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Keep Your Head Up

Posted on Sunday May 1st, 2022 @ 1:17am by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch

5,299 words; about a 26 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: "El Capitan": Holodeck #1, Deck 05; U.S.S. Poseidon
Timeline: En-route to Starbase 129; Stardate 72154.1
Tags: Calvin Hirsch, Holodeck, Telepathy


It was an early morning on board the Poseidon. The ship hummed with life as it continued it's cruise towards Starbase 129 on the fringes of Cardassian space. For now, the journey had proved uneventful, and the crew seemed to be in as sound a state as they had been in a long time. Particularly with the new addition of dedicated heads of the ship's Cultural Division, the Cadets had found new life as more structure and support had come to their routines. Everything was looking up, and while Commander Shakura still had some of her own doubts harboured towards Starfleet, it mattered most to her in the immediate term that her crew were happy.

There was one particular crewmember aboard that she still had pressing concerns about though, and having shared them with the Captain, they both decided to take a united approach in order to come to a better understanding with the crewmember in question: Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch. Ever since the events of the Betreka Nebula, Kana had been wrestling with the question of how to address his actions aboard the Akril-Class starship. On the one hand, he had been the one to potentially bring them into the path of danger. On the other, his actions also helped them escape at a critical moment, at considerable risk to himself. It had been a mess, and it was Kana's responsibility to help clear it up.

Walking towards Holodeck One, Kana was dressed in a new set of replicated attire. Black high-rise tapered trousers that were designed to be durable as well as flexible for increased movement, paired with a crop top that bore the blue of her officer's tunic, and shoes that seemed to conform tightly to the shape of her soles. It was an outfit that caught a few glances from both cadets and junior officers alike as she passed, though none dared stare for too long. She was too focused on her own internal thoughts to really pay them any mind. On a belt wrapped tightly around her waist, she had a canteen full of water, and a few other essentials: rope, hooks, clips, the works.

Reaching the Holodeck, she stepped inside. As she waited for both the Captain and the Lieutenant to arrive, she began to do a few stretches all over the body. Her new outfit revealed what her uniform often concealed: Kana had quite the structured physique, with large traps and well-defined arms. It was actually something she was a little self-conscious about, but not because she wanted to be; her mother had always disparaged that it made her look too "masculine", whatever that was supposed to mean. She had long ago given up the pretence of wanting to become an old Betazoid Matriarch like her mother.

Captain Johnson finished his stretches in the gymnasium on Deck 5 and began to gather his gear for the expected holodeck excursion. Entering the gymnasiums changing room, he quickly changed his outfit and hefted the duffle bag of supplies that his Commander has reminded him he'd need. Upon exiting, He saw looks his way, brief as they were, as he made way to the holodeck around the corridor on Deck 5. He wasn't particularly a Hercules, nor any role model, but he did keep his shape in check.

The excursion in question had been discussed between Kanaka and himself the day before. Lieutenant Hirsch had, since the conclusion of the first away mission conducted by the Poseidon in recent memory, been a major staple point for officer discussion. His actions had been on one hand exemplary, but on the other careless and inconsiderate. With how difficult of a situation it was to approach, and following Starfleet's issuance of a Purple Heart to the Lieutenant, the Captain decided to approach the situation as recommended by Kanaka during their meeting.

He entered the holodeck in appropriate attire as he spotted the Commander and approached. He set his duffle bag down, unzipping it to begin strapping contents and harness to his body that held water canteens and other supplies for climbing. He hadn't been a huge climber himself so this was a first for him.

"Beautiful day, Number One," greeted the Captain as he finished his preparations. "I take it I'm early?"

"Beautiful day indeed, Captain." She smiled at him as he entered. She was squatting down close to the ground, taking the time to stretch each of her legs fully. "A little early, and I'd suspect the Lieutenant will be here right on time, as he always is."

Hirsch sat there waiting at the mess hall on deck 05, completing work on PADDs. The Lieutenant soon attended the holodeck invitation Captain Johnson and Commander Shakura sent him.

His Commanders were concerned. Rightly, so. Hirsch was lucky. Nobody got killed. The CO and XO wanted answers. Calvin’s behavior on the Cardassian vessel was a pressing concern. The Lt. understood potentially harming the away team with his actions. Calvin left the XO without permission. While on a mission, it is critical to remain in contact. Hirsch knew this implicitly as it were his duty. Security was paramount. It was embarrassing, but that would be too selfish to be embarrassed.

