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[BACKLOG] Oh, Hi Phoebe

Posted on Sunday February 20th, 2022 @ 1:40am by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Edited on on Sunday February 20th, 2022 @ 9:28am

991 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon


It was an uneventful day on the Poseidon as she continued her maiden voyage to her first stop. The engines hummed to a tune as the warp drive propelled the older Miranda through the abyss. Inside, her crew went about their daily routines, now well acquainted with the schedule. As he was off at the time, Commander Johnson decided to pay a visit to his Second Officer. After conferring with the computer, he located her in her quarters. Pressing the button to ring for entry, he waited outside her quarters.

Phoebe was sitting in a recliner chair which she'd had bought on board from home, before the ship had left stardock. "Enter." She called, leaning forward to put the chair into a sitting position, before placing the PADD she'd been looking at onto the table. She looked up at the door to see the Captain standing there. "Oh. Commander, I wasn't expecting you." She said, getting up from her chair and coming to attention. "What can I do for you?" She asked.

"Just checking in!" Franklin chimed jovially, entering as he stepped a few feet away from the Major. "How's everything been? Last time we talked things weren't going so well."

"Still not great. Chloe has now moved herself out and to a vacant quarters, much to the Quartermasters upset. But I do think she has a room-mate now, which will hopefully help her with whatever she's going through." She said, taking her seat again, smiling. "Please, have a seat." She said, gesturing to the chair opposite.

"Thank you," Franklin said, taking the offered seat. After getting comfortable, he gave somewhat of an understanding nod to Phoebe. "I never had kids, so I can't properly appreciate the trouble you're enduring. I'm sorry it hasn't gotten any better. Is there anything I can do?"

"Nothing to do, unfortunately. Not until I either find out whats wrong, or it all blows over. Who knows which will happen first." She answered. "How are you anyway?" She asked.

"I've been alright," Franklin replied, giving a sympathetic smile. "Honestly it's been quiet since port. I almost felt like I was in an office for a while there. Other than that, I'm okay."

"I've just been trying to do what I can where I can. My mindset is that if I keep myself busy, I don't have time to worry about anything else." She replied.

The Commander nodded. "Any plans for the immediate future?" he asked. "Fun and games, I mean," Franklin clarified. "Like maybe something on the holodeck? What do you do in your spare time now?"

"I've been trying to learn to play chess again...not exactly the most exhilarating thing to do, but I find I enjoy it." She answered with a small smile. "If you have any suggestions on things to do though, i'm more than happy to listen." She said.

"I really don't have any suggestions," admitted Franklin, then with a smile added, "Mostly just ideas. Honestly? Do whatever keeps you going. It's all I can suggest. If you need someone to accompany you, I'd be happy to in my off time."

"I had been looking at a little rock climbing program on the holodeck. Based off of Red Rock Canyon, back in Nevada. Feel free to join me if you'd like." She answered, offering a smile.

"I think I can do that," Franklin replied with an equal smile. "Maybe sometime later?"

Phoebe nodded. "That sounds good." She smiled briefly. "So what do you think could be wrong with her?" She asked, referring to Chloe.

Franklin gave a helpless shrug. "I'm unfortunately not qualified to answer that adequately. My best guess is, from my own experience, that Chloe is entering a new phase of her life. This era must be so different than the one I grew up in. But that was my best guess."

"So what would you suggest?" She asked. "Should I just leave her alone? Leave her to do what she needs to do? Or approach her and try and help her...if I can."

The Captain sighed, staring at Phoebe with an exhaustive look. There was a clear indication that his mind was working overtime, eyes looking away briefly as he pondered. Then after a moment he returned his gaze to Phoebe, giving a nod.

"I suggest talking to her, yes," Franklin replied after that moment of quiet thought passed. "Try to gain an understanding of her perspective first. Don't start from your perspective. Then use that as a path to converse with her."

"So try and find out what the problem is from her point of view before trying to put across my own view?" She asked.

"To be honest? Yes," Franklin replied. "That's how I remember my mother doing it. My father was more blunt and straight forward, but as I recall when I argued to enter the civilian freighter corps, they allowed me to provide my perspective first before allowing their own to enter the picture. Even then they weren't forceful about it. This was my future on the line, after all, and it was my responsibility. If I can use that as an example, I think that'd be a good way to approach it."

Phoebe nodded. "I 'spose you're right. I'll give that a try. Can't make things any worse I guess. How's things going with the ship? Anything need working on that I could do?" She asked, trying to find things to distract herself with.

"Maybe a few things," the Captain admitted before giving a smile. "First things first, though. Solve your issues, then you work on the ships. How's that for a deal?"

Phoebe nodded. "Of course, thank you Captain. Is there anything else you need from me?" She asked, giving a small smile.

"That's all for now, thanks Phoebe," the Captain said, smiling back.


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Major Phoebe Graydon
Marine CO & Second Officer
USS Poseidon


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