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[BACKLOG] "Things That Go Bump"

Posted on Sunday February 20th, 2022 @ 12:46am by Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch
Edited on on Sunday February 20th, 2022 @ 9:29am

1,915 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Mess Hall/Arboretum
Timeline: Concurrently During Investigations


A normal stroll through the ship, Ky'La was walking through the corridor where the Chief Securities office was. It was rather quiet except for a few security officers walking around. She had a PADD in her hand and was looking at the deflector shield modifications that were recently done. Normally she would just be walking and not reading, but today she was engrossed in reading the modifications.

In his Office, Calvin was going through the cadets that he had interviewed. Both in regards to the Captain's Klingon "cuisine" incident and the ongoing Sabotage investigation. There was now a loose link between the Probe casing and radio isotope decay from the device, disrupting all the collected data. The Poseidon probe data, aghast to Lt. Commander Perkins, was destroyed. The information was sent to another entity beyond Poseidon. This was unsettling but not angering to Hirsch. At least not yet. The Chief had known that idle time brings the inactive discussion of whom did what, when and where?

There was a static movement after setting up thermo static event indicators within the Poseidon turbo lifts, main computer core, main engineering, main bridge, captains ready room, and others. Just slight. But his computer was compiling the information manifested into the Security Computer.

Leaning back, Hirsch was more than exhausted. He rubbed his eyes and absent-mindedly reached for his metal Starfleet mug of double-double coffee. "Ka--THUNK!" Was the sound of hot coffee covering the floor next to his desk.

"Oh, For Fracks Sake!" Calvin shook his head and stood up to access the spill. He needed to get another drink, and in the meantime, worry about the mess maybe once it had dried. Who cares? For now, at least his office would smell of the brilliant caffeinated carpet.

Next, a hard crash into an Officer that had surprised Cal evermore "--- OHHHhhhMMMppphhh!!!" Cal managed to grunt as he crashed into another Crew member onboard, this late at night, this late in the Security Offices.

"Ooofffftttpppp!!" said Ky'La as she landed on the deck.

"Are you alright?" Hirsch was surprised to see an incredible sight in front of him. "I... Uh... Whoah, there. That was my fault." Hirsch scratched the back of his neck, anxious, especially around someone he found attractive.

"I must look where I walk this late at night. Normally I don't walk down here but my thoughts are drifting again. Oh.....sorry I am....just my pride thats all. Ky'La De'Lenn....and you are?" she said smiling at the very anxious Lieutenant.

Cal had helped up the cadet from walking through, and had bumped into her. "Security, Chief of. Lieutenant Hirsch." Calvin then noticed he was speaking to a Lieutenant Commander. Hirsch quickly gave a sharp-one off salute to her, respecting her position. "Ma'am." Calvin then relaxed his stance.

"Relax Lt. Hirsch, I don't bite. So you are the new Security Chief. Welcome aboard," Ky'La said still laughing.

"You know. I was about to have a night cap." Hirsch ignored the fact that he had dumped a silver cup of coffee on the Poseidon carpet. "I've been doing some work, and I needed a night cap. That is if you are not too busy."

"No I am off shift and was headed to the ships lounge for a bite and a nightcap as well. I think it would be a wonderful idea. Shall we?" she finished saying. De'Lenn was in the mood for some company.

Calvin entered the empty mess hall with Kyla. The Security Officer, had teamed with operations and sciences to determine how these terminals were breached. So far, the Mess Hall, other than the Captain's was safetied.

"What do you feel like? I could definitely go with a bowl of ice cream. Have you ever tried Rocky Road?" Hirsch, winked at Kyla. Her figure said she did not, however, a lot of the Female kind did like Chocolate considering it even an aphrodisiac, as to which Cal never understood. It tasted great but, did nothing for him.

"Icecream sounds good only a Triple Double Chocolate Fudge bowl is heavenly! But after I eat a salad first. Calories, a girl must watch her figure you know!" De'Lenn said giggling as she placed her order.

Hirsch had chuckled at Kyla's giggle. He found it illuminating and fun. Relaxed he lent a smile. "That sounds. Awesome. Where do I get one?" He gestured for Kyla to order them some if she wished.

"The only chocolate I'm used too." Hirsch had made a face, cringed a bit. "Chocolate protein powder."

Ky'La ordered two Triple Double Chocolate Fudge bowls. "Now after we eat, I will teach you how to eat this bowl in an erotic fashion," she said.

Hirsch's eyebrow had raised upward. "Erotic treatment of Chocolate? This." Calvin had eyed the bowls. The decadent chocolate swirled in the bowl. "I will indeed need to see Commander De'Lenn."

Yes it is all in how you spoon the icecream and swirl the spoon thru the second layer of chololate pudding till you bring up the spoon and reach the delicious fudge on top. As you reach the top there it should have a taste of all 3 chocolates and finally end the swirl with the chocolate mouse. You put it in your mouth and enjoy the chocolate explosion of joy," De'Lenn said.