Explanation. I don’t know what happened to me. Not good enough. Captain Johnson nor Commander Shakura would accept that. Easily understandable. Hirsch breathed outward. The stress was visible across his face. The Security Chief was frustrated at the situation as everyone was. Of course, angry at himself. He felt he had no control. The metallic beast had overcome his senses.

Hirsch breathed outward yet again… How could he explain mind control? Would he lose his position?

How could he provide his Commanders with direct, straightforward answers? The creature sent him incantations of pain, horror emanating from the Cardassian vessel. Hirsch shook his head; he refocused on the tasks at hand.

In the Mess Hall, Calvin continued. A mission report for Captain Johnson is due soon. A table with four PADDs. The first PADD explained his recent actions to the best of his ability. The remaining three PADDs were for arrival at Starbase 129. Captain Johnson tasked Hirsch with educating and guiding the Cadets. Calvin was proud of this and confident in his work and results. As usual, Hirsch developed a camaraderie with the security cadets. Both in team-building exercises and security scenarios while on the USS Poseidon. This work still needed completion.

A passive sip of coffee lent Hirsch’s eyes across the mess hall. Officers whispered, looking at him. Cal shrugged. Checking his wrist timepiece, it was almost time.

Flashes… Again… Flooding Hirsch’s mind. The more Calvin tried to recall, the more the pain increased!
The concentration of wickedness beamed from the metallic beast like an echo. Calvin wasn’t a telepath. No way to explain the intense state the metallic beast pulled him into! Did it leave me?!

The metallic beast was Russhooks’ creature that had initiated psychological contact with Hirsch… At first, Calvin felt severe pain, ringing in his ears… waves, pulses, confusion, fear, and obedience.

Hirsch would best explain the intense vibrations as agony, fear, pain, obedience to the monster into his head. Hirsch didn’t like this! It would be in his report to the Captain and Commander immediately. He was unsure if it was telepathy. The meeting with the metal beast left Hirsch with problems in sleep, vision, headaches, sensations of fear, intense unease. Cal wanted his post-op and answers for his own! His medical appointment is already scheduled.

## The time is now 0550 HRs ## The Lieutenant’s watch reminded him. 10 minutes.

Hirsch stood up. Long since finished his morning meal of protein shake and oatmeal cookie. He had completed a fresh jog through deck 05, where Calvin’s officer quarters were located.

Entering the Holodeck Lt., Hirsch met the Captain and Commander. “Captain Johnson, Sir. Commander Shakura.” Cal greeted cordially.

He was standing tall as he entered, holding the sides of his backpack, which was shucked on. Cal was no mountain climber. Cal carried a standard assortment of attachments. He was wearing a long-sleeved grey cotton sweatshirt and crisp pair of Khaki cargo shorts with mountaineering boots fit for Yosemite!

“Beautiful day,” Calvin spoke.

Just as Kanaka had finished speaking, in walked the Chief of Security.

"Right as ever, Number One," Franklin spoke with a grin to Kanaka as he turned to face Calvin.

To be perfectly honest with himself, ever since Lt. Commander Karn Karn had stepped down and left the Poseidon for better pastures, the Captain hadn't dedicated the appropriate time to get to know his replacement. He felt ashamed at this, knowing this this excursion was truthfully only one of a few team building exercises he had done on the ship in a while. It made him feel good, then, to know he was at least trying to make ends meet.

"Mr. Hirsch!" Franklin greeted jovially, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance again. I hear you've had quite the adventure!"

Nodding to the Lieutenant, as his statement had not been in the form of a question but rather as a statement of fact, he gave her a nod.

"At your convenience, Number One. I'll follow your lead on this one," he said in a hushed tone only the two could hear.

Kana looked at Hirsch as he entered, and she could immediately tell that while he was putting on a brave and calm face, he was very stressed about this engagement. She could understand why, and it wasn't without good cause, but she hoped the ensuing exercise would help expend some of the tension.

"Lieutenant, good morning." She smiled at him as he entered, before turning to the Captain and giving an affirming nod at his inaudible comment. Turning her back to the two of them briefly, she looked up and spoke aloud, "Computer, run the prepared holoprogram: Base of El Capitan, Yosemite National Park, Earth."

A small chirp of acknowledgement sounded, before suddenly the environment morphed around them, realistic matter coming to life as tall trees began to surround them and the floor turned to a rich brown earth. The feeling of warmth from the sun shone down upon them through the canopies, while now standing tall before them was the three-thousand foot face of the granite monolith known as "The Chief" itself. As the holoprogram finished initializing, the feeling of a gentle breeze and the sound of birdsong rang out.

