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The New Chief Engineering Officer

Posted on Monday July 27th, 2020 @ 12:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Captain Franklin Johnson & Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi

2,284 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon; Docking Area (Bridge)
Timeline: Post-Battle of Bright Nebula; Post-Promotions
Tags: Post-Battle of the Nebula, Starbase 47, Engineering

Commander Franklin Johnson stood awaiting the arrival of his new Chief Engineering Officer. With the departure of Lieutenant, Junior Grade T'se as the prior Assistant Chief Engineering Officer and J'Loni resuming her duties as Assistant CEO in the place of T'se, there had been a rather large vacuum. Starfleet had provided the solution, all too quickly rounding up a professional Starfleet Officer with a resume to match. Having just departed the decommissioned USS Rutupiae as its former First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe had agreed to a transfer to assist and continue their career on the Poseidon as her new CEO. With all the hell he had endured recently with a few good men and women dying, others leaving, and even more rotating to different ships, it was nice to receive some welcome additions.

The docking port for the Miranda, for arriving crew of Officer grade or higher, was on the Bridge - behind it, more to be specific. Back during the late 2300s, Starfleet vessels used smaller shuttles that would dock to the vessels and ferry around officers in fleet operations. This was quickly replaced by transporters as they became more reliable and more commonplace, however, that didn't mean that the Poseidon still wouldn't utilize these areas for gantries and docking berths. The docking area itself was a small compartment behind the turbolift for the bridge, the exit to said room entering the west side of the bridge where the security lobby for the bridge was. It housed the bridges head, sonic shower, storage lockers, and airlock controls as well as a staircase down to deck two, a staircase much like which the foyer had on the east side of the bridge.

There, beside the sliding door to the airlock, the Commander stood as he politely adjusted his uniform in preparation. Behind him, Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi, a Security Officer who continued to make a name for himself especially during the events of the Battle of the Bright Nebula, stood guard for his Commanding Officer. They were not expecting trouble, but after the events a short while ago, it had been agreed to keep at least a minimal security presence at all times around important figures such as the Captain and XO, places, and thereabouts.

Paul approached the inner airlock and he reared back startled there was Commander Johnson waiting for him, he quickly recovered himself and he noted a Lieutenant standing behind the Captain, he could tell he was Security, just by his stance and the fact that he too was a former security officer himself so he could recognise the type. 'I so did not expect the Captain to be waiting for me at the airlock!' He said to himself as he placed his carry-bag down and handed the Captain his assignment Padd. "Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe reporting for duty Captain, as you were likely notified I am your new Chief Engineer, here are my posting papers, and who is your bodyguard Captain?" he said indicating the Padd and Security Officer.

"This is Lieutenant Vladinchi," replied Franklin with an amused expression. "I'm not sure if you're up to date on things, but when we arrived, we were quite heavily damaged. Rogue Starfleet ambush, so they say. Had a hostile boarding action. Mr Vladinchi is here as per new shipboard precautions. You'll likely see his peers in critical areas of the ship, even during downtime, including Engineering."

Oscar quietly glanced toward Paul, giving a slow nod. His gaze, however, did not lack the critical eye of someone appraising a possible threat. He resumed his stance, the older gentleman keeping quiet as he stared blankly forward.

The professionalism wasn't lost on the Commander. It was a reminder of how serious the situation had been and, quite possibly, was. Returning his attention fully to his new crewmember, Franklin took hold of the PADD and examined it. As was tradition, the Captain was expected to take matters seriously - a sign of respect. He did so and skimmed the basics, already having read the full debrief and summary on the Lieutenant Commanders service history. Nodding in approval, Franklin handed the PADD back.

"Everything looks in order, Mr Sharpe," Franklin said with a smile. He extended a hand to shake. "Welcome aboard the Poseidon. Is there anything I can do to help your acclimation to the ship?"

"I see you're already getting acquainted with our new friend, Captain?" A friendly voice called out from behind both Oscar and Franklin. If Paul peered round, he'd spot a Betazoid female standing in the doorway, arms held firmly behind her back and a polite yet reserved smile across her face. Dressed in a blue uniform and with the pips of a Commander, the broad-shouldered woman approached confidently and with purpose.

Giving a subtle nod of acknowledgement to Oscar, she stood beside Franklin and looked across at the new Chief Engineering Officer. Giving him a brief look over, she then extended a hand. "Commander Kanaka Shakura, Executive Officer and Chief Counsellor of the Poseidon. I liaised with Starfleet when you were brought to our attention; we're glad to have you aboard, especially in light of recent events."

Oscar gave a nod back, while Franklin greeted his XO with a polite smile and nod as well.

After shaking the Lieutenants hand and taking the Padd back and suddenly a female commander appeared she was in blue he knew it was possible for other branch officers to be in a command position, he took the offered hand "Commander Kanuka Shakura, ships first Officer and Chief Councillor, it is good to meet you" Sharpe said with a smile "I am a former Security Officer I check your and the Captain's files before accepting the position, I guess old habits die hard" he added and as he pulled his hand back he looked at the Captain to address his question.

