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"A New Assignment"

Posted on Saturday August 31st, 2019 @ 6:36am by Lieutenant J'Loni Mo'Bri Daughter House L'Keth & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon

829 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: Quarters/ XO's Office
Timeline: TBA

"Mommy.......mommy.....where is my teddy bear? It's not in my suitcase!" Jenna squealed, tossing her clothes around. The 7 year old was tight cause the bear went missing. "Daddy.....daddy! Mommy isn't answering me", Jenna continued to squeal.

William came to his daughter's rescue carrying her teddy bear. "Stop your squealing Jenna. Mommy had to go and report in to the XO".

"Why daddy? Did mommy do something bad? Is the XO going to hit mommy?", Jenna said almost crying. "Please daddy don't let the XO hurt my mommy.......", Jenna said crying.

"Jenna...honey, stop crying sweatheart. You know everytime mommy and I get transferred she has to report to the commanding officer. It is just the way things are done on starships. Believe me, no one is going to hit mommy okay?", William said to his daughter. Picking her up he walked to the window of their quarters and started playing the star game to help ease Jenna's fears.

Making her way to the XO's office, orders in hand, J'Loni hit the door chime and waited patiently.

Phoebe looked up from the paperwork she was working on. "Enter!" She called out, waiting patiently for the person to walk in.

J'Loni walked into her office, "Commander, Lt. J'Loni Mo'Bri, CEO reporting. I would have been here sooner but I had to settle my daughter and spouse in our quarters. You know how little girls can be", she chuckled.

Phoebe nodded. "I do, yes, I have a daughter myself infact. Please, have a seat Lieutenant." She said, offering the seat opposite her. "Can I get you a drink?" She asked.

Sitting, J'Loni asked, "I will take a cup of Earl Grey hot please Commander", she said. "Jenna is 7 and currently with my husband William who is also an engineer and my right hand man in engineering. He is my damage control specialist so he will be joining me in engineering", she added.

Phoebe nodded again, ordering the drink and setting them down on the table. She had ordered a Hot chocolate for herself. "My daughter's 18, a cadet. She's going to be joining us in the operations department, so she may work with you also." She said, smiling. "So, tell me about yourself the Lieutenant." She said.

"Well....grew up on Q'unoS in the capital city. Went to the best Klingon schools, learned my engineering knowledge cutting my teeth on fathers warbird's engine room. Grew up having to prove myself everystep of the way simply cause I was female. Took the first and second rites of ascension and became a warrior. Beat up two older boys cause they kept teasing me. Almost killing one because he kept pushing the issue. Got reprimanded by the Chancellor and the High Council. Went to SF Aacademy when I was 18 and impressed the hell put of my teachers in engineering and flying. Flew fighters doubled as helm officer while being the CEO. I am always in the technical manuals and in the holodeck labs going into new ways to get engine efficiency better than what it is. And of course my first job.....raising my daughter and taking care of family. My husband will be joining me in engineering as my assistant and damage control specialist. I do have one request though......I have a team of specialists that are all engineers in different areas. From time to time I would like permission to get them here when needed. Going up against pirates means extra work for me and my department", J'Loni finally decided to end the history lesson as she put it delicately.

"They would need to be cleared by Starfleet, but as long as that's all in order, then I don't see a problem with it." Phoebe replied, nodding at the Klingons history.

"I didn't go into everything though. I gave you a very brief explanation of my history. I wasn't going to bore you with more than is necessary. You have seen my jacket so you know of my capabilities", J'Loni finished saying.

Phoebe nodded thoughtfully. "So, do you have any aims, aspirations. Anything you'd like to work towards or do while onboard with us?" She asked.

"Possibly teaching our up and coming young hopefuls of the engineering field what I have learned. Possibly learning something new myself. You never know, good engineers are hard to come by out here", J'Loni mentioned.

“Well you’re certainly on the right ship then.” She smiled. “A cadet voyage is bound to have plenty of students for you to mentor.” She smiled.

"That, the reason why I am here", J'Loni said smiling.

“Well, lets hope it goes well then.” She replied. “Anything else you need Lieutenant?” She asked.

"No Commander, that about wraps it up for me sir", smiling at the XO. J'Loni knew her daughter would be worrying about her mother so returning to quarters would be top priority for her. "Until later Commander", she said and exited the XO' s office.


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