Breathing in what felt like fresh air through her nose, Kana smiled and looked to her two companions, "I'm told it usually takes a few days to reach the summit. However, our duties don't allow us that kind of time. I'm aware that an old Earth record was...just under four hours?" At this she gave them both an almost devious grin as she then sprung fast ahead of them both, immediately latching herself on the base of the monolith and beginning her ascent.

When Franklin noticed the grin, he almost certainly knew what to expect. Instead Kanaka did the opposite and rushed forward unexpectedly. He gave a small laugh to himself for his mistake, then looked at Calvin.

"Coming, Mr. Hirsch?" He asked, invitingly, before rushing after his Number One and trying to keep pace.

Hirsch did not rush. He looked up, way up. His eyes squinted as his thoughts of how big this cliff mount was now that he was beside it. "What?!" He scoffed.

Hirsch breathed outward. His mind was focusing. "It's just a climb. You just..." He breathed outward as his mind raced, dizzied images, the violation of evil plasma... Breathing inward. Deeply. "Right after you, Sir!" Hirsch took his first step and stumbled face-first into the granite wall. Hirsch's already large nose is just getting larger. "AwwWWoooO!" Hirsch rubbed the intense bonk.

Stumbling his metal cleat to the mountainside, Cal heaved himself upward. The already throbbing, dizzy headaches pounded. "Just... To the top, and then we explain this all. Anddd..." He was talking to himself before shutting up. "So, you say how much… Longer..." Heaved upward as Calvin grasped the naps in the sheer of the granite cliffside. His body was becoming hanging air at points, cruising over ledges, hanging over outcrops...

Kana didn't have to look back to sense the weight of Hirsch's movement and the pressure on his psyche. At first she thought it might just be stress, but this felt quite acute. Slowing down so as to let the Captain catch up with her slightly, she communicated down to him. "I think we might need to give the Lieutenant a bit of assistance and motivational support."

Franklin gave a thumbs up from his position behind her on the rock face. He was honestly winging most of his progress and was satisfied his brief classes on rock climbing had paid off. He made sure to place the appropriate supports into the rock face as he went back to catch up with Calvin.

As quickly as she had made her way up the side of the monolith, the Commander effortlessly shimmied her way back down the face. Now adjacent to the Chief Security Officer, she conversed with him as she helped guide both his arms and legs to where they needed to go. "That's it, Lieutenant. You've got to make sure you coordinate your limbs; can't afford for one of them to get tired before the other or you'll get gassed too quickly." There was a clear lesson there, one she knew he'd understand as she helped him make smoother progress up the face of El Capitan.

"So, since we're taking a leisurely jaunt up a mountainside with little else to distract us..." The Commander said, letting the humour of the situation speak for itself. "...why don't you tell us what's on your mind?"

Franklin had, by the point Kanaka had caught up with Calvin, came alongside on the other side of the Chief Security Officer. He gave Calvin a supportive pat on the shoulder after Kanaka had asked her question, encouraging him to speak.

"It's alright, Mr. Hirsch," Franklin said through heavy breaths, "we're here today to help you. Not punish you."

Calvin couldn’t decide. Honestly. What was more embarrassing? The fact that a young chief like himself was having a tough time on El Capitan. Or, that his two commanders had just zip-lined down to greet him! He chuckled taking it in stride, at least what his true self wanted. But not the entity manifesting his psyche. "No. No... Capt Johnson., Commander."

“This..." He grinned. "This attention. Although, greatly appreciated. I honestly could have just have met, or... sent in the... report…” Cal stammered. “I mean. It was ready to report!” Cal paused. Breathed. Relaxed. But the turmoil the beast ignited by contact earlier did not relent now

Closing his eyes, Hirsch opened them. In doing so, darkness filtered across his retinas ceding any white! Hirsch broke into a worried-sounding laugh, hiding his eyes. “Honestly. It really is hilarious. You’re both going to find this quite the lark!”

Hirsh regarded the Captain and Commanders. “Sir., Ma’am.” He swallowed. “On the derelict Cardassian vessel.” His face forward gathered himself. “Russhook. That metal beast. That THING!!” Hirsch gripped the rope as his eyes presented turmoiled restraint. “Well… It’s back!!”

The Captain looked quizzically between Hirsch and Shakura. He read the report an encounter with a Gorn, and perhaps a thing or two on the supposition of it's name - which Russhook seemed familiar as a name - but the deeper details were oblivious to him. As such he felt it necessary to let the Commander handle this one. He gave her a nod of affirmation to signal just that.

