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Burns and Aftermath

Posted on Wednesday January 31st, 2024 @ 2:27am by Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Commander Kanaka Shakura & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord & Master Chief Petty Officer Karl Shay & Cadet Freshman Grade Caleb Johnson & Cadet Freshman Grade Daisy Stanier

2,451 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Sickbay
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development

Lieutenant Commander Priadden sat behind her desk and placed a subspace call to Vulcan =/\=Live long and prosper, how may I direct your call? =/\= Kicil replied =/\=Live long and prosper, please connect me to Doctor M'aya of Ta'vister, Vulcan Science Academy.=/\= The female Vulcan replied =/\=Please wait as I contact her. =/\=
A few minutes later a Vulcan female appeared on screen "Live long and prosper. Kicil is there a problem?' asked Doctor M'aya. "Live long and prosper. No aunt M'aya. I am in need of your assistance. Is Doctor Essagirb still at the Vulcan Science Academy?" Her aunt replied, "He is, why do you ask?" Kicil quickly filled her aunt in on the situation she had on hand regarding Lieutenant Lazarus Kord. "So, I was hoping to encourage Doctor Essagirb to travel here to Tellar and help make a proper prosthetic for my patient and to help treat him." Her aunt nodded "A logical assumption with Doctor Essagrib being a Gorn. I will summon him to my office, please wait."
A minute passed and a huge Gorn appeared on screen "Doctor Essagrib, how may I be off assistance?" Again, Kicil went over the details. Doctor Essagrib nodding and at the end spoke up "I will be on the next transport out, in the meantime keep him stabilized and comfortable." with that comment her screen went dark.
Kicil stepped out of her office to see nurse V'Lu talking to Lieutenant Kord, she waited for their conversation to end and the two young cadets' approach and he gave them some final instructions. Typical of a Gorn she thought as she walked up to his bed. "Well Lieutenant Kord you are one lucky Gorn. I am sorry we were unable to save the limb. I have put in a call for some help on your situation, I have Doctor Essagrib coming from Vulcan to assist in your care. In the meantime, you are to remain here, with sedation. Any questions?"

"Perhaps," Lazarus said, not in pain and showing no signs of it. He readjusted his laying position so he could turn and see Kicil. The Cardassian was an interesting crewmate. "I did my duty, though this time admittedly I did not die in doing so. It is an acceptable outcome. Did we save the ship?"

Kicil was about to reply when the ship wide general fire alert sounded. "Well Lieutenant, does that answer your question?" she stated as she turned to address her staff.

"Unfortunately, yes," the Gorn replied, a somber expression.

With a sigh Kicil barked out orders. "All right folks, I want this place ready for a multi-casualty incident. Triage and expect burn and smoke inhalation patients. Surgical teams scrub up." With that she moved to scrub up and prepare for the worse, yet she prayed for the best.

Not long after the general fire alert sounded, Commander Shakura made her way into Sickbay with a quick step and purpose, with her understudy Cadet Freshman Grade Stainer following quick on her heels, a little bit more wide-eyed and concerned. As soon as she had stepped in, Kana was getting herself ready, rolling up her sleeves. While she specialised in Psychology, she had studied Medicine at the Academy, and was trained to perform medical procedures as neccessary. Exchanging a look with Lieutenant Kord as she passed him, recognising the extent of his injuries, Kana then spotted the Chief Medical Officer scrubbing up and moved to join her in the action.

Caleb came in following Commander Shakura, having caught up to her and the Cadet in the corridor, having not been far away when the alert had started. He hurried himself setting up bio-beds and tables with equipment and supplies.

"Lieutenant Commander." Kana acknowledged them promptly. "Do we know how many we're expecting?"

Kicil shook her head "I haven't heard as of yet. If my first patient is any indication, I am expecting the worse, but praying for the best. Apparently, the fire is in one of the Jefferies tubes and getting worse. We'll be busy both medically and afterwards mentally."

Caleb had finished readying the supplies as was his standard tasking, and stepped over to where Kicil was. "Where do you want me sir?" He asked, picking up a medical tricorder and slipping it into the pouch on his belt.

