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Personal Log, Lt. Freya Svanirsdottir, ISS Cromwell. Entry 074.

Posted on Thursday August 15th, 2019 @ 1:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim

521 words; about a 3 minute read

Personal Log, Lieutenant junior grade Freya Svanirsdottir, ISS Cromwell. Entry 074.

Or, counting by my time in the Federation, Entry 2.

I feel I am settling in quite nicely now. The Poseidon is a venerable ship, with loads of history, and it definitely has its share of characterful people on board.

Let's take her Captain, for example. Commander Franklin Johnson. He seems a bit green for a CO, but I like him so far. Confident, and trusting in his staff. I have now been made Acting Chief Flight Control Officer - he seemed to struggle to fill that position, so putting the person on board that has experience flying ships on the conn seems like a logical choice. I hope I don't end up disappointing him.

My bunkmate, Ensign Sydney Allen. Fresh from the academy, and already quartermaster. She seems like a nice girl, but a little troubled. She came to me for help with a discrepancy in the ship's manifest, apparently five spare uniforms are missing. Looks to me that either someone is a massive idiot, or something is going on. And Syd does seem to be hiding something. I am certainly not the only person with a secret on this boat.

The chief counselor, LCdr Shakura - hard to have an opinion on her. She seems to know her stuff, and she can read people like an open book. Well, that's betazoids for you. The Empire likes to employ them as interrogators - counselling takes similar skills, I assume. I have a feeling she saw right through me when I met her earlier. Can I trust her? I would like to think so. She has asked me to come see her for an official counselling session some time soon. Maybe I should tell her. Never lie to your therapist, isn't that the old Terran saying?

Speaking of Terrans. Commodore Gregory Paladin. Never in my worst nightmares could I have imagined being on the same ship as him again. Just thinking about him makes me feel the booth again. I assume he is still at the Imperial Academy, torturing students to his heart's desire. Sadistic bastard. But then, that makes him perfect for the Empire. The Paladin on this ship... I am honestly not sure. He seems to know a lot more about me than he should. Than anyone in this universe should. Could he be Terran, too? Or is that just my imagination speaking? Either way, I need to be careful around him. Very, very careful.

In general, I feel there is something afoot on this ship. There's a reason I am using this PADD for my true personal logs. The ones I record for the Federation are just for show. I think they may well be watching me, maybe even checking my logs. I feel a little paranoid, but that is one of the instincts the Empire very much honed. Always an eye back over my shoulder, just in case. Nobody else will watch my back, I better do it myself. I still don't know if I can trust anyone here fully. Time will have to tell.

End personal log.


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