. He had only commanded the vessel, not saved it. That praise should be to his crew! The confusion was hidden well behind his mask of professionalism, approaching the stage and walking up close to the Commodore.

"Greg," Franklin tried, whispering to his superior, "I didn't do anything."

The Commodore smirked, eyeing down his subordinate amusingly. A nod of his head followed by a quiet, "Perhaps", for an answer was all that was given. Gregory turned, accepting two award boxes from the Ensign before they once again retreated to their hiding place. A glance towards Franklin, then Gregory faced the crowd.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, Individuals of all stations and genders. Starfleet Command has been impressed by all of you, those present and those not present, from the smallest Cadet and-" Gregory glanced at Franklin again briefly "-to the highest totem on the command chain. I have been impressed, as not only a witness to your professionalism and vast improvement, but also to your discipline as a crew and motivation to provide the best results for your stations, your jobs, your careers. I have awarded tonight those who Starfleet Command saw as going above and beyond the call of duty, but let us not forget that everyone has gone above and beyond in their own way. To all of you, I thank you, as does Starfleet Command."

The Commodore then turned to the Commander, who stood somewhat uneasily next to his superior. Gregory gave a smirk of recognition at the posture, but heedless of Franklin's predicament he continued.

"To that end, I am forced as representative of Starfleet Command to also recognize the one person who started this layer of discipline, professionalism, and conduct which befits and exceeds the expectations of Starfleet Command. Your Commanding Officer, Commander Franklin Johnson, has performed admirably in the line of duty both during the Battle of the Bright Nebula and during all situations leading up to it. A Commanding Officer, a good CO, is a person who inspires his subordinates to strive harder and better for something that only the CO can give purpose to. It is the opinion of Starfleet Command that your CO, Commander Johnson, has done just this on the USS Poseidon."

A moment to allow applause, then Gregory continued as Franklin became more erect in posture; standing straighter and more at attention, straightening his uniform nervously here and there.

"Commander Franklin Johnson, in recognition of your achievements I am hereby authorized by Starfleet to promote you to the rank of Captain, effective immedietly, and for your service to the ship and conduct in the Battle of the Bright Nebula I additionally award you the Command Division Services Award!"

Without missing a beat, the Commodore was quick to open the award box with the pips. He was professional but swift to take off the Commanders pips, replacing them with a shiny new Captain's set. To his credit, Franklin remained still and emotionless through this, accepting the praise and the promotion in stride. He even extended a hand, accepting the division award. Gregory then extended his hand, and with his other Franklin took it and shook. The two stared at each other, a smile creeping on Franklins expression and a large smile on the Commodores.

"You're going to go far, son," Gregory said below the noise of the crowd. "You're going to reach my rank and beyond, I know it. And even if you don't, this alone is an achievement, because you earned this, son. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, sir," Franklin replied, just as quietly. "Couldn't of done it without a good teacher."

The two turned to the crowd and, after a quiet exchange between newly-promoted Captain and the elder Commodore, Gregory stepped back to let the Captain address his crew.

"Thank you all for attending this celebration tonight, I'm sure most of you like me weren't expecting the results," Franklin said as he gave a chuckle. "The ceremony is over, but the party has just begun. Let's all mingle and relax. Take it easy, that's an order."

Franklin smiled as he gestured politely at the crowd in his mock-order, then straightened his uniform as the lights dimmed on the stage. The after-party would commence then, and it would go on for several hours as the crew would no doubt enjoy themselves.


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Commodore Gregory Paladin
Mission Advisor
USS Poseidon


Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Commander Karn
Chief Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Kanaka Shakura
Executive Officer / Chief Counselor
USS Poseidon


Major Phoebe Graydon
Second Officer / Marine Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon

Lt. Commander Nivora T'Vek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Commander Freya Mannerheim
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon


Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne
Chief of the Boat
USS Poseidon


Staff Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim
Marine First Sergeant
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Hibiki Zh'kallas
Assistant Chief Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Commander Neteri "Ikran" Shannon
Fighter Group Commander
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Damian Kane
Ship's Chaplain
USS Poseidon


Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Ermey Payne
Chief of the Boat
USS Poseidon


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