"Small pleasures. You seem easy to please. Would that be true?" Hirsch grinned. He attempted to emulate De'Lenn's actions with the spoon and her bowl of three layered chocolate as his own. He then closed his eyes as he took the spoon and unceremoniously landed it into his mouth.

Closing his eyes as he allowed himself to taste the coco, the sugars, the cream and a tingle of happiness, just a tingle. After a moment, he withdrew the now steel cleaned spoon. "That wasn't sex. But... It was enjoyable." Hirsch had chuckled.

Sex???? Now why didn't I think of that? Only you would think of that. I guess the chololate didn't go over the way I had hoped it would," Ky'La chuckled looking at Hirsch.

"Terribly unsatisfying." Hirsch had chuckled watching De'Lenn. Shaking his head sideways he playfully continued to eat the rest in his bowl. "Now, how would you eat this erotically?" He replied. "Inquiring minds want to see." He raised his eyebrow upward rather playful and naughty.

Ky'la raised an eyebrow as she caught his naughty thought. Now who would have thought? Smiling she spooned the mixture in the same way as before but this time she teased him by licking it off the spoon. "Now that is my way of having an erotic spoonfull," she said giggling.

The errotic nature of the act had indeed reverberated. "That was. Incredible... Chocolate." Hirsch had flushed a bit red. He was so wound up tightly these past few weeks what with all the security breaches and sabotage onboard. Every department had worked to see an end to it.

"That... That was relaxing just watching that." Calvin had grunted. And laughed. "Ok. I am a creep! That much is for sure." He joked. "What do you like to do to unwind on the ship, activity wise. Er. Not erotic wise. Cause' right now, clearly we can't have that talk with me in this.. state." Hirsch offered.

Ky'La smiled, "Certainly not! We could go for a walk in the arboretum and talk if you want," she said.

Arboretum, Deck 12

Entering the large room at this time of the night, the lights were a dimmer. The pathways lit through the tree lined forest of plants, small trees and earthly smells. Closing his eyes and taking a breath inward, Hirsch opened his eyes.

"This is relaxing. Do you come here often?" Hirsch decided to take the lead and begin the long winding pathway. The arboretum having several conversation areas to sit in like a Roman garden. An airy blue and dark sky gave way to twinkling stars.

"Yes I do. It is very relaxing and instills a sense of calm that most people haven't quiet yet understood. I don't know if the atmosphere or the colors or even the silence is truly understood but I for one do understand the need for peace of mind," Ky'La said.

Calvin stood and then gestured for Ky'La to have a seat. He liked to be a gentleman, but he knew what a strong Woman the Lt. Commander were. "Tell me. You're Betazoid. Do you sense any security issues onboard this vessel?" Lt. Hirsch cheekily raised his right dark brushy brow upward. Ky'La were quiet, kind and mysterious.

Taking the offered seat, she thought long about what Hirsch asked. Not having had to actually open her skills to sense, she looked at him, "What makes you think there might be a security risk here on the ship? I have had no perception of any strange or out of the normal," Ky'La said, raising an eyebrow looking dead in the face of a handsome inquisitive look.

"No reason." Calvin shrugged and shook his head chuckled. He let his eyes focus upward into the dark sky as it was almost a painted scape. He leaned back in relax and breathed in and then clasped his hands together. He looked at Ky'La. "I only ask because. So much has happened on this ship. And, I can't make heads nor tails. I feel like I'm in an old Western. All the shenanigans happen over the hills, and I can't leave my Lil sheriff desk." Hirsch paused, surprised he told Kyla that. Frankly, it wasn't in his business cards to do so. "Sorry." He smiled.

"Well it has not been a picnic either. I kinda feel a little outta sorts with all the craziness going on. Kinda makes it hard feeling out the minds of the crew and cadets. Hirsch, you will make a good sheriff on this ship. I can sense that in you," Ky'La said smiling warmly.

Hirsch had smiled a grin. "Thanks. I appreciate the vote. I hear. I am told you're pretty good at flying things."

"I... Can I..." Since he was head of Security, he had to uphold incredible standards when it had come to.... erm. expressing his interests in the opposite sex. Especially, Ky'La.

"Fly? Of is barely touching the subject though. I was raised in the cockpit and learned how to fly by watching birds glide on the air currents. Went to pilot school and learned ships, fighters, and shuttles. I would rather be flying than sitting behind a desk," Ky'La quipped blushing slightly. It was true what she said however. To be free and guiding a Starship or fighter was the best job one could have.

"Commander. De'Lenn." Hirsch replied turning to look at the FCO in her. "I have yet to receive an introductory lesson for one of the Poseidon's two Razor Interceptors..." He bit his lower lip with a grin. "Then I can train you on your Infiltration Specialist tactics the security officer jabbed. Only cause' Cal liked De'Lenn to do so.

Looking at Hirsch, "Of course. Its a date then," Ky'La said giggling.

"Well... We will have to work on that deal then?" Calvin shrugged opening up his eyes once more to see the star-lit arboretum sky waning to the early morning sunrise.

"A beautiful sunrise!" Ky'La said settling back on the grass and watching the sun.


Lt. Cmdr Ky'La De'Lenn
Chief Helms Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


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