Looking at cadet Caleb Johnson Kicil made a very quick and decisive decision "Congratulations Cadet Johnson you will assist Lieutenant Akabane in triage of patients. I wish I had more time to let you learn the ropes, but circumstance says otherwise. Now go."

Kana registered the Chief Medical Officer's answer and her face grew even more serious as she turned to her Aide, who stood looking rather pale. Noticing her unease, the Chief Counsellor placed a hand on her shoulder, "It'll be alright, Cadet. We're trained and prepared for scenarios such as these; we need to keep a steady hand and temperament to reassure those in our care. Take three deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth."

Daisy nodded. "R-right." Following her senior's instructions, she took three deep breaths, a little bit more time between each one, her eyes closed shut. Her mind was racing with worry, but as she took each breath, they began to dissipate slowly but surely. Once they were gone, she re-opened her eyes, a brighter spark now kindled within.

About the time Cadet Daisy Stainer brought herself under control, casualties began to appear. There was screaming from a young Andorian male who appeared to have burns across his entire front. A young Orion female was brought in unconscious with her lower right leg twisted out at an unusual angle. Another was a Tellarite female with bandages about her entire face. "We had one of the side Jefferies heavy emergency hatches blow out, caught these and some others in the blow out." replied a redheaded corpsman. "Sir, the casualties are mounting with the younger cadets." stated the corpsman as he rushed out of the sickbay.

Kicil looked at both Commander Shakura and Cadet Stanier, "I am going into surgery, please assist the other two individuals, the Orion is most likely in shock and when she comes to will be in a hell of a lot of pain, the Tellarite most likely has lost her sight, I pray not forever." With that Kicil turned and went into the operating suite where the screaming Andorian was being taken.

Caleb waded into the crowd of patients and started to triage. "Minor Burns to the hands and arms, Green tag, you can wait." He said to one crewmember, directing them to the corridor which was acting as the walking wounded area. "If you need something for the pain the nurse out there can assist you." He said before moving onto the next patient. He looked over the next patient, a young human female ensign with burns to her neck and torso, as well as some charring around her mouth and nose. "Red tag, lie back and we'll get you something for the pain." Caleb looked around to see who was free to assist him, and spotted Commander Shakura. "Councillor, I could use a hand over here with this one! Third degree burns to the face, neck and upper chest area." He stated before picking up a pair of shears to cut off the Ensigns uniform so they could better assess the wounds.

Commander Shakura was rather taken aback by the confidence that Cadet Johnson was showing in the heat of the moment, and while he may have effectively been acting in a manner that was not adhering to the chain of command, she could very much forgive it in light of the situation at hand. It was in many respects commendable, and it was a change in his temperament she had been noticing as the realities of becoming a young father had dawned on him not too long ago.

But considerations of that would have to wait, as she stepped in as requested to assist him in the treatment of the badly burned young ensign. As Caleb cut away her uniform to more closely assess the damage, Kana could see - let alone sense - the severe pain she was in due to her third-degree burns. She was quick to administer 5cc's of Triptacederine, a rather strong painkiller for severe pain. After that, she gently took hold of one of the young Ensign's hands and looked her directly in the eyes.

"It's okay, we've got you. Everything will be alright." She then looked to Caleb as she awaited his further assessment of the damage.

Caleb had just finished cutting off the young ensigns uniform, and was able to examine the full extent of the damage. "I'd estimate...roughly twenty to twenty-five percent third degree burns. I'd recommend pain relief, potentially an anaesthetic, and then attempting to debride what we can of these burns, see what skins salvageable, then start to rehydrate with fluids." He said, turning his head to look at the chief counsellor for their approval or not.

