
Cadet Training Exercise: Andorian Away Mission #2

Posted on Friday August 30th, 2024 @ 1:27pm by Lieutenant Commander Tyler Elbrun DSci & Lieutenant JG Iain Moran & Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi & Crewman Eradaar Ezazzan & Cadet Senior Grade Piper Hill & Cadet Senior Grade Lexi Mcintyre

3,069 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Planet of Andoria; Various
Timeline: Arrived at Andoria
Tags: 2396, Character Development, Away Mission


"Inside, quickly," he urged. "We'll regroup and assess once we're out of the wind."

Once inside, the relative warmth of the cave was a welcome relief. The howling wind outside was muffled, creating an eerie, yet comforting silence. Oscar took a moment to catch his breath before turning to the group.

"Alright, let's set up a temporary base here," he said. "Cadet Mcintyre, continue to monitor those life forms. Cadet Ezazzan, keep an eye on the storm's progression and any atmospheric changes. The rest of you, start setting up our equipment and make sure our suits and gear are in working order."

"Aye, sir," replied Ezazzan as she was busy helping set up a temporary base camp.

"Everyone okay? Lexi asked. I'm getting strange readings, Sir, it appears to be explosives of some type
about 200 meters along this corridor path. I think we should proceed with caution," Lexi said.

He paused, looking at each of the cadets in turn. "You all did well out there. Now, let's stay vigilant and complete our mission. Remember, this is a learning experience as much as it is a mission. Stay sharp and support each other."

Oscar then turned to Lieutenant Moran, who was still marveling at the cave's interior. "Lieutenant, help me assess the geological stability here. We need to ensure this cave will hold up against the storm."

Moran looked over to Lieutenant Vladinchi and said, "Of course, Lieutenant. I'm reading something that looks like bedrock and something else that looks like lava. I never knew Andoria had lava anywhere on the planet of ice. But I suppose there would have to be molten rock somewhere under the surface somewhere," Iain said to Oscar.

Piper was making some scans, "This alcove would make a reasonable base camp location." she said as Piper looked at the slightly circular area a few meters in from the caverns entrance "At the most we'd be out of most of the wind."

Oscar glanced around the cave, noting the structure and layout. He turned to Piper, nodding in agreement. "Good find, Cadet Hill. Let's set up our base camp here in this alcove. It'll provide some protection from the wind and allow us to regroup effectively."

Eradaar, busy with her tricorder, approached Oscar. "Lieutenant, the storm is intensifying, and the magnetic fluctuations are increasing. We need to stay vigilant. This cave should provide adequate shelter, but we should be prepared for any sudden changes."

Oscar nodded, his expression serious. "Agreed, Cadet Ezazzan. Keep monitoring the conditions and let me know if there are any significant changes."

He then turned to the group, his voice carrying a tone of authority mixed with reassurance. "Alright, everyone. Let's get our gear set up and ensure our suits are functioning correctly. We need to be ready for anything. This storm could last a while, and we need to be prepared to stay here until it's safe to move."

As the cadets busied themselves with setting up their temporary base, Oscar turned to Eradaar, his expression softening slightly. "Ezazzan, how are you holding up? This is quite a challenging environment, especially considering your physiology."

Eradaar gave a small smile, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and gratitude. "I'm managing, Lieutenant. The gear is helping, and having a purpose keeps me focused. Thank you for asking."

Oscar nodded, appreciating her resilience. "If you need any assistance or if you start feeling the effects of the cold too much, let us know immediately. Your well-being is crucial."

Eradaar nodded, her smile growing warmer. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I will."

Oscar then turned to address the rest of the group. "Lieutenant Moran, continue assessing the geological stability with me. Cadets Mcintyre and Hill, keep an eye on the life form readings and the environmental conditions. We need to stay alert and be prepared for any changes."

Piper pulled out her tricorder again, "I'm going to set up a proximity scan in case we have a visit from any moving life forms that may enter the camp, more of a precaution."

"No need to do that," Lexi said. "I hear voices,".

