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Personal Log, Entry 1

Posted on Saturday August 17th, 2019 @ 4:56am by Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine
Edited on Saturday August 17th, 2019 @ 4:57am

220 words; about a 1 minute read

"Canaan Serine's log.

"Due to an unexpected change in the flight plan, our transport arrived at Starbase 99 ahead of schedule. We disembarked the runabout at the concourse directly adjacent to the berth of the USS
Poseidon. This change in schedule permitted additional time to access and upload the amended orders referenced in a recent communique from the Department of Personnel Management. My original orders were to report to the USS Melbourne for a six-month rotation as their assistant science officer. To my surprise, these orders changed, however, when the commanding officer of the Poseidon diverted course to Starbase 99. From what I can gather, the starship is taking on a fresh complement of new crew and in need of a chief science officer.

"Although unexpected, this change of events more closely mirrors the path I envisioned for my career after leaving Arach-VI. I'm desperate for a change, and the
Poseidon could offer what's needed to deliver me from a funk my parents have so eloquently termed 'epic.'

"Anyway, I've reported on board the
Poseidon with the Quartermaster quick to process my orders and assign private quarters. They were adamant that I report to Commander Johnson as soon as possible, so that's my destination at present.

"End of log."


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