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Introductions, meeting the department.

Posted on Friday May 12th, 2023 @ 12:32am by Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi & Ambassador Eiban Destrek

2,681 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Cultural Division U.S.S. Poseidon
Timeline: Just before shore leave ends, 2395
Tags: Just before shore leave ends, 2395, Character Development


The Cultural Division was a busy place most of the time. With the offices always on the move Ambassador Desterk did not want to get in the way. He had been on ships long enough to know that. Desterk knew that not having a rank other than Ambassador put him Higher and lower than the ship's crew. and some there were not sure how to deal with him. Desterk was easygoing and did not let that bother him.

With Commodore Paladin staking the crew of the Poseidon. There were a lot if not some jealous Captains out there. with the distruction of the Oberon, the Commodore had his pick of the crew. The AI that they encountered had infested the computer system right before Trensu tried to stop it. His orders save the crew but destroyed the AI ship.

Ambassador Desterk and others' reports and testimony Trensu was not reprimanded for the destruction of the AI ship but for the loss of the Oberon. Trensu did save the crew and if the ship would have docked with the station may have lost too. Star Fleet's command decided to stop his promotion to Captain and reassigned the crew as needed for Star Fleet.

With more striking pulled Ambassador Desterk was assigned to the U.S.S. Poseidon to give classes and help guide cadets on their path to becoming an officer and to deal with problems for an exchange officer program. This would be no easy task and sometimes He thinks it would have been easier to deal with an embassy. his office was not big and grand but good for what he had to do.

Desterk walked out of his office he wasted to get to know Lieutenant Commander Itsumi he waited until the end of her shift. She was an attractive office her hair shoulder-length light blonde hair was always neat. She was not too tall or short of average build for a human, normally She could be spotted on duty wearing the purple uniform of Starfleet's diplomatic corps, worn by members of the cultural division overall attractive.

Walking up to her office Ambassador Desterk looked into her office to see her there He reached up and knocked on the door frame. "Lieutenant Commander Itsumi Do you have some time?" asked Ambassador Desterk. He holds out a box "I got refreshments" the Ambassador added with a smile.

Erika had spent the day she had come aboard rearranging her office from her predecessor. While she could appreciate the office being configured for a Vulcan, it was not something she could functionally use day in and day out, so now that the office had been rearranged, Erika was finally catching up on paperwork that her predecessor had left, which was why she was startled when there was a knock at the door. Erika looked up to see the human/Betazoid man who looked a decade Erika's senior offering refreshments. Recognizing potential flirtatious behavior when she saw it, Erika put on a mischievous smirk and decided to play along.

"Well, that depends on what you brought," Erika responded in a teasing tone. "I'm a girl with champagne tastes and no offense, but you look like a guy who works on a beer budget."

Giving a chuckle "I will not turn down a good bear or ale but no wine and whisky are mine." He replied as he walked in."And I am always known for having the right drink" Desterk said with a smile. He placed the box on the desk making sure he did not disturb anything and opened it there was a bottle of Laurent-Perrier and 2 champagne glasses. This is one of the best out of France. I love Earth champagne. I think one of the better ones in the known universe. Or maybe you like something different?" asked Ambassador Desterk.

"Wow, that whole champagne taste thing was a figure of speech, but I won't say no," Erika said. "Though, being part German, I do tend to gravitate more towards beverages from my mother's motherland. Just a little something to keep in mind for next time, ambassador." Erika gave Destrek a playful wink.

Looking surprised the Ambassador smiled and then mumbled something about intelligence and getting revenge on an NCO. "I guess I need to do some more networking on this ship to get the correct answers to my questions. As Morale Officer, I will not let that spoil are fun. said Desterk pulling the two crystal champagne glasses out of the ornate wooden box and placing them on the desk. He then took the champagne bottle opening it. He correctly pours champagne, Desterk held the bottle with one hand firmly at the base with his thumb in the punt (the depression) and spreads his fingers out along the body of the bottle. He tilts the bottle at a 45ĚŠ angle and begins rotating the base of the champagne bottle. Keep doing this until the cork loosens and pops.

