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[BACKLOG] Initializing the EMH - Engineering

Posted on Monday February 21st, 2022 @ 5:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Edited on on Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 @ 7:32pm

1,508 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Various
Timeline: After Engineering Meeting



After he had dismissed his staff and realized that he could not put it off much longer Paul stepped out into engineering itself and over to the nearest console and made the final connections for the holo emitter system recently installed in key areas around the ship. When the link was established he stood back "activate EMH" Sharpe said and after a flicker, a still EMH appeared before him before flickering out again he cursed and walked over to the nearest access point and pulled the cover off and crawled in and pulled out his tricorder and moved it slowly over the panels and located the ODN line that did not want to play ball so he connected it and the readings showed that it was now working at 100% smiling to himself as he got out of the recess and returned the cover to its place and then stood up.

"Computer activate EMH image minus base programming and test for any errors in the projected image," he said and the computer complied as a red-headed female EMH that could only stand there as there were no sub-routines added yet. With the image standing before him the computer ran a scan.

"Negative for image errors of the Emergency Medical Hologram" the computer replied.

"Good, good now add the base sub-routines in the ship's database and adjust EMH for re-added additions," he said and waited a moment as the computer did its duty

"Emergency Medical Hologram Mark One sub-routines added no issues found" the computer supplied.

"That is good, now add the EMH's established personality however limited," Sharpe said and watched the EMH image flicker then solidify, Paul scanned the image and his tricorder found no issue, so he walked over to the console closest to him and pulled up the EMH diagnostics and mumbled his satisfaction as the readings said the same now as they did when he initially tested the EMH when powered by portable power cells.

He turned to face the EMH as he pulled out his Padd and tapped something into it "Computer install new adaptable sub-routines to EMH and merge with existing ones and make the process smooth" he said.

"Working," the computer said, during this time he looked at the progress.

What he had done was create an adaptability matrix sub-routine, while the EMH had a distinct personality, this new addition would allow her to adapt and learn quicker than the original EMH and make her seem more human and friendly and adapt a unique bedside manner, but retaining all the base programming of the Zimmerman EMH MK1, layman's terms he had given the EMH a personality, granted it was blank, but he knew the EMH would soon adapt there was also room for the EMH to pick up hobbies, the downside was there was no mobile holo emitter.

The computer bleeped it was done so Paul ran a level one diagnostic on the EMH, while that was running he checked the coding of the EMH and all looked fine, but he had a form of OCD in that it had to be perfect in his eyes, he got engrossed and jumped a little when the alert for a level One diagnostic complete sounded.

"Emergency Medical Hologram running at One-hundred Percent of capacity" the computer replied.

"Okay, deactivate EMH and restart," he said and the still image of the EMH flickered out as the EMH systems were restarted, he3 looked at the screen that he had been using as the coding ran, all was looking good eventually the coding stopped loading signifying that the restart had been completed, mentally crossing his fingers he faced front again "Computer Activate EMH," he said.

"Please state the nature of the medical emergency," Alex said, as she materialised in main Engineering. She looked around briefly, taking in the surroundings, remembering briefly that she had been here once before. As she looked around she laid eyes on someone in front of her. It took her less than half a second to scan through the internal ship's database and work out who it was. "Lieutenant Commander Sharpe. What can I do for you?" She asked, trying to put on a smile, that probably looked more half smile half frown.

Looking over the EMH "Hello Alex, when last we met we were in my office and you were connected up to a temporary holo emitter and some portable power cells. Now you are fully connected to the system and to a permanent holo emitter system placed throughout the engineering, so you will have access to all of the main engineering in an emergency. Scan your sub-routines you will see that you now have a new adaptable sub-routine integrated this should allow you to develop beyond the standard Mark 1 EMH on which your program is based. Also, there are holo emitters in Science and on the Bridge, the ones in Medical have been repaired and are now fully operational, we will be doing area based tests of your program, so there will be a lot of deactivations and activations so I can test your systems. Tell me Alex are you detecting any kind of degrading to your holo matrix?" Sharpe asked.

Alex nodded and started to internally run through all of her subroutines, as well as make sure that there were no issues with the holo matrix. After about 10 seconds she nodded again, satisfied that everything was correct. "Everything appears to be functioning within acceptable parameters, Lieutenant. I have no concerns with my programming at this time." She replied.

Looking up "It is Lieutenant Commander, not Lieutenant Alex *smiled*, now as all systems are 100% please take a walk around engineering I want to test the holo emitters in Engineering, then I will deactivate you and when next we meet it will be in another location" Sharpe said.

Alex nodded. "My apologies Lieutenant Commander, I will resync my internal database to make sure that doesn't happen again." She said as she started to walk around the engineering area. "Is there anywhere in here I cannot go?" She inquired. She didn't want to go somewhere she couldn't and have her programme end up corrupt or worse.

"Look but do not touch, the main areas of engineering have emitters installed, the small rooms off to the side do not so the entire engine room and my office you have access to," Sharpe said as he followed Alex around Engineering, he checked the emitters in the section and they were green across the board, he smiled and allowed the EMH to explore the engineering section. "Also, with you being an EMH I can give you whatever look you want" Sharpe added as he caught up to the EMH.

Alex nodded. "I'm thinking blonde, about shoulder length, blue eyes, slim build." She replied, continuing to move about the engineering department.

Sharpe tapped the information onto his Padd and set it up "are you sure you want those changes put in place, Alex?" he asked the hologram as they came full circle back into his office "my readings show holo-matrix is green across the board, did you detect any oddities as you walked thorough Engineering?" He asked.

"There was a slight glitch around the rear of the engineering area, at the far stretches." She replied, pointing behind her. "I believe the holoprojector there may need recalibrating to resolve this issue." She replied. "And yes, those changes would be great."

"Slight glitch, huh! Okay," Sharpe said as he put in a work order for the said holo emitter, as he tapped a few new algorithms in with his finger over the activation button "okay Alex, blonde, blue eyes and slim build coming up, your matrix will fluctuate and deactivate as the changes are applied, then it will restabilize and you will look different, ready?" Sharpe asked.

Alex nodded once, standing completely still, waiting for the process to take place.

The moment the EMH was standing still Sharpe applied the changes and the hologram flickered then vanished when she returned the changes were in place, tapping a few commands in. "Okay Alex, it is done, those changes are done, so if you want to check yourself in a mirror" Sharpe said as a holographic mirror appeared in front of the EMH. "A good thing with holo emitters we can make mirrors here now" he added.

Alex nodded again. "Everything looks to be within the specified parameters. Thank you, Lieutenant Commander." She replied.

"You are welcome Alex," Paul said and with that done Sharpe tapped a few commands "okay Alex, the next appearance is the Science Lab, I will see you there" he said.

Alex nodded one final time. "I will see you there." She said as she prepared to be deactivated.

With a final nod, Sharpe deactivated the EMH in engineering and the holographic mirror and sighed as he readied his Padd for the test in the Science Lab.


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


EMH Alex (APB Phoebe)
Emergency Medical Hologram
USS Poseidon


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