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A very stupid thing to do.

Posted on Monday October 30th, 2023 @ 4:19pm by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol

1,866 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Just during jp series: Food and Friends
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development



=/\= Poseidon emergency medical beam out direct to sickbay. Please lock onto this signal=/\= Said Cadet Brown.

The one thing Cadet Hughes did not want was to be beamed up to the Poseidon. He tried to stop Brown but breathing made his chest hurt. As the hot spicy Chinese dish of marinated squid innards in crushed jalapeño and red chilly with ginger sauce , slid down his throat. As the Poseidons sickbay solidified around him he stood uneasily and charged towards a sink. Shoved his mouth under the cold tap and turned it on.

Hands began to pull at him and he was pulled from under it. Spraying water into peoples faces.

“ Beam me back….” He said in a very hoarse voice.

“What the hell is going on Cadet?” Ysa exclaimed at the sight and feeling of water flying through the air hitting her skin. She wasn’t used to people just materialising in sickbay without warning and it annoyed her somewhat.

Hughes lay back on the bio bed as his stomach started to make odd sounds.

“ We were having a little contest Doctor……ooh my stomach…..Perkins……Lazarus…..Trensu……ooh I don’t feel well Doctor……” He said

‘what the hell is going on’ Ysa thought to herself. “I’m going to give you something that will help your symptoms, make you feel a little more comfortable whilst I have a look at you,” she said in a kind voice as she loaded a hypo with a dose of Lorazine and applied it to the cadets neck waiting for the hiss of the depression to show the medication had been expelled. “This will calm your stomach, feeling a little better?” She asked.

Suddenly Cadet Trent appeared. He looked at the doctor and promptly passed wind very loudly.

“ Ooh that hurts,” He said

“ Now there’s only two of us left……Yes I do feel better. Commander Perkins is going to win isn’t he,” Hughes said

Ysa was irked and her words were a little sharper than usual. “You have all been very stupid!” She exclaimed pointing to the Gorn on the biobed. “Your stupid eating contest has made Lieutenant Kord very ill.” Her tone softened as she loaded yet another hypo to relieve the Cadet’s symptoms. “Sit down and let me help you?” she smiled.

Sam had been concerned about his friend Lazarus. So he went to sickbay to see how the Gorn was. But as soon as he entered sickbay Hughes and Brown both pointed at him and started to make a weird shrieking noise.

" Shhhh......." Perkins said.

Lieutenant Kicil Priadden had been sitting in her office, reviewing the schedule for training the young medical cadets and balancing the training with real hands-on experience, as well as allow some personal freedoms. She heard a commotion out in the sick bay and Lieutenant Commander Saint-Pol's annoyed tone of voice. She decided to see what the commotion was. Stepping out of her office she observed the situation, upon hearing the medical issue at hand she decided the Commander did not need to deal with this situation personally. "Allow me to take over Commander. Please review the training schedule versus work schedule I have made for the medical cadets and tell me what you think. I'll 'fix' these patient's right up and inform you whether non-judicial punishment should be recommended." She said with a gleam in her eyes as she saw Commander Sam Perkins enter the sick bay.

The two Cadets seemed to get more worked up .Hughes and Brown had to be restrained otherwise they would of attempted to strangle Sam.

“Doctor Priadden! Doctor Priadden! It was all his idea!” Cadet Trent shouted pointing at the Commander.

“Yes, it was his fault!” Brown replied.

“Yes, he made us do it!” Hughes said.

“You three took on the challenge, it’s not like I got Lazarus to twist your arms!” Perkins replied.

"Cadets and Commander Perkins, please lower your voices. Need I remind you that you are in sick bay, and Lieutenant Commander Saint-Pol and myself are the Lords and Masters of this domain, not even the Commodore, Captain or Executive Officer can overrule us here." stated Kicil. "Now nurse Makayla, please provide Lieutenant Kord sixteen ounces of activated charcoal. It should help alleviate the capsicum he ingested. Also provide him fifty cc of antihistamines. As for our two cadets, six slices of wheat bread and an eight-ounce glass of milk." ordered Kicil. "Aye Doctor." replied nurse Makayla. "Now Commander Perkins would you care to explain what happened?" asked Kicil.

" Well. You see we were all at the China Garden Chinese restaurant. They have this amazing menu and are one of London's finest places to eat. Anyway I made this comment that todays Cadets were not as adventurous as we used to be. They kind of took offence although I meant nothing by it. They said that they could eat what ever we did. So a contest started , five of the most spicey dishes and no breaks for water. Well, it seems they could not take the extra spice, we were ok except for Lazarus. How is my friend?" Sam asked.