Serving champagne He presents the bottle to Itsumi with the label facing them so she can read inspect and read the bottle. Destrek pours the champagne against the side of the glass rather than directly into the bottom. This helps the champagne maintain more of its bubbles he remembered. He poured Itsumi's glass first then his. Destrek placed it back on the box siding up so it would stay chilled.

"tell me what you think?" handing Itsumi the crystal champagne glass.

Erika accepted the champagne glass and took a sip. The champagne had a smooth taste to it and it went down like honey.

"Not bad... For French champagne." Erika muttered. "Anyways, I'm assuming you have business here other than hitting on me over a glass of champagne? Because while I appreciate the flattery, I'd prefer to keep activities in my office professional."

"Destrek gave a laugh. "and professional it would be. I would be worried if it was my friend Trensu show up this way. If you knew my wife trust me when I tell you we both be dead and a gruesome death it would be if she thought it was not." expand Drestrek his face looking serious.

Taking a drink of the champagne. "yes, this is a professional call. I want you to know if you need help in the department just let me know. yes, I am here to do a job but I don't mind helping out either. I thank you for letting me have an office here. It will save me trips to this office." he said thanking her.

"Don't thank me, thank Captain Johnson." Erika pointed out, taking another sip of the champagne. "If it weren't for his approval, I wouldn't have authorized converting an unused office on the ship for your use."

Erika set down the champagne glass and pushed it away from her. While the revelation that the ambassador was in fact married was disappointing, at least the flirting had been fun while it lasted.

"As for your offer for assistance in the department, has a man of your stature ever had to put up with cadets before?" She asked.

It was a fair question, as Erika was effectively the "mobile academy commandant" that she referred to herself as, it was important for her to gauge how well those serving under her in the cultural division were around cadets.

"yes, I know cadets can be funny and fickle species, a strange breed they are," Dresterk replied jokingly. "I have even lectures and lessons to cadets before, even to Captains. One of my most requested lectures is Captains are Ambassitors too. I might have to change the title to Cadets are Ambassitors too." Dresterk explained with a grin.

He knew that was another reason for being here dealing with the officer's Cadeit exchange program. Having other races or planets other than federation go through the Acadamy. He took a sip of his champagne. He had already read Lieutenant Commander Itsumi's records as he was sure she did his or what Star Fleet would release.

He paused thinking about how he wanted to ask about the change from Security to Cultural Exchange Officer this was the first ship he had seen listed this way normally you would find an office like this on a Star Base. "You don't have to answer, why change from Security to Cultural Exchange Officer? why use the title Cultural Exchange Officer?" He asked with interest in her answer.

Erika sighed.

"Well... Four years ago, I survived a disaster that I shouldn't have." Erika began. "I was a security officer aboard the USS Halcyon. Negligence had caused a plasma fire to spread out of control..."

The images of the Halcyon burning around her flashed before Erika's eyes. The screams of her crew rang in her ears.

"I was helping my fellow crewmembers escape the blaze when the flames began licking at me... I must have been sent into so deep a shock that I don't remember what happened after that." She said. "And where was our brave, courageous captain while I was burning alive? He was safe in an escape pod with his senior staff. One of the first ones to jettison, might I add."

Erika shook her head and sighed. "They all got what they deserved, especially the Chief Engineer."

Erika gestured towards a wheelchair she had set up in the center of the room.

"Nine months I spent in a wheelchair. This exact wheelchair, actually." Erika continued. "When I was finally cleared for active duty again, naturally I was hesitant to board another starship right away, and I requested a domestic posting for the indefinite future. A teaching job at Starfleet Academy was all they had available at the time, so I began teaching Security cadets. And I found out, I actually had a knack for teaching. I'd probably still be teaching at the Academy if Commodore Paladin hadn't convinced me to accept this... The only way I can describe it is something of a mobile Academy Commandant if that makes sense. And that's how I got from there to here... Well, the reader's digest version, anyway."

Desterk was not sure how to reply. Something he is not used to. He fiddled with his champagne glass. "I am happy you survived and are here and how you overcame your circumstances Lieutenant Commander Itsumi, Can I just call you Itsumi? When we are like this in front of the crew I will always call you Lieutenant Commander Itsumi," He said with a smile. "I can see how a lot of us got recruited by Commodore Paladin. He knows how to stack his cards." Destrek just stared for a moment. "I am sure you hear this a lot. If you ever need to talk or need a drink my office is always open to you. Some even say I am a good listener go figure," he said with a grin.

