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The Warp Core Test [Prelude]

Posted on Sunday September 1st, 2019 @ 2:36am by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant J'Loni Mo'Bri Daughter House L'Keth

437 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: USS Poseidon; Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, Bridge
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch; Pre-Departure; Post-Officer's Meeting; Post-Ship Announcement

Commander Franklin Johnson sat in his Captain's Ready Room, sipping at his sweet tea and nibbling on a perfectly made peanut butter and raspberry jelly sandwich; replicators made such fantastic food! He had previously called for the Chief Engineer to make her way up here, having not since bothered her due to the complexities of not only her position but also the demand that was required of her in these days leading up to departure. It was imperative, however, that he interrupt that only slightly. Just like he announced yesterday over the entire ship, Starbase 99 was sending its Chief Engineer over to work with her. He wanted to make sure things would go smoothly.

Making time as he reviewed the warp-core procedures on a PADD, he waited for her to enter.

Out of breath, slightly disheveled, J'Loni slid to a stop just before she entered. "So sorry I am late. Engineering found a variance in the intermix coolant chamber and it required my attention. You requested my presence sir?", she inquired, trying to fix her uniform and baldric as she had not changed before arriving.

The entry wasn't what he expected. Surprised and somewhat taken aback, Franklin greeted his Chief Engineer. He nodded to her, at first not speaking, motioning for her to sit. He gently took a sip of his tea, sliding the small plate with his sandwich a bit to his side as he leaned forward towards her.

"Variance, you say?" asked the Commander. "Actually, that's good you took care of that. Have you reviewed yet the communique I sent out concerning our upcoming warp core test?"

" not yet sir. I was about to read it when this popped up", J'Loni said finally relaxing. "So.....tell me about what your looking fore in my core?', J'Loni stated.

"It'll be just a standard check-up and final go-ahead on ships systems," Franklin said. "They're simply confirming the overhauling was completed successfully."

"Oh that is a relief! For a minute you had me thinking something drastically was wrong with her. Well earlier we did a complete Level 1 diagnostic on all the systems and it all came back in the green", J'Loni answered quickly.

"I expected no less from my Chief Engineer," Franklin replied with a smile. "Alright, so go ahead and get back to engineering and prepare for the inspection. I'll contact the Chief Engineer on the dock and we'll meet you down there."

"Understood Captain", J'Loni said and nodded her head, left in a hurry, made a bee line for her quarters for a shower, uniform change, eat, and beat it back to engineering.


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