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The Chief Counselor

Posted on Saturday August 24th, 2019 @ 5:22pm by Commodore Gregory Paladin
Edited on Saturday August 24th, 2019 @ 5:35pm

303 words; about a 2 minute read

Commodore's Personal Log, Stardate 70633.61

I've waited until now to conduct a personal log due to my suspicions concerning the ship's Chief Counselor and now Second Officer, Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Shakura. Around a day ago I had a run in with her in my personal quarters, where I am sure she attempted to ascertain information from me surrounding my motivations for gathering this specific crew. I admire and applaud such initiative, the exact reason why I knew she'd be a perfect fit; admittedly her attaining Second Officer had not been anticipated, but it was not an unwelcome event.

During our interaction I was emotionally vulnerable. Upon realizing my vulnerability I attempted to rectify the situation by changing the topic, but the....event...kept popping back into my mind. I almost gave my objective away. Almost. I wonder if that brief instance of vulnerability allowed to her to perceive some future counseling sessions. If that is the case I will have to rectify my situation by preparing myself in advance, though I honestly doubt if she is persistent in surprise visits if I'd have the chance.

The events surrounding my promotion to Commodore are classified as top secret by Starfleet Command. Officially, the records indicate that my service and duty to Starfleet warranted the promotion. While I am personally inclined to feel this justifiable, I also know that there is another reason behind. it.

[5 minutes of silence]

I miss them. I can't help but think of her and my children each time. His face, that rage, that hatred, their screaming. I couldn't get to them in time...

[Sounds of soft crying, 5 additional minutes pass]

In either event, I need to get back to my studies and planning. Computer, end log.



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