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[Backlog] Distant Attachments

Posted on Wednesday August 28th, 2019 @ 2:04am by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant JG Sydney Allen

1,203 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: U.S.S. Poseidon; Chief Counsellor's Office, Deck 6
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch; Pre-Departure; Pre-Officers' Meeting
Tags: Counselling, Pre-Departure

Lieutenant Commander Shakura was sat behind her desk in the Chief Counsellor's Office. While browsing through a PADD that had been given to her the previous day by the Commander following her promotion to Second Officer for her review and feedback, she would occasionally glance up at the vastly open space around her and ponder as to what she could do to add more character to it besides the clean but very formal seating arrangements and run-of-the-mill potted plants in the corners of the room. "Maybe some artwork would do nicely, would add some colour and a chance for my patients to appreciate something if things are getting too tense. Reading material also wouldn't go amiss--"

Her train of thought was softly yet suddenly brought to a halt as the melodic charm informing her of someone at the door sounded. She pondered as to who it could be, as she did not have any scheduled appointments that morning. She put away the PADD before calling them in, "Come."

Sydney walked in cautiously into the room with a sad look on her usually gleaming face. She noticed the Counsellor sitting at her desk and approached, Sydney started to speak softly. "Commander, I am sorry to bother you but I would like to talk to you about something personal." Lowering her head to look at the ground.

Kana observed the junior-ranked Lieutenant and could visibly see the sadness in both her expression and body language. Standing, she walked around her desk and stood beside the young blonde-haired woman. She immediately switched into her role as Chief Counsellor and began her work, "It's quite alright, Lieutenant. Sydney Allen, the ship's Quartermaster, correct? Please, come sit."

She gently placed a hand on the back on the young woman's shoulders as she guided her over to two large chairs facing each other in the middle of the room with a small coffee table placed to the side of them. Sitting the Lieutenant down first, she then asked, "Can I get you a drink of anything before we start?"

Sydney responded, struggling to hold back tears, "I will have a cup of coffee please."

Noticing Sydney's eyes starting to glisten with the approaching tears, Kana moved the box of tissues on the table slightly closer to her before briskly making her way over to the replicator at the further end of the room. Getting it to produce a cup of fresh coffee with milk and sugar provided separately, she then brought it back over and placed it on the table for Sydney to make as liked it.

Sitting across from the young Lieutenant, the Chief Counsellor began her work. "Tell me what's on your mind, Lieutenant."

Sydney looked up to the Lieutenant Commander, "I haven't seen my wife for over a year now as I have been at the Academy and then dragged here to the ship where I won't see her for another year at least." She stood up and looked out the viewport to hide her tears. "I really miss her."

Kana watched the young junior officer let out her grief and considered the situation for a moment. "'Dragged here'? Sounds like she wasn't given a choice about coming to the Poseidon; I wonder if the Commander or the Commodore know anything about this."

"Tell me about her." The Chief Counsellor compelled her to continue, to give her space to breath and feel listened to.

Sydney replied still looking out into space, "Well she's the sweetest thing you can ever know. We met in a cafe when I was just sixteen. She has long blonde hair same as mine and she has the biggest heart. I can't tell you a lot about her just because of sensitive stuff. Sorry."

"Quite young for a serious committed relationship." Kana thought, though maybe that was her Betazoid upbringing speaking. She was more accustomed to women finding love much later; this young woman certainly seemed to be having a hard time of it. It was compelling; surely she knew that such a career path would mean spending long stretches of time apart from a loved one? Her bitterness about being 'dragged here' still lingered in Kana's mind.

"No, it's quite alright." She consoled the young woman, waiting for a little while before saying something next, "Have you never been apart from someone like this before?"

"Well in a way, no and in a way, yes. My adoptive parents who took me on when I was ten so going to the Academy meant there were huge gaps of time between seeing them." Sydney turned. "I am very sorry for the lack of answers I am not a very open person usually."

"It's perfectly fine," Kana reassured her. Noticing the tears still in her eyes, she grabbed the box of tissues and held them out to her. "Please, come sit. Don't forget about your coffee." She gestured politely to the tray, the coffee still warm.

"She's very reluctant to say much about herself. Could just be nerves." Kana noted mentally before continuing. "Do you have many friends, Lieutenant?"

Sydney turned and walked over and sat down on the comfy looking couch, "Lieutenant Freya would be the only one I can think of. I don't really have many friends." She picked up the cup of coffee.

"Lieutenant Freya?" Kana knew the woman she referred to; the Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer and Language Specialist who she had met the other day in the Officers' Lounge. "They could've only met recently. If she's the only friend she has..." It became clear to the Chief Counsellor then that this had to be more than just nerves.

"Ah, Lieutenant Freya! We've met," Kana responded warmly, keeping an open and friendly composure so as to not give Sydney any cause to feel concerned for Kana's thoughts on the situation. "I'm glad you've been able to become such good friends. When you say you don't have many friends, why do you say that? Do you find it hard to make friends?"

"You can say something like that." Sydney diverting her eyes, and taking another sip of coffee " I'm feeling really tired and I'd like to go back to my quarters if that's okay? It was nice to meet you, Commander."

Kana watched her get up to leave. "Before you go, Lieutenant," She stood to follow her to the door. "I'd like to suggest that we continue this conversation another day. Perhaps I can schedule you an appointment?"

"Absolutely," Turning to Kana, "Oh, by the way...I met the Commodore earlier - and I'm no Counsellor - but I would keep an eye on him. I feel he isn't all he says he is." Sydney turned back to the door and exited the room.

The Chief Counsellor was taken aback by the young woman's remark as she left the room. "The Commodore?" It seemed as though Kana wasn't the only one who had her suspicions about Gregory Paladin. Standing there for a moment in thought, she then quickly snapped herself out of it and went back to her desk, so that she could make another log...


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