He took a deep breath, feeling the cold air fill his lungs, then exhaled slowly, his breath visible in the frigid air. "Remember, this is not just about survival. It's about learning to adapt and work as a team in harsh conditions. Stay focused, support each other, and we'll get through this together."

Eradaar, feeling a renewed sense of purpose, moved to assist Piper and Lexi with their tasks. She kept an eye on her tricorder readings, making sure to monitor the atmospheric conditions closely. The camaraderie and teamwork were comforting, reminding her that even in the harshest environments, they were not alone.

Oscar, working alongside Moran, assessed the stability of the cave, ensuring it would hold up against the storm. He took a moment to glance at the cadets, seeing their determination and teamwork. Despite the challenging conditions, he felt a sense of pride and confidence in his team.

"Let's get to work, everyone," Oscar said, his voice steady and reassuring. "We'll make it through this storm and come out stronger for it."

*****Ahead about 20 meters away around a bend.*****

"Be careful Jarl, you almost walked me right into a swarm of those bore worms, I didn't sign aboard this ship to come back with frostbite and holes through my body. I don't care how many credits were getting paid." Zorm said.

"Sorry Zorm, I saw the storm was coming and we couldn't beam out, so we had to take shelter. I'm just afraid we might run into some of those Aenar types we've heard about.," Jarl replied.

"I think it best if we hide this merchandise, there has to be a lot of spaces we can hide it. Look for a nook or cranny, Shhh did you hear that, someone is hear..." Zorm said.


Lexi raised her hand for the group to stop and be silent.

"Whose there?" A voice cried out from ahead

Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi listened carefully to the voices coming from ahead. He raised a hand to signal the cadets to stay alert and silent. He then took a deep breath, ensuring his tone was calm but authoritative.

"Everyone, stay back," he whispered. "I'll handle this."

Oscar slowly stepped forward, ensuring his movements were deliberate and non-threatening. He raised his hands slightly to show he meant no harm.

"This is Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi of the USS Poseidon," he called out. "We're here on a training mission. We mean you no harm. Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

There was a moment of silence, and then a shadowy figure emerged from behind an ice formation. It was Zorm, his blue skin blending in with the icy surroundings. He looked wary but didn't seem aggressive.

"We're just seeking shelter from the storm," Zorm replied, his voice tense. "We're not looking for trouble."

Oscar nodded, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. "We understand. The storm is quite severe. We can share this cave until it passes. Let's all keep calm."

Behind Zorm, Jarl emerged, looking just as wary. He glanced at the Starfleet team and then back at Zorm. "We don't want any problems either," Jarl added. "We just need a place to wait out the storm."

Oscar turned slightly to address his team. "Everyone, lower your weapons and keep your tricorders on standby. Let's make sure we stay aware of our surroundings but don't escalate the situation."

He then looked back at Zorm and Jarl. "Let's move to a more open area of the cave where we can all be comfortable. We have some supplies if you need them."

As they all moved further into the cave, Oscar kept a close eye on the Andorians, ensuring that his team remained safe while trying to build a rapport with the newcomers. Once they reached a more open area, he turned to Zorm and Jarl.

"I'm sure you understand the importance of cooperation in these conditions," Oscar said. "We all need to work together to ensure everyone's safety. Can you tell us more about why you're here?"

Zorm hesitated for a moment, glancing at Jarl before responding. "We're... traders. We were on our way to a meeting when the storm hit. We had no choice but to seek shelter here."

Oscar nodded, sensing there might be more to the story. "Understood. Let's make sure we all get through this storm safely. If there's anything you need, let us know. We're all in this together."

He then turned back to his team. "Let's set up our base camp and continue monitoring the storm. Stay vigilant and alert, but let's also show some hospitality."

As they began setting up their temporary base, Oscar kept a close watch on Zorm and Jarl, ready to respond to any potential threats while maintaining a cooperative stance.

Iain moved to Vladinchi's side and said, in hushed tones, "Lieutenant, far be it from me to second-guess a superior officer, but I don't think we should be trusting these 'traders' at face value. I highly doubt these two Andorians are traders, sir. What would traders be doing this far out in the wilderness on Andoria of all places? I'm just saying."

