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Be nice.

Posted on Tuesday May 9th, 2023 @ 10:06am by Commander Sam Perkins & Cadet Freshman Grade Nigel Raymond

516 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Science lab
Timeline: Just after post:- He did what?
Tags: TBD, 2395, Character Development


-Science Lab-

Nigel was cross. How dare they threaten him like that! He would complain! He noticed the screaming Scottish lady with the strange looking tiny dog. Was wearing a Science department coloring . So he went to the main Lab to have a word with her department head.

He pressed the door chime. After a few minutes it opened. Inside it looked dark and foreboding. Slowly he went inside.


“ Hello?” He called out.


“ Hello?” Nigel could hear something scraping along.


“EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!” Screeched Norman

Something grabbed Nigel’s ankles and he fell backwards. Suddenly tentacles where flailing everywhere.

“HELP!!!!!” Nigel screamed

“ Not again! NORMAN LET HIM GO!!!” Shouted a ginger bearded man with a Lieutenant Commander insignia rank on his collar.

A small cactus-like plant retracted its tentacles and let Nigel go. Who promptly jumped up.

“ This is a madhouse!!!” Nigel said

Perkins placed Norman on a shelf where it could not cause any mischief. Then he looked at Nigel.

“ This may be a madhouse but it’s our home and we love her. Now Cadet, what brings you to the science department? You're not one of the newbies assigned to this department.” Perkins asked.

“I am here to make a complaint. One of your scientists used bad language and made threats to my person.” Nigel said.

“ Oh dear. We can’t have that now can we? Who was this villain?” Perkins asked

“ Um….,she had red hair and spoke in a strange accent.All I did was alter her stupid Grandmother's recipe for cheese and potato filled finger sponges.For some idiotic reason she took offense to my replacing Seriously Strong Cheese for Camembert.” Raymond replied.

“ Oh. Did you ask her permission first?” Sam asked.

“ Why should I? It was in the replicator system and therefore fair game.” Nigel said

Sam slowly took a sip of his mug of Green tea before replying.

“ Ok. As you are starting your journey on the road to becoming a full fledged member of Starfleet. Here is some valuable advice to keep in mind. As you rise up it is always best to be polite to those you pass. Because if ever you suffer a fall those people could help you rise again. But if you are unkind then they will happily join in your downfall.” Perkins said

“ Don’t understand.” Nigel said blankly.

“ And that is where you fail. You did not ask Ensign McTaggard for permission to alter her Grandmother's recipe. Did you not read the program title I believe there was a warning or did you decide not to? Did you think I’ll do it anyway? “ Perkins replied

“ This is not the point sir…” Nigel began

“ Oh go away and grow a pair you silly little man.” Nigel said

“ Sir?” Nigel

Sam picked up Norman and Susan.

“ Go!!!” Sam said

Nigel turned and left the lab.

“ Sound mothers do have them.” He said to the plants.

Who in response nuzzled their bodies against his chest.


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet Nigel Raymond
USS Poseidon


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