"I've already administered five cc's of Triptacederine, which should very quickly work through her system and help her relax." Kana assured Caleb, already noticing how the young Ensign's breathing was starting to slow to normal levels and her irritation lowering. Her heart was still racing more than normal and her eyes were still taking in as much as she could, but they were becoming more focused on both the Chief Counsellor and Nurse. "Once she's ready in a few minutes, I agree that we should give her a light anaesthetic for the debriding process. Once that's complete, I think hydration and repeated courses of cellular regeneration should help repair the damage caused, unless we discover anything more severe during the debriding. We can assess from there. Happy to proceed, Nurse?"

Caleb nodded, starting to get the equipment ready for the procedure. "I'm ready as soon as you've given the anaesthetic ma'am." Caleb replied, a slightly anxious look passing his face, as this was the first time he'd ever been this involved in such a procedure.

Kana noticed Caleb's slight hint of anxiety as the adrenaline was beginning to wear off, which was understandable. She smiled at him and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You're doing great, Nurse. Your quick thinking has allowed us to treat this young Ensign quickly; let's keep going." She then looked down at the Ensign who, now able to relax a little due to the strong painkillers, put on a brave face for the both of them. Kana squeezed the young Ensign's hand.

"I'm going to put you under some anaesthesia now, so that the Nurse and I can clean your wounds and prepare your skin for regeneration. It'll be OK." She said gently as she administered the anaesthetic. After a few deep breaths, the young woman slipped to sleep. Kana then looked to Caleb again. "Alright Nurse, let's get to work. If we both debride together, the more skin we'll be able to regenerate."

Caleb nodded, picking up the equipment to start the debriding. It was a long process, owing to the amount of damage there was, but with alot of patience and assistance, they finally managed to finish the job. Caleb stepped back slightly, to get a better look at the patient, before turning to Kanaka. "I think that's all we can do for now, unless you have any other suggestions?" He asked.

As cadet Caleb requested helped the remaining injured from the blow out of the emergency hatch. A medical grav sled came in with a badly charred individual, impossible to tell what species other than humanoid, it was amazing the individual was still alive. this was followed by several walking wounded coughing and with minor burns to various parts of their bodies. It was obvious the cadets either forgot or didn't have time to put on the proper fire protective garments. The two medics with the grav sled were fiercely manually venting their patient with the old tried and true BVM and trach.

Kicil in the surgical suite began the procedure to debride and repair the burned flesh of the young Andorian male. "10cc of Bicardine then let's get the Anesthizine on board. I want to be as painless as possible." The male Anaesthesiologist, Lieutenant j.g. Hernandez, had worked with Kicil before and had already begun providing the necessary medications. RN Courtland began getting the surgical frame in place and the instruments for surgery ready. Seeing her team was ready, Kicil took a deep steadying breath "Okay let's begin."

Lazarus was able to watch the proceedings of medical, however as an injured casualty himself he was no use in helping. He was impressed with the speed and efficiency of the department, however. The crew really were in good hands.

While the others were tending to the more serious cases, Daisy did her best to continue assessing the new arrivals, tagging them as Cadet Johnson had done, triaging the most serious patients to the next available nurse, while she herself tended to the needs and feelings of the less seriously injured but still badly shaken. Giving what little comforts and words of encouragement she could, she always kept a keen eye on the room, to make sure she could respond quickly if she was needed.

Kicil was steady removing burnt flesh at the same time suturing and repairing connective tissue and muscle. She worked on, oblivious of what was going on around her, trusting her staff. She knew she would be working someone else soon enough.

Kicil had the current patient stable enough for her to move on to the next. Looking up she stated to an attendant nearby, "Move him into recovery room Alpha. We will work on the minor repairs later. Begin the dermal regeneration." The attendant nodded, "Yes sir. Sir there is an extremely burned individual in triage, medics are performing manual venting with a BVM." Kicil sighed as nurse Courtland proceeded to dress her in a new surgical gown. "Get the individual in here now. Nurse Courtland soon as the patient is in set the surgical frame up and start immediate ventilation protocols. Okay team, this is going to be a long difficult one I'm afraid." A minute later the badly burned individual was on her surgical team. Kicil was proud of the two medics, they had kept this individual alive, she made a note of the two medics as she planned to have them recognized for their efforts.


Cmdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Chief Medical Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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