Piper stood there eyeing events as they began, she'd set up the small one-person tent where she'd stowed some of her gear, "Looks like the wind is about to shift." she commented

Lexi ran her tricorder,

"Correct the wind is shifting to the Northwest and taking the storm with it. Should be over in about 2 hours," Lexi said.

Oscar listened to Iain's hushed concerns, nodding slightly to acknowledge his point. He turned his gaze back to Zorm and Jarl, considering their situation carefully. The storm outside was severe, and while he shared Moran's skepticism, his priority was ensuring the safety and cooperation of everyone present.

"I understand your concerns, Lieutenant Moran," Oscar replied quietly, keeping his voice low to avoid alarming their new acquaintances. "We'll remain vigilant and monitor their actions closely. But for now, let's proceed with caution and give them the benefit of the doubt. If anything seems suspicious, we'll act accordingly."

He then turned his attention to Piper and Lexi. "Good work, Cadets. Let's prepare for the storm to pass, but remain cautious. The shifting wind might bring other challenges."

Eradaar, standing nearby, chimed in with her usual calm demeanor. "Lieutenant Vladinchi, I'll continue monitoring the atmospheric conditions and the storm's progression. If anything changes, I'll alert you immediately."

Oscar nodded. "Thank you, Cadet Ezazzan. Keep an eye on those magnetic fluctuations as well. We need to be prepared for any surprises."

He then addressed the group, raising his voice slightly to ensure everyone could hear him. "Alright, everyone. Let's maintain our positions and keep a watchful eye on our surroundings. We'll continue to cooperate with Zorm and Jarl, but stay alert. This storm will pass soon, and we'll reassess our situation then."

Zorm and Jarl watched the Starfleet officers with wary eyes, clearly aware of the tension. Oscar approached them, his expression neutral but firm. "We're all stuck here until the storm passes, so let's make the best of it. If you need anything, let us know. We're here to help."

Zorm nodded, his demeanor slightly more relaxed but still cautious. "We appreciate it, Lieutenant. We'll stay out of your way and wait for the storm to pass."

As the group settled into a routine, keeping busy with their tasks and monitoring the environment, the howling wind outside continued to batter the cave entrance. The temperature remained frigid, but the camaraderie and teamwork within the group provided a sense of warmth and reassurance.

Oscar glanced at his tricorder, confirming the storm's progression. "Two more hours," he muttered to himself, then looked around at his team and their new acquaintances. "Let's stay focused and get through this. We're almost there."

As they continued to work together, the shared experience of facing the harsh Andorian environment fostered a sense of unity and mutual respect. Even Zorm and Jarl seemed to relax slightly, recognizing the necessity of cooperation in such challenging conditions.

Oscar maintained his watchful eye, ready to act at a moment's notice, but also aware that building trust and cooperation was key to their survival and success.

Piper had scavenged some plant matter scraps and a fire starter to build a fire, she used her folding shovel to dig a small trench where she made a small pile, with some effort she rubbed the metal pieces together creating some sparks one of which started a small smoldering flame, she slowly added some more of the materials to the fire allowing each piece to burn as she added them, she then added a few larger pieces allowing the fire to grow a little more, she reached into her pack and pulled a small wire tray with four legs she set it over the fire "Well we can cook."

Eradaar adjusted her oversized hood and shuffled over to Piper, her reptilian features creased in what could only be described as a Gorn version of a smile. "Piper, you did a great job setting up the proximity scan. Staying vigilant out here is essential, especially with the storm shifting. Thank you for staying on top of things."

She glanced at the cave's entrance, the wind howling outside. "The cold is intense, but your quick thinking helps prepare us. We'll get through this, and your readiness is a big part of that."

A moment of thought, then, "Do you need any help cooking?"

Piper threw a small handful of the plant matter on the fire, "I think field rations are on the menu tonight until I can secure enough fuel for the fire, plus cooking food might attract wildlife."

