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Blossoming Love

Posted on Sunday December 4th, 2022 @ 5:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine & Commodore Gregory Paladin

1,094 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Concluding Affairs
Location: USS Poseidon; Lounge & Senior Officer's Complex, Deck Six
Timeline: Current


Canaan pushed away the half-eaten bowl of minestrone. It tasted fine, but he'd been spoiled by the home cooking concocted from theCardinal's galley by whichever of the small crew was assigned chef for that day's main meal. The replicated food tasted foreign, and he knew then that would be one of his biggest struggles in returning. Credit to Poseidon's kitchen staff - cooking for over 300 souls was vastly different from cooking for ten. It didn't help that it was between mealtimes, so the replicator was one of the few options available. Canaan didn't want to fuss, so instead of trying for something different, he pushed back against the padded bench of the booth and stretched out either leg so he could be more comfortable people-watching - one of his favorite pastimes.

There were only a few present aside from himself. A Vulcan cadet near the main galley doors was nursing a cup of tea and appeared engrossed in what Canaan guessed was coursework of some kind. A Bajoran and human seated several tables over, reviewing a holo schematic of something engineering-related, and the Klingon bartender behind the bar, who'd restocked the coffee station.

Breathing in deeply, Canaan pulled a data PADD from his uniform's pocket and turned on its display with the tap of a finger. Bookmarking the chapter in the book he was reading, he dismissed the application before pulling up the internal messaging platform integrated with Poseidon's communications systems. Opening a blank message, the app made several recommendations on who to contact, one name near the top of the list immediately attracting his attention and causing his heart to flutter if ever so subtly.

Selecting the name, Canaan tapped a short greeting into the text field before sending.

| C. Serine: Hi

Placing the device aside, he waited to see if the recipient would respond.

| G. Paladin: Hey, how's it going?

The response was plain. He had been busy earlier in the day in the kitchens but now was in the middle of paperwork that involved approving supplies and potential cadets. The commodore grumbled from behind his desk - not much situated where it was. The interruption provided by the inter-ship messaging system on the PADD was just what he was looking for. He sat back in his chair, watching the PADD for a reply.

| C. Serine: What is it about replicated food that misses the mark?

Canaan is holding the PADD once more, glad for Gregory's simple reply. Undoubtedly, he'd caught the good commodore in the middle of some duty-related responsibility that was probably far more urgent than any absentminded rambling he could offer about replicated soups. That said, he was sitting needing some preoccupation, hopeful Gregory could provide.

| G. Paladin: It doesn't have a genuine taste. Like a kiss.

Gregory chuckled at his reply. He leaned back in his chair, relaxing now. He needed to get the paperwork done, but surprisingly he found the initiative to... not care. This was Canaan, after all!

Canaan huffed in amusement, his cheeks reddening at Gregory's playfulness as a smirk quirked one corner of his mouth. "Cheeky." He noted aloud to no one in particular.

| C. Serine: I agree. Kisses can taste genuine. For example, minty fresh or coffee stale. Replicated minestrone? It tastes like nothing. And, to be fair, on any scale, I'd have to lean into kisses over minestrone, wouldn't you agree?

The commodore laughed. He spent a few minutes finishing up a report he had been reviewing before, then sent it off with approval through the inter-ship system. He leaned back again, sighing, thinking. Then he replied.

| G. Paladin: I agree. I love the taste of coffee on my partner's breath when I go deep for a kiss. Also, why exactly are we messaging each other when we could be talking?

Canaan's blush deepened, his lips tingling at the recollection of those deep kisses. He breathed in deeply, steadying himself and slowing down. Canaan's return was too recent, and how he and Gregory felt about one another was still a... work in progress. Although there was a persistent vibration ever-present under the skin that told him whatever restraint they were showing toward one another was a futile activity, Physically, there was still a deep attraction; that much was true. Emotionally and psychologically... they were rediscovering just that.

| C. Serine: Well, you're in your office, and I am not. Plus, you're a very important commodore doing very important work, and I most assuredly don't want to be too much of a distraction. Although, I wouldn't mind being just a little one for you. Do you want to go for a run with me later?

Gregory felt a rush of red on his cheeks as he smiled. A run later would actually be good. Canaan was considerate in all things and conscious of his actions and implications. Since they were reacquainting some time ago, they had re-established their love for one another... though it was still a work in progress. Admittedly, it felt like it was a faster work in progress for Gregory. As if they were catching up for lost time and had never left.

| G. Paladin: I'd like that, yeah. Let's get together in a few hours. Down in the holodeck, maybe. <3

Canaan felt a little foolish, sitting there beaming in such a way, but it couldn't be helped, and he'd learned long ago not to even try. Accepting his feelings as they were, he glanced around the room, catching the eye of the young Vulcan cadet observing him closely until their eyes met. Canaan shied away from the eye contact, his blush deepening even further as he tapped a short reply.

| C. Serine: I'll be there. xo

Closing the messenger program, Canaan deactivated the screen before retrieving the now cold bowl of minestrone and depositing it into the nearest replicator. Straightening his uniform, he left the lounge using the door opposite where the Vulcan cadet sat. Perceptive as they were, Canaan didn't want to provide further human conditions for the Vulcan to notate. Rather, he reveled in seeing Gregory later in the day. Until then, he'd have to find another way to keep busy.

Gregory smiled at the reply, taking a moment to appreciate the "xo" and sat his PADD down. He sighed contently and got back to work. He was very eager to see his... future lover again.



Commodore Gregory Paladin
Mission Advisor
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine
Academy Training Officer
USS Poseidon


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