"When we are in front of the crew, you may refer to me as Commander Itsumi. Much in a similar vein to how junior Lieutenants are referred to as just Lieutenants, referring to someone of my rank is less of a mouthful to just call them Commander." Erika explained. "However, if it's just the two of us like this, then please, call me Erika. In the meantime, Ambassador, I don't believe I caught your name earlier."

"How rude of me I thought I had," He said apologizing. "I am Ambassador Eiban Destrek at your service. Most just call me Ambassador around the crew or Ambassador Destrek. You can call me Destrek my first name is a pain to say. I am used to being called Destrek around the officers. Which is fine with me" Explained Destrek.

Changing the subject " So you oversee all Academy Training Operations on the USS Poseidon. Dealing with all manner of affairs that transpire within the Cultural Division. You act as both Chief Diplomatic Officer and Chief Chaplain, You must have an extensive degree of training and background. How do you do it all? I am so impressed." asked Destrek taking another drink of his champagne.

"I've found that thinking about what I do doesn't contribute anything meaningful to my job," Erika explained. "Teaching is just something I do because the alternative was going back into space, and in the process, I've found that I greatly enjoy doing it."

Desterk smiled "That is important, and it is good that you pass your knowledge on to the Cadets." He replied. Glancing at her wheelchair "and that you have determination you and achieve your goals." Desterk trying to give a calpaamint. If he was not married and in love with his wife he knew this woman would be a good ketch. Now how to get Trensu to stop looking at his job and look at what he has around him?

Desterk thought for a moment "So how can I help you in what you and the department are doing?" He asks.

"Well, Ambassador; ever since the Halcyon disaster, my teaching style has put an emphasis on safe operating procedures," Erika explained. "And as such, I intend to introduce a whole new safety culture across shipboard Academy operations. Any reckless or negligent behaviors that might have been tolerated under my predecessors will no longer be so. Because the only way to prevent disasters like what happened to the Halcyon is to stamp out the kinds of behaviors that brought the ship down at its source and instill safe operating procedures into the minds of the cadets who comprise Starfleet's future. Is that something you can help me promote, Ambassador?"

Staring at the desk for a moment remembering the reckless or negligent behavior of Trensu maybe not negligent but definitely reckless behavior saving Desterk's life. "Negligent behavior should never be tolerated. But reckless behavior" Desterk paused thinking. "Reckless behavior can be beneficial in the right circumstance. If it was not for Trensu's Reckless behavior as a cadet I would not be talking to you. I would be laying in the dirt full of disrupter holes. I did get a disrupter burn on the backside. If you know what I mean." Desterk got a smile.

"If you want to talk burns, Ambassador, I think I've got you beat," Erika smirked. "Let's just say that you won't see me wearing a bikini anytime soon. Maybe someday, you can introduce me to this 'good reckless behavior,' because until then, I'll have to agree to disagree with you."

Desterk sat back and let out a breath. "Trensu ran through obstacles, disrupter fire, and explosions. Picked me up and ran back to cover then got me to medical while injured himself. To me, that was pretty reckless." He looked at Itsumi. "The two Marines assigned to me did not even move from their position because of the heavy Disrupter fire. His actions were reckless. He disobeyed orders and did all that to save someone, me." He said thinking back to the time. " admittingly, I had to save him from a court martial. But I do understand your point of view of negligence in a reckless way I thank that's more dangerous than self-destruction." agreeing with Itsumi.

"Well, an understanding of the other's point of view is a good first step," Erika said, standing and extending a hand to Destrek. "Welcome aboard the Poseidon's cultural division, Ambassador:"

He stood to his feet and extend his hand and shook hers. "I am glad to be here and working with you I am sure I will learn new and exciting things in this department," said Destrek. Smiling "I will Tkae this as the end of our meeting?" He asked being very honored to be there.

"That is correct;" Erika said. "You are dismissed."

"Thank you for your time. Lieutenant Commander Itsumi You can stop by anytime, Have a good evening," said Destrek. letting go of her hand. He gave a slight bow and walk out.


Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi
Chief Cultural Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


Ambassador Eiban Destrek
Diplomatic Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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