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The Meeting

Posted on Sunday April 16th, 2023 @ 12:26am by Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Captain Franklin Johnson

1,246 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Star Fleet Acadamy
Timeline: Shore Leave, 2395
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Introduction

This is a JP for Lieutenant Commander Trensu and Gregory Paladin.



Trensu had been working with the Star Fleet Acadamy for some time now mostly doing cadet cruises and other missions as needed. Trensu had just got back to the academy from an assignment that did not go well the ship had taken heavy damage a lot of the crew was injured. but they made it back and they were alive.

Getting a message from Commodore Paladin surprised Trensu. He knew of the Commodore and saw him now and then but they had not talked much if any at all. Trensu knew him as a stern-looking individual with a physically fit appearance and disposition. His hair is raven black, usually well-kept and combed presentable. Trensu understood that he still maintains an air of authority surrounding his gait, is usually appears friendly and approachable Trensu thought.

Trensu was to see the Commodore at his office which of course was on the other side of the Acadamy. trensu looked over his uniform and made sure it was perfect. Pick up his Padd and walk out of his quarters. It was a brisk walk Trensu gave the greeting of the day to the cadets as he passed them. The grounds at the Acadamy were immaculate the grass was green the large building with cadets coming and going out of them as they went to their classes the sun was out and a warm day.

Trensu arrived at the Commodore's office. He checked in with the receptionist a cadet on duty. Trensu told her of a meeting with the Commodore and gave his rank and name after a quick check the Cadet check with the Commodore and then told Trensu to go report to the Commodore.

Trensu tug on his uniform making sure everything was in place and pristine. the door was open Trensu knocked on the door frame and waited to be acknowledged.

Commodore Gregory Paladin had managed to pull some strings to have himself back at Starfleet Academy for a more personal debriefing. Starfleet was not impressed overall with the performance of the USS Poseidon. It had first undertaken its objective as a reactivated anti-piracy destroyer, but after taking severe damage had been taken over by Starfleet Academy under the supervision of Commodore Paladin. That, too, did not go overall well. During a particularly nasty set of missions, over 24 cadets were lost within a few days period. What had happened to the Commodore just a few hours prior in his debriefing was a long time coming.

A few Admirals he had been acquainted with had been at the debrief. They had chastised Pegasus Fleet for their lack of initiative and forethought, then went on to hammer into the Commodore the insane level of failure he had managed. Afterward, however, they had given glowing reviews of how successful the Poseidon had been at taking in multiple shifts of fresh cadets and producing cadets with seasoned experience. They had confirmed that the process did, in fact, help cadets graduate faster and with more success in the process. Despite the overwhelming failures on his list, the Commodore had managed a solid victory. Due to that, Starfleet Command had kept the Poseidon under the authority of the Academy - and the Commodore as a result - and transferred her to Theta Fleet.

Now began the process of keeping the momentum, the successes, that had been brought despite the failures when the Poseidon was under Pegasus Fleet. Going about doing that, he had already managed to acquire several fresh and seasoned officers for the ship. The one coming through the door now was just one such acquisition.

"Lt. Commander Trensu," greeted the Commodore as he stood from his desk, "Please come in! It's a pleasure to finally see you."

The Commodore's office was practically barren and hardly ever used. Spartan decorations and furniture were present, with the Commodore only having a desk and chair and a guest chair for seating. He waved Trensu to the guest chair invitingly.

Transu walked in and went straight for the chair he sat in a proper military style. "yes, Commodore welcome back to Starfleet. I can see they did not give you much for your office." said Trensu looking around and then looking back at the Commodore. "I just received my orders for the USS Poseidon yesterday." Trensu paused thinking. Things were falling into place for him it was the Commodore that had requested him but why? Lieutenant Commander Hirsch had a great service record. "I have one question for you Sir, why me?" Trensu has requested an assignment on a ship for more experience. But this assignment surprised Trensu. That is something that does not happen too often.

The Commodore smiled as he gave a nod. "Because of your experience," he replied. "I need educated and capable officers to apply and be on the Poseidon to help with the overwhelming responsibility of training and tutoring cadets as well as being able to, at a moment's notice, switch over to professionalism in emergency situations. Your record shows you're more than capable of both. I want you on the Poseidon to help the next generation of Academy graduates."

"I am honored Sir, I hope I meet your expectations," replied Trensu. "So you commanding the ship? I find it interesting that the Captain of the ship is not interviewing me," asked Trensu. "I read in the report it was Captain Johnson and the XO is Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon. It is not the first time with the Marines but the first time seeing one in command of a ship," commented Trensu.

Gregory sat as he rubbed a hand through his hair, releasing a short sigh. He gave a nod and tilted his head briefly before looking back at Trensu.

"That's complicated," he admitted. "Captain Johnson commands the Poseidon, I'm the Commodore and Mission Advisor - as well as the ship's chef. The Poseidon used to be my old command before Starfleet recalled me. I had a time of things, came full circle with a promotion, and now here I am leading the charge. Typically it would be Franklin doing this. But Starfleet is involved now - heavily. So I have to smooth things over between the higher-ups and the Captain. It's an Academy vessel, things are different."

Trensu was quiet thinking of the different scenarios he has been through. "Sir,I understand we had an Ambassador on one my the ships when I was XO the Captian was Captian and was in charge but the Ambassador could ask the Captian to go places and help in negotiations," explained Trensu.

"Sir, I wonder, or have a request, do we need an Ambassador with us? He is also between assignments he would be a great asset to the ship. His name is Eiban Destrek Federation Ambassador. I have known him since I was a cadet with the Federation. I could drop him a line if you are interested," expressed Trensu.

"That doesn't sound like an issue," Gregory said. "Alright, things are settled right? You'll be joining us?"

Trensu gave sly grin. "I would not miss this chance. Sounds like it will be a challenge and I like a challenge, Sir. The question are they ready for me." Trensu said with a chuckle.

"We shall see," Gregory said with a smirk.



Commodore Gregory Paladin
Mission Advisor
USS Poseidon


Lt. Cmdr Ahkhsu Trensu
Assistant Cheif of Security
U.S.S. Poseidon


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