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Personal notes, Lt. Freya

Posted on Friday August 9th, 2019 @ 11:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Freya Mannerheim

460 words; about a 2 minute read

Well, here I am. The Federation admiralty has actually granted my asylum. And because my counterpart here was KIA, they have basically told me to become her. Looking around her personal quarters, I can see we were really not that different. From her personnel file, I can see we have a remarkably similar history. Sure, a few details are different, but the general timeline is pretty much the same. That should make it a lot easier to assume her place. I've been assigned to the USS Poseidon, an old retrofit that was put back into service as a training ship. I looked her up, she definitely has an interesting history. Can't say I've ever heard of a ship named Poseidon in the Imperial fleet, but then I was so focussed on finding those damn pirates that I barely even noticed what was going on when everyone was staring at the ISS Enterprise pulling into drydock after battle.

Still, things will take a bit of getting used to on this side. The uniforms aren't too different, luckily, as is the general chain of command. Discipline is completely different, but nobody is ever going to see me complain about the lack of agonisers. How I hate those things.

I am to report to Starbase 99 i a few days to take my place on the Poseidon. I am to be placed as both language specialist and acting conn officer, apparently - a little bit of a career change that was apparently requested by my counterpart before her ill-fated tour on the Cromwell. At least I get to keep the blue uniform. And my katana. The rest of my Imperial uniform was destroyed on order of the admiralty, to ensure my cover identity stays intact. Well, almost all of it. I am not going to let anyone take away my combadge, admiral or not. I'll keep it as a token of luck. It's not as if anyone in this universe would recognise the insignia of the Empire. Still, I better keep it well hidden, just in case.

The admiralty suggested I write to my cou- I mean, my grandfather and my sister, but I would not know what to say to them. I am sure they would see right through me. And who knows what Sora is like in this universe. I just hope my Sora is okay. They will have declared me KIA by now. A hero's death in service to the Empire. How glorious. At least my family should be generously compensated. The Empire loves its hero stories after all.

Anyway, better pack and get going, I requested an early transport to the starbase so I can get used to this starfleet some more before going on the Poseidon. Here goes nothing.


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