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[Backlog] Chief Counsellor's Log - Lt. (JG) Sydney Allen #00

Posted on Wednesday August 28th, 2019 @ 2:25am by Commander Kanaka Shakura

344 words; about a 2 minute read

Chief Counsellor's Log, Stardate 70612.8.

I just had an encounter with Lieutenant Junior Grade Sydney Allen in my Office aboard the U.S.S. Poseidon. These are my preliminary remarks ahead of future counselling sessions which Lieutenant Allen has agreed to, and I will schedule following this log's entry.

Lieutenant Allen is currently serving as the ship's Quartermaster. When she introduced herself to me she was in quite an emotional state, visibly distressed and crying. She told me that she was missing her wife, who she says she met at the age of sixteen and to whom she is now married at age twenty. This struck me as quite a young age to be married, though perhaps that's down to cultural sensitivity.

Just prior to this however, she lamented about how she was, quote, 'dragged here', suggesting that she wasn't given a choice about her posting to the Poseidon. I've decided that I should follow this up with the Commander at the next best opportunity.

When I asked her to tell me about her wife and about her prior experiences about being apart from people, she was very reluctant to give many details, aside from telling me that she is an adoptee. This was where I got my first suggestions about potential issues surrounding attachment and relationships. These concerns were further raised when I asked her about friendships, to which she identified Lieutenant Junior Grade Freya Svanirsdottir as a close friend, despite having only met her very recently. When I asked if she had trouble making friends, she was again reluctant to give a clear answer.

Upon my suggestion, Lieutenant Allen has agreed to continue the conversation in subsequent meetings. Prior to departing, she mentioned reservations she held towards Commodore Gregory Paladin, something I also sensed in Lieutenant Freya; there is a growing sense of unease towards him from some of the crew. This is something I will have to keep in mind going forward.

LCdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Chief Counsellor & Second Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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