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Personal Log, Entry 2

Posted on Sunday August 25th, 2019 @ 11:43pm by Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine
Edited on Monday August 26th, 2019 @ 12:39am

449 words; about a 2 minute read

"Canaan Serine's log.

"I've reported to Commander Franklin Johnson, the
Poseidon's commanding officer. Commander Johnson has assumed the mantle of responsibility for providing one of the few mobile platforms for Starfleet Academy cadets and recent graduates. The Poseidon is to be the Academy's flagship, operating within a theatre contrite with rampant piracy. Although the primary mission objectives align with the founding principles of the Federation, we could be venturing into a region too advanced for our cadets and trainees. I feel concerned that we're taking too much risk with this precious cargo, while they attempt to acclimate to life outside of utopia.

Poseidon, however, is a capable ship. True, it's of a lower class, yet its recent refit has equipped the vessel with the latest and greatest technologies Starfleet has to offer. The unique amalgamation of vintage design and contemporary technologies have married the two into systems uniquely suited for this Miranda-class starship. There is no better venue for a trainee to learn, especially when the environment honors our past while looking towards the future.

"The science department is among the most spoiled, with technologies, systems, and equipment in place that put to shame even the
Luna-class. In turn, this reality has caused our department to take on one of the most substantial cadre's of cadets and trainees than most others. We have competent division heads comprised of Starfleet's brightest. I've no doubt we can rise to the challenge of providing these greenhorns an enriching experience, plenty of professional development, and a whole lot of hands-on learning.

"I remain without an assistant science officer, however. The ship is scheduled to layover at Starbase 47 before disembarking on our mission. There's a real possibility of this personnel shortage righting itself in due time.

"Aside from this, I have a physical scheduled with Doctor T'vek in sickbay and psychological evaluation with Counselor Shakura. I'm not looking forward to the latter of these meetings. It's not that I don't understand nor value the need for a psychologist aboard a starship. It's that I don't wish to leave myself open to the interpretation of someone who doesn't know me, or my past. The counselor wields such immense power to make or break a persons' career. I've worked tremendously hard on my achievements and accomplishments. I'd hate for it all to go away because Shakura doesn't understand or appreciate a part of my past that even I'm still coming to terms.

"I'll need to get over these reservations, however, if I'm to continue my work. Without the evaluation, I've already stalled before even getting started.

"Computer, end the log."


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