Kana at first didn't show any immediate reaction, somewhat stunned from the quick escalation of panic and worry that was coming from Hirsch. But it all suddenly began to make more sense as she considered the weight of what he had been carrying this entire time, since that fateful Away Mission. She abruptly gestured for the Captain to do what he could to support more of the Lieutenant's footing, while she used the ropes and pins that she carried on her belt to set up effective lines to help stabilise them both.

"Calvin, I need you to stay calm for me." The Commander's voice was direct but calm. "If my suspicions are correct, you're suffering from some sort of heightened traumatic event, perhaps of that creatures own making. I need you to try and block that out, focus on my voice, and trust me. Manifest that trust in your thoughts. Trust me. Keep your head up."

Franklin gave a nod as Kanaka spoke to Calvin, doing as asked and supporting the Lieutenant as he had been instructed in situations like this.

The words and phrases Kana was uttering might not have made much sense on their own, but to anyone with any appreciation of her telepathic abilities, she was essentially asking the young Chief of Security to give her a secure backdoor into his own mind. Once all their lines were secure and Kana was assured neither her or the Lieutenant's feet were going to fall out from underneath them, she let the rope take her weight as she placed both her hands directly on either side of Calvin's temple.

"Keep your head up, Calvin. Trust me." The Commander tempered her breathing as she waited for Calvin to open his mind.

Franklin gave a quiet thumbs up to the Commander from behind the lieutenants shoulder. Calvin was secure, as was he, and he waited to see how things turned out.

Calvin’s internal feelings broiled over into intense agony, feelings of dread. Infectious forces already numbed Cal's outward senses to life. Hirsch panicked inside as darkness swallowed his soul, and him. An undeniable power took over that day on the Cardassian bridge. Sensations acid-like rooted upward his forearm and to Hirsch's head. His inner soul. Once love, passion, warmth, compassion… Now a listless losing Kana.

oO Numbness. Suffocation. Confusion!? Control... Dread. Eternity....dark desert... Oo The non-telepathic humanoid, an entity for the evil venom to control.

The Security Chief's body collapsed into the secure hold that Captain Johnson and Commander Shakura expertly assisted Hirsch along with El Capitan of all places!

Calvin’s temples instantly locked to a feeling. oO Familiarity trickling....Brightness in the dark! Who is.... Who are you?! I know that… Heads-Up… Keep my Heads-Up…. Keep it up. Carry on. Stay strong. Strength. Trickles of.... Energy. Light. Power. Goodness. Kana Oo

Hirsch’s shoulders in his climbing gear tensed, locking his neck up and head forward as the muscles in his neck and veins pulsed out his heart rate. The tunnel, the communication link to Kana had opened. Head ups, focused forward.

Kana said nothing as she remained silent for the next few minutes, the only indications to the Captain that she was still present was the sound of her slow breathing. Inside Hirsch's mind, the Chief Counsellor could feel his insecurities, his fears and his worries mounting as whatever malevolence was infecting his mind stirred at the presence of another telepath. She was confused, as it didn't seem like the beast - the one they had encountered back in the Betreka Nebula - was holding any sort of direct presence. It seemed as if, instead, whatever had managed to infect Calvin's body after his injuries carried within itself the malice that now sought to do him harm.

"Is this how the creature powers and animates itself, through malice?" She pondered, though all it could be was a hypothesis for now. All that she could be certain of in this instant was that it was latching on to the Security Chiefs insecurities and fears, and actively 'infecting' them, overinflating them to unbearable levels. But how was it managing to do this? How was it managing to toy with his mind? To Kana, the answer seemed to be that whatever 'malice' she was sensing was acting more on instinct then on any sort of malicious intent necessarily; that was to say, it didn't seem to have a conceit for Calvin's suffering, just that it gained something from his sensations of suffering.

For a few moments longer she traced all the steps in his mind, seeing where this malice had latched itself to. Fortunately, whatever it was, it took a long time to develop its roots; perhaps what was happening now was only the first stage of whatever it was intending to do?

Then it clicked for Kana. "If it infected Calvin via his wound, it must have infected his nervous system. That's the only way it could have easily gained access to the brain."

Confident then in her most immediate means of response, she now communicated telepathically directly with Calvin. "I'm about to do something, Lieutenant. I won't lie, you might have a strong headache after this..."

From Calvin's perspective, there would be a stinging flash of white light in his mind, and a constant ringing. It was as if she was deliberately giving him a migraine. In a way, she was; the "malice" that had latched itself onto Calvin's nerves were just as receptive as he was, and shrieked away in pain. In the time this bought her, the Betazoid used her telepathic abilities to create a barrier around the Security Officer's emotions; this would be draining for both him and for her as it was kept up, but it was a temporary first-step while she figured out a more permanent solution.

Opening her eyes and letting go of his temple, Kana spoke openly to him. "You should start to feel a lot calmer now, Lieutenant, even if your head is a bit sore..."

As Kanaka did her process of meditating this internal strife within the lieutenant, Captain Johnson maintained a firm hold on Calvin as he underwent it. He worriedly looked for his XO and back to Hirsch when things concluded.

"You alright now?" He ventured to ask Calvin.

Hirsch was drowning inside surfacing out of a pool of water. What felt like coming up for air, the mental darkness held back by Shakura.

After a split second passed, Cal heaved. Taking in gasps of air. “Oh. Ohhh. Oh my God!” Hirsch's eyes scanned around. There was no darkness, nothing wrapping around his soul; at least for now visibly rested his agony at bay.

“Captain…” Hirsch looked concerned. “I… I am feeling better now.” Hirsch did his best.

The Captain gave a firm smile, patting Calvin's back gently as he gave another glance over to his number one. He wasn't particularly surprised by the events that transpired, merely surprised they happened in such a situation. He then realized that maybe Kanaka had planned this event all along. That maybe she has purposefully included Calvin here to fix these issues, and that he was simply the third wheel intended to keep things in motion. His respect for his Executive Officer grew considerably, eyeing her with more appreciation and awe.

"That's good to hear Mr. Hirsch," Franklin said as he briefly smiled at Calvin before looking back at Kanaka. "Very happy to hear that."

The Commander allowed herself a moment to collect herself and appreciate the calm that now seemed to reign over Hirsch's mind, and the happiness it brought both him and the Captain.

"I've managed to disorient the matter that was trying to influence your emotions, Hirsch. It will take some time for it to build up it's influence again; in order to ensure it's unable to, we will need to consider an emergency medical procedure once we reach Starbase One-Two-Nine. I will consult with Lieutenant Commander T'vek and confirm with you our best course of action from there."

As she explained this to both Hirsch and the Captain, she began slowly altering the pins and ropes that she had constructed to hold them all in place, giving them all the ability to move a bit more freely again. "Until then, the best course of action will be to make sure to centre yourself so you have a greater handle on your emotions, making it more difficult for this lifeform to exert influence. It seemed to have an appetite for your anxieties in particular. May I suggest we continue our climb? Albeit at a slower pace."


Hirsch booted nailed it to the top. When he had placed his mind on things he could achieve, this was one of those moments with his Commanding Officers by his side.

Reaching the summit ledge of El Capitan at the one and only Yosemite National Park, Hirsch beamed. The light. “The light. I can see forever….” He lent his large hand to his forehead; Hirsch’s once darkened eyes now allowed him to see the light.

He sat down to his knees, resting. Taking a drink from his water bottle and slowly let the electrolytes from his energy drink set in. His mind… It was rushing back now. He tried not to overwhelm things, as far as he was concerned. He arrived alive!

“I am. Ready for our talk, Commanders. When you are ready?” From his khaki cargo shorts, Hirsch pulled out an energy bar, his tee-shirt long since sweated. “Care for some protein?” Hirsch munched on his bar while offering two unopened Starfleet MRE bars. Calvin digested the calories he muchly needed, not having been able to keep food down these past few days.

After giving Calvin an encouraging pat on the back before his ascent, Franklin was already halfway to the summit. After some extensive effort, he managed to climb all the way and finally reach the peak. Stationing himself at the summit, he began to organize his gear as he was taught as he grabbed a meal bar and drink from his backpack. He watched as Calvin, whom by this time had already reached the peak, had grabbed his own meal from his own pack. Franklin was silent after Calvin spoke, watching Kanaka who had ascended before all of them for their reaction.

The Commander had managed to reach the summit a few minutes before the rest of them, taking the time to admire the holodeck's recreation of the Earth's sun peaking through the treetops of Yosemite National Park. She smiled and enjoyed the feeling of warmth glistening on her face, unphased by the fact that it was entirely artificial, because in a way it wasn't. She always marvelled at how capable the holodecks were at creating accurate matter as if it was nothing. It was, in truth, one of the reasons she didn't like to use holodecks too frequently; they could be at times, disorienting.

As the Lieutenant crested over the peak and took time to catch his breath, and the Captain not long after him, she gave them both time to recover. As Calvin kneeled upwards and gathered himself to offer both his superior officers some of his protein, Kana calmly approached and knelt down with