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There was a cat who hated me.

Posted on Friday December 23rd, 2022 @ 6:23pm by Commander Sam Perkins

757 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Concluding Affairs
Location: Inside Perkins mind
Timeline: Just after The Poseidon house mystery: Final part


-Somewhere inside Perkins mind-

Even though his body was in a state of unconsciousness. His mind was up to its usual shenanigans. When going over things later , in the normal world. Perkins would assume it had been down to the black cat. Which had stalked and attacked them. In the damaged holodeck novel that had trapped them all. That made Sam remember Cuthbert.

After Sam’s father had divorced his birth mother. Due to a number of things including her hatred of her only son. He had remarried a very nice women called Sally. She was unable to have children so she treated him. Like he was her own and Sam loved her for it. In a few weeks as far as he was concerned. She was his real mother.However there was one member of her family , who did not treat Sam with love. Cuthbert.

Cuthbert was a mean green cross eyed , diamond slit irised , black with white legs. One nasty and a little too intelligent for its own good.Cat.Although as he looked back. It was possible the thing had been a changeling. With amnesia that did not realize what it really was. Sally had no idea where Cuthbert had come from. He had somehow decided Sally was his mummy and that was that.

From day one Cuthbert decided the little ginger haired giggling human. Was going to have to go. From angry hissing when little Sam was near. To breaking valuable China objects. Such as a large vase that was a Perkins family heirloom.Although that backfired because there was no way. Little Sam’s chubby hands could have reached it. Cuthbert got made to sleep in the utility room. Something that made the cat. Even more determined to get rid of little Sam.

As Sam grew older, so did Cuthbert. Older , vicious and scheming. He would deliberately get locked inside a room and then wail until released.Giving Sam an accusing look. If Cuthbert was feeling really mean. He would do something in Sam’s cereal. Then look innocent as Perkins' projectile vomited. Whatever Cuthbert, putin his cereal.

Now perhaps if Cuthbert had thought through his last act , towards Sam. He may have realized that by leaving Sam and his friends' science project alone.The red haired nuisance would have been off to university sooner. But Cuthbert was just an evil minded cat.

Mr Kayak the science teacher had put his students into teams. Then gave them a task to come up with a project and build it. Something that would help mankind. Sam and his friends Tom , Harry and Miles ( smiler ) decided to make a spherical force field emitter.

Now if Cuthbert had not been a simple feline. Full of self importance and spite. He might of figured that if Sam and his friends won the competition.Then his young red haired nemesis would be off earlier to university. But no. The cat could see these high voiced humans. Where building something. By the sounds of their voices it was important. Cuthbert just had to destroy it.

The boys had finished for the day.Sam’s mother had invited the boys to have some supper. As it was known Perkins' stepmother cooked the best food in St.Albans.His friends readily agreed.

“ I think tomorrow we can test it.” Smiler said as he sipped some soup.

“ When does old Kayak close the competition?” Asked Harry

“ Monday.” Said Tom

“ That gives us two days” Sam said

Suddenly the lights began to dim and a high pitched screech could be heard. Which abruptly stopped as the lights came back on. There was a smell of burning fur.

Sam looked at his friends.
“ Oh no, don’t tell me don’t tell me he got into my room….” Sam said

“ Who?” His friends asked

“ Cuthbert….” Sam said

Sam charged upstairs to his surprise the door was still locked.The smell of burnt fur was quite pungent up here. He unlocked the door. The device was still intact. But a power cable had been pulled out. On the end of it was a smoking , very well cooked , Cuthbert. The cat must’ve sneaked in before the boys went down to eat.Then attempted to sabotage the machine. But got fried when it pulled out the power cable.

Perhaps his family and friends thought. Sam wanted to be alone to cry for his dead pet. But once out of sight. Sam danced around the garden.


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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