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Just the Facts 1

Posted on Saturday October 17th, 2020 @ 11:07pm by Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne
Edited on on Saturday October 17th, 2020 @ 11:14pm

1,386 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Deck 6- Briefing room 1
Timeline: Current

"I pass with relief from the tossing sea of Cause and Theory to the firm ground of Results and Fact."
-Winston Churchill-


The Chief of the Boat, Master Chief Charles Ermy Payne entered briefing room 1. He had made sure that there was water available for himself, and the party he was waiting for. This was just an informal inquiry on how ship's operations could improve. And how it can co-ordinate better with other departments, and the Academy contingent on board. It was all approved by the Captain and the Commodore. Payne wanted to get this off the ground as best as he could.

Payne thought it would be best to talk to each department separately. He wanted to discuss ideas on how this could work better on an individual basis. He felt it was the best approach. Payne poured himself a glass of water and waited for his first interview of the day.

Payne could have started with any department first. But he chose Starfighter Wing because of it's tactical importance. He was going to go with the tactically most important departments first and foremost. He set up his padd. ready to take notes. All he could do now, was sit and wait.

Neteri really had no idea why she had been sumoned, but she went to see what the hubbub was all about. Entering the briefing room, "Chief Payne, what's this all about?" she asked cheerfully.

Chief Payne rose and saluted the officer. "Thank you for coming Ma'am. I know your time is valuable. I will try and make this brief." He said motioning to a chair across from him. He waited till the officer sat first. Always a proper senior NCO. "Alright Ma'am, It has been put in my care to do a, for lack of better terms, audit of how key ship's departments can function better as a unit. As well as utilize the Academy components we have aboard. IF I may Ma'am, I would like to talk to you about this and get your thoughts on how to make this ship run as a cohesive unit with all its departments running at 100% efficiency. May we please begin?" Asked the Chief.

"Of course Chief Payne. Ask away...." Neteri said chuckling.

Chief Payne looked up at the Commander and smiled. "Thanks Ma'am. Alright, You are the Group Commander of the Starfighter Wing. How do you feel you're Department is running Ma'am? Do you see any ways you could improve the efficiency? Asked the Chief.

"Master Chief, my pilot's are young and still in need of training and flight time. I have rotations dealing with flight tactics and flight simulations. My department might do better if we had more time for flight simulations. Part of training is also actual time in the cockpit, but we can't always get that so extra time in simulations does help," Neteri stated.

Chief Payne looked confused. "So, are you saying you need more cockpit time, more simulation time, or both?" He asked.

"Actually both, but, because we are out here, simulation time would be better. So yes, more time in the simulators would be appreciated," Neteri said. She wondered if there was a chance if the simulation time could be set up in the holodeck. She would have to ask.

Chief Payne made a note in his padd. "Interesting. Anything else you think would be beneficial to your wing Ma'am?" He asked?

"I'm wondering if we might be able to set up some holodeck time to do our simulations basically in real simulated fighters" Neteri said.

"Do you have a specific holodeck program in mind? Or would you need a program tailor made for the occasion? And, if so, how long do you feel you need to write up a program? Would you need assistance for this task?" Asked the Chief? "Making it in house DOES present it's advantages." Said Payne.

"I have the program already written up. It just needs to be run, and as for the amount of time, I can stager it between the three squadrons. I would guess maybe three hours, every other day for each, should be enough. Like say Monday, Wednesday, Friday, would be ideal," Neteri said, smiling.

"Well, write up a potential schedule, and I will include it in my report and recommendations. Please understand, I have no power of approval here. But this report will be given to, and read by the people who do. It will look very favorable if you already have a program ready to go, with a training schedule. You may, or may not get what you ask for. But the more polished it appears on paper, the better your chances would be." Said the Chief. "Now, moving on, we covered what you and your department might need. What about you're ideas on how to improve you're departments effectiveness with the rest of the departments?"

"Well, I was thinking about cross training the other department heads and their deputies. I know that it would be a valuable asset to be able to fly a fighter if the need arises," Neteri said.

The Chief started making notes. "Interesting idea. could you expand upon it. Possibly give some examples?" Asked Payne.

"Well, supposing we were on a Away mission, and we had to rescue a pilot and retrieve his fighter. Who would fly the fighter back? The Department head or his deputy could fly his fighter back", Neteri said smiling. "I know how to fly fighters but I also can fly starships as well" she added.

"Ok, but they do have rescue ships for that. And specially trained pilots and crews. And, Those fighters would they not be salvaged via tractor beam? You're a fighter pilot. I like where this is going. But, I'll need a better example. Maybe a couple." Said Payne. "I mean, I know you are qualified to fly just about anything. But lets work on your job specific examples."

"Oh I know that but it is the what "if's" you can't prepare for. What if, you only had a very small window of time to retrieve the pilot and his craft, you go with the personnel you have onboard. Its an emergency situation so time to pick and plan is not there.," Neteri said smiling.

"Fair enough Ma'am." Said Payne while making notes. "Ok, now how close does your department work with the Academy students on board? How can we broaden that? Any ideas on how we can improve interactions between your department and the Academy?" He asked.

" I don't know about changing the current way we do things at the moment. What we are doing is good enough for now. If something does change and we need to do something different, I will definitely let you know," she said.

"Are you sure? Maybe giving some students fighter flight time? Maybe doing some flight instructor duties? Anything?" Asked Payne.

"My pilots do get flight time three days a week with me out there. Basically their real time fighter training is done out there doing mock fights. The rest of the time is spent between simulators and lectures given by me. Believe me, my cadets learn hard and fast," Neterin said chuckling.

"I'm confused, are you talking about you're pilots? Or are you talking about the cadets?" Asked Payne.

"Both! I test both my cadets and pilots. My pilots can never get enough training, and for that matter neither can I. Constant training and testing of my pilots and my cadets make them better pilots and myself a better teacher and flight leader," Neteri said smiling at Payne.

Payne smiled and made notes on his Padd. "I think I have all I need for right now Ma'am. Please, let me know when you come up with ideas on how to improve you're Departments interactions with the Academy contingent on board." Said Payne. "Thank you for your time." He said standing and ready to salute as his superior officer left.

"Anytime Mr. Payne, my door is always open," Neteri said, as he stood and started to leave. oOWonderful kidOo Getting a cup of tea, she walkid out into the fighter deck thinking of what they had spoken on.


Lt. Jg. Neteri "Ikran" Shannon
USS Poseidon


Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne
USS Poseidon


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