Kicil looked over at Lieutenant Kord “He’ll survive, hard to kill a Gorn. He should however remember not to eat a meal made with real Terran capsaicin chemicals. Damn Gorn are allergic to it. Good thing is I do not need to use a nasopharyngeal feeding tube to get activated charcoal down his gullet. Seems that Gorn love to drink that crap. I do bet his stomach right now feels like a million murder hornets are stinging him all at once: reason for the antihistamines. We will keep him overnight for observation. The young cadets you so cruelly inflicted torture on should already be feeling better; who in their right mind drinks water when eating peppers from the Capsicum genus? The bread and milk will sooth their pain; I’ll place them on a strict BRAT diet for the next seventy-two hours then a bland diet for the remaining thirty days. Should be more than enough non-judicial punishment for them. Now as for what I should say to the captain about you and the other senior staff who are responsible for ….” Cadet Hughes looked as if he was about to vomit all over the floor “Cadet you vomit in my sick bay I will have you cleaning it to sterile standards with your sonic toothbrush.” said Kicil in a stern voice. She turned and looked at Commander Perkins “As I was saying responsible adults in charge of our cadets. I must agree with Commander Saint-Pol; ’It was a VERY STUPID thing to do.’ ” replied Kicil; but Sam could see a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

“I quite agree with you Doctor Priadden but technically we were off duty. So, the Cadets and my friend Lazarus were kind doing this on their own. Only Starfleet personal had been involved, no none members of the Poseidon took part. Plus, the Cadets had already eaten some spicy dishes, so they knew what was going to be eaten. If they didn’t want to eat them, we would not have forced them. I assure you, despite the story’s I am no monster.” Sam said.

Kicil shook her head "Nevertheless Commander; your own argument invalidates itself. As you yourself have pointed out We are Starfleet officers, you are a Commander in Starfleet, one that is given the privilege and honor of teaching the future officers in Starfleet. Even off duty we are required to maintain a certain decorum. Wouldn't you agree?" She asked. Kicil was doing her best to keep from bursting out laughing at the situation. She had to get a point across to the young cadets. Plus, she was enjoying making the Commander squirm under the attention.

“ Well……it was not just me you know…..there were other senior staff on that table. Plus Lazarus was all up for the challenge……he is my friend and if I had known he would have been hurt……we would not of done this….honestly Doctor…” Sam said feeling lower then a mouse.

Kicil looked at the two cadets "Your dismissed to your quarters, unless you are on duty. Do not even think about trying to get around the BRAT diet for the next seventy=two hours or the bland diet for the remaining thirty days; because if I find out, and I will find out, I'll recommend you scrub all the latrines with your sonic toothbrushes and then polish the sickbay floor with your underwear and then wear them. By the way your diet has already been placed in the system. Now git, the grown-ups need to talk." Kicil was sure from the looks on their faces the message got across not to piss off medical.

The Cadets left without a backward glance. Perkins did not like the way Doctor Priadden was looking at him. It reminded him of the look his Gran had given him when he lied about stealing some sweets.

Once the cadets left sickbay Kicil burst out laughing "By all that is holy; how have you not been busted down a rank or two? Commander, I swear you're the only person I know who seems to have an endless well of good luck." She then became serious, "However it still does not excuse you or the other senior officer present should have known better than to get into such a childish game, especially in a public restaurant, of and by the way did anyone bother to tell Lieutenant Kord that this particular restaurant uses real Terran capsaicin peppers?" As you are a Commander, I believe I will let Lieutenant Commander Saint-Pol deal with you and the other senior officers. Next time I recommend you do the contest in our mess hall." she smiled. "Now are you experiencing any symptoms yourself?"

“ No.” Sam said.

Yea heard her name and popped her head out from behind the privacy screen where she was dealing with Lieutenant Kord. “Congratulations Doctor Priadden, I heard you tear the cadets a new one! Commander Perkins I would like to see you in my office at your convenience.” She put her head back round the screen.

Kicil mouth to Commander Perkins "Good Luck." She then turned back to managing the sickbay, talking quietly with nurse Makayla.

Sam did not spend to long in Ysabeau’s presence she was busy packing. She had been called back due to the death of her mother to Earth. Saint-Pol would not be returning to the Poseidon but taking up a position at Starfleet medical. But she gave Sam a stern warning that if she heard him do anything as stupid as this contest again. He would find himself off the Poseidon so fast and transferred to a sewage investigation unit of Kronos. His eyes would be permanently crossed. Perkins knew medical personnel could over rule senior officers so he just nodded.


Lieutenant Kicil Priadden
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Sam Perkins
Second Officer / Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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