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Just a wee newbie.

Posted on Saturday April 15th, 2023 @ 8:02am by Lieutenant Stan More & Ensign Penny McTaggard

413 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Risa & Science Lab USS Poseidon
Timeline: Just before post Danger on Risa.
Tags: : Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development



A great time. Lots to do. Take your mind of your run of bad luck.Maybe your meet a nice man or women if that’s what you’re into. Never mind that the Admiral charged at you like a demented Emu.Things will be different on the Poseidon. Your cousin will look after you.

All these thoughts charged through Penny’s head like a stampeding herd of Kangaroos. Although why a Scottish Lass would think of kangaroos was beyond her understanding.

“ So what’s this Perkins like?” She asked Stan.

“ Ouch he’s a wee puppy dog. But truthfully be careful around him.” Stan said

“ Why?” Penny asked

“ Strange things always happen around him.” Stan said

“ Stop rolling yer eyes like that. You look like Great Uncle Fraser.” Penny said

“ Is that the one who went mad and ran naked through Edinburgh town centre?” Stan asked.

“ No that was Great Uncle Alex and he was not mad just very drunk. Great Uncle Fraser used to tell us those ghost stories. Like the phantom flailing lord.” She replied

Stan nodded but out of the corner of his eye. He noticed a female Klingon watching them like a viper about to strike. He turned away for a few seconds but when he looked again. She had mysteriously vanished.

“ Something wrong?” Penny asked

“ Not sure.” Stan said looking around.

“ Come on yer need to register on the Poseidon. The Beta shift you sort yer out.” Stan said.

- Corridor out science lab-
-USS Poseidon-

Penny handed her transfer papers over and was officially welcomed aboard. As she left the Transporter room Penny heard one of the transporter technicians say.

“ Better book her a bio bed in sickbay.”

Now standing outside the main doors to the main Science Lab. Penny could see small dents in the doors. It looked like something inside had tried to break out.

“ Well here yer are cousin. Be safe. Watch out for Norman and Susan.” Stan said walking away.

“ Who’s Norman and Susan?” Penny asked

“ You’ll see…..” Stan said vanishing around a corner.

The doors opened. It was very dark and quiet in the Lab. All she could hear was a dragging and scraping sound.

“ Hello?” Penny said stepping forward.

Suddenly something wrapped a tentacle around her ankle and pulled her off balance. Penny screamed but it was silenced by the closing doors.


Ensign Penny McTaggard
Botanist / Science
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Stan More
USS Poseidon


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