"Sir, from a tactical perspective each of us should take turns keeping watch," replied Jessica as she continued to scan her tricorder for anything that Might come their way, She said" Permission to take first watch?"

Oscar nodded at Jessica, appreciating her proactive approach. "Good idea, Jessica. Permission granted. Keep an eye on the tricorder for any movement, and don't hesitate to wake us if you notice anything unusual."

He glanced around at the team, sensing their determination and camaraderie despite the harsh conditions. "Everyone, let's get some rest while we can. We'll need our strength for whatever comes next."

Turning back to Jessica, he added, "And Jessica, remember to rotate the watch every couple of hours. We need everyone sharp and ready."

Piper had found some additional plant material, and managed to stoke the fire slightly more pouring a small amount of the magnasite fuel she had found in her pack, she pulled out a survival blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders "The survival kits only have forty-eight hours of magnasite fire starter in each one, so donations are welcomed." she said with a giggle.

Eradaar nodded at Piper, her reptilian features partially obscured by her extensive warm clothing. She shuffled closer to the fire, her heavy attire rustling with each movement.

"Good job on the fire, Piper," Eradaar said, her voice calm and even. "The warmth is much needed in these conditions. As for the magnasite fire starter, I'll see if I have any in my pack to contribute."

She reached into her own survival kit, pulling out a small container of magnasite fuel. "Here, this should help us keep the fire going for a while longer."

Eradaar then turned to Oscar, her hooded eyes reflecting the flickering flames. "Lieutenant Vladinchi, I'll take the second watch after Jessica. The cold is intense, but I'll manage. It's crucial we stay alert and ready."

Oscar nodded, appreciating her commitment. "Thank you, Cadet Ezazzan. Your vigilance is important. Let's all do our part to ensure we get through this safely."

Eradaar gave a nod of acknowledgment before moving back to her position, keeping a close eye on the surroundings and the shifting storm outside.

Lieutenant Iain Moran looked at his tricorder after tuning it to its atmospheric settings and noticed something had changed with the storm. "Lieutenant Vlandichi, I've noticed something odd about our storm. Something I think you should see, sir," he said.

Oscar leaned in as Moran pointed out the unusual readings on the tricorder. His brow furrowed, and he nodded slowly, taking in the information. "Keep monitoring it. Let me know if anything else changes," he said, his tone measured.

As he turned back toward the group, Eradaar's voice came through, calm but with a hint of urgency. "Lieutenant Vladinchi, I'm picking up a transmission from the Poseidon."

Oscar moved quickly to her side. "What are they saying, Cadet?"

Eradaar adjusted her tricorder, the communication signal crackling slightly as she fine-tuned the frequency. "They're offering to beam us out, sir. The storm has cleared enough for a safe transport, but the window might not last long."

Oscar considered the situation. The storm was still a concern, but with the Poseidon's offer, they had a potential escape route. He glanced at the Andorians, then back to his team.

"Relay to the Poseidon that we're preparing for immediate transport," he instructed Eradaar. "But let's make sure we have all our gear ready before we leave. We don't know what we might need later."

Eradaar nodded, already sending the message. "Understood, Lieutenant."

Oscar took a deep breath and addressed the team. "Alright, everyone, pack up. We're getting out of here as soon as we're ready. Let's move efficiently—no one gets left behind."

Piper began to break down and pack her gear, her next steps were to extinguish all the campfires.

Lexi stirred the cam fires then poured more water over them and felt that they were cold. There was nothing out here that would burn anyway but it was always better to play it safe.

Her stuff was already neatly packed up, so she was ready for beam out.

"Ready for Beam out, Sir" Lexi said.

Oscar nodded, then he tapped his combadge. =/\= Poseidon, Away Team to beam out =/\=

The away team shimmered into light as they made it safely back onboard the USS Poseidon.


Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Crewman Eradaar Ezazzan
Counselor's Aide
USS Poseidon


Cadet Piper Hill
USS Poseidon


Cadet Senior Grade Lexi McIntyre
Ops Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant, junior grade Iain Moran
Assistant Chief Science/Stellar Cartographer
USS Poseidon



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