
Safety of the Poseidon Crew

Posted on Monday October 14th, 2024 @ 10:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch

636 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch stood at the entrance of his office aboard the USS Poseidon, surveying the polished brass nameplate that read “Chief of Security/Chief Tactical Officer.” The silent weight of his position pressed upon him—a responsibility that extended far beyond the confines of a starship. On the fringes of space, where the unknown thrived, it was not just his moral duty but a matter of life and death to ensure the safety and security of every crew member and the integrity of the ship itself.

The office itself was a sanctuary of sorts, a blend of practicality and a touch of nostalgia—a classic 1940s school teacher's oak desk, its surface meticulously organized. Beside it, an antique green banker lamp cast a warm glow, illuminating a section of his latest security logs. He brushed his fingers over the polished surface, noting the comforting weight of the desk—a reminder of steadfastness in turbulent times.

As he settled into his chair, he opened the terminal to update the security records. Every detail mattered: reports of minor infractions, ongoing investigations, staff evaluations, and the meticulous documentation of drills. A tactical officer never cuts corners. The safety of the Poseidon hinged on every decision he made, from high-stakes scenarios to the most mundane tasks.

Calvin took his role seriously. Trained as a tactical, military, and infiltration specialist with an emphasis on negotiation, he had spent countless hours preparing for every conceivable scenario. Incidents of potential hostilities were planned for, mitigated, and categorized with meticulous attention to detail. His team had practiced countless simulations, from boardings to potential skirmishes. Such rigorous preparation wasn't merely protocol; it was a commitment to the ethical principles of Starfleet, where the lives of everyone onboard rested in part on the shoulders of the security detail.

He paused, bringing up the internal security status screen. It displayed a range of information: patrol schedules, incident reports, and personnel assignments. Satisfied with the current state, he turned his thoughts to the crew. Each individual on Poseidon had a unique role, and their trust in his capability was paramount. He remembered when he first took this position; the nervous faces of the crew had been etched in his mind, a constant reminder of how he needed to lead not just in strength but with integrity. The weight of their trust was a continual reminder of the responsibility he bore.

Calvin understood his duty was to respond to crises and cultivate an environment of trust and respect. He believed in open lines of communication, encouraging the crew to report any concerns—no matter how small. Every whispered fear, every alert from an ensign at the sensors, could be the difference between safety and calamity. He knew that the crew's trust in his capability was paramount, and he was committed to leading not just in strength but with integrity, ensuring every member felt valued and heard. It was indeed a tough job.

He considered the challenges ahead as he recorded a briefing for his next shift. The threat of infiltration was ever-present, a constant reminder of the urgency of his duty. Cal's duty philosophy was clear: to protect, educate, and lead. Understanding that every crew member was a vital security element fueled his conviction.
Hirsch completed updating his files and sat back, observing the faint flicker of the green lamp against the darkening office. With one last glance at his desk, Calvin felt determined. This was more than just a position; it was a calling. Ensuring the safety of his crew was a matter of honor, duty, and moral integrity. And he, Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch, was ready for whatever lay ahead, guiding the USS Poseidon through the stars with unwavering commitment.


Lt. Commander Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security & Tactical
USS Poseidon
Played by Wes



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