"To answer your question Captain, I would like if possible to have someone show me my quarters and the old CEO if he or she is still alive to give me a tour of my new Engine room and to bring me up to speed on what the hell you all did to my engineering room!" Sharpe said, "if the old CEO is unavailable I will accept another engineer to brief me" he added his face went as neutral as a Vulcan as did his voice, once again his sub-conscious brought on his "Vulcan mode" this was what he referred to it by as he became as emotionless as a Vulcan thanks to his schooling on Vulcan as a child, this type of thing did not happen often and for that he was thankful, forcing himself out of the neutral tone mode and putting a smile on his face "Also, I am happy to be here Captain it will be a change from being in command, I always felt more at ease in Operations. When I get settled in I will take a look at your computer systems, my speciality is computers and after a battle like this ship has been through there is going to be more than just physical damage" he added.

"I think that can be arranged," Franklin said, noting the change in emotion from Paul. "The ship did take quite a beating but I don't anticipate a large amount of damage in engineering."

He rolls his eyes "oh great, at least I will have work, I feel I owe you an explanation Captain, I know you noticed a mood change with myself, I would like to clarify it was nothing personal, I had a lot of schooling on Vulcan and some of the emotional disciplines rubbed off on me it was a boon while I was getting over the deaths of my parents, my aunt and uncle who was looking after were part of the civil corps at the time so I had to be placed somewhere and where better than youth with wild emotional changes due to the loss of his parents than Vulcan! What you just saw Captain what I refer to as my Vulcan mode where I become as cold and emotionless as a Vulcan, in some areas it has served me well, in others it makes it hard to make a good first impression, it is ironic my wife who is a marine chooses a life of action, yet she has diplomatic training and upbringing and she freely shows her emotions, me I come from the other side of society and hold my emotions in check and here is the kicker if I served on a Vulcan crewed ship I would be tolerated and still considered too emotional, yet on a ship like this, in the past, I have been considered" he pauses for effect "to be too logical and Vulcan in my ways, so if at any point I become as you have just seen Captain, please know it is nothing personal" Sharpe said in explanation.

He looks at the first officer "so Commander who is the current Security Chief? I will need to seek them out to arrange security clearances and to get registered with the systems of the ship" he asked.

Kana's eyes flickered slightly as Paul explained his history and talked about his 'Vulcan mode'; she had been tutored personally by a Vulcan during her time at the Academy after having made a very quick getaway from Betazed, so she had an appreciation for Vulcan ways and mannerisms. She had noticed that the new Chief Engineering Officer had a certain cadence about him; she also had read his file prior to his arrival and knew he had a tragic history as he described. "Perhaps he and I shall need to have a discussion at some point?" She wondered.

Responding to his question, the Commander confirmed, "Our current Chief Security and Tactical Officer is Lieutenant Commander Karn Karn, a rather...eccentric Lurian who's on exchange with Starfleet. Dutiful and reliable, he will no doubt make you are registering a quick and painless process." She smiled.

Franklin nodded through his new Chief's explanation. It had seemed odd at first, but the Commander had come to understand that people were more often than not going to be more comfortable once they established comfortable boundaries. He politely listened and afterwards, gave an understanding nod. Adding a, "Perfectly understandable," at the end once Paul's attention shifted to his XO.

"Thank you for understanding Captain, who is the prior CEO, I assume they still live?"

"Lieutenant Mo'Bri," answered the Commander. "She should be a few decks away from us at the moment, I think to tend to the engines and cores. We can arrange a meeting if you'd like so you two can catch up."

Nods once "thank you, Commander, it would be appreciated, the sooner I can get me acquainted with the engines the sooner I can see about repairing the battle damage" Sharpe responded with a smile, but what would initially be nice would be if someone could show me my quarters so I can dump my stuff before going on duty" he added.

"I can arrange someone from Operations to show you to your quarters." The XO reassured him. "In fact, I'll arrange it now." She stepped away briefly to call for someone via her commbadge.

"Thank you, Number One," Franklin said as Kanaka turned to handle the specifics. The Commander then faced his new CEO again with a smile. "I think I might be keeping you from introductions unless you have something else to address?"

Paul thinks a moment then shakes his head "No there is nothing further I have at the moment Captain, all my other questions involve the old CEO, do you have any computer system issues Captain?" he asked "If they are local, then there should be easy fixes as I have no doubt that the computer systems need major maintenance" Sharpe said with a small smile as he was aware of the First Officer sorting out someone to escort him to his quarters.

"Other than a slight complaint about the science station on the bridge being a lot laggier at times than it should?" Franklin offered, then shook his head to indicate nothing further. "I don't recall anything else hitting my desk of that nature."

' with all this ship has been through I am surprised the science console is the only thing to cross the captain's desk as faulty' he thought to himself "I will take a look at the science console on the bridge asap then Captain" he said with a smile and looks at the First Officer.

As if on cue, Kana returned. "I have someone from Operations on the way to come and escort you now, Lieutenant Commander. Once you've gotten yourself settled and have had a chance to get your barrings with the ship and your new department, do come and seek me out to report your initial assessment. Again, welcome to the U.S.S. Poseidon; we're happy to have you on-board."

"Understood Commander and thank you" Sharpe responded with a polite one-time nod and a smile, as if on cue that very Operations officer arrived "If you will follow me Commander, I will take you to your quarters and hand you over to our previous CEO for that tour," the Officer said.

Sharpe simply nodded and picked up his bag and followed the officer away from his greeters.


Lt. Cmdr. Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Capt. Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon
Lt. Oscar Vladinchi (NPC)
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Cmdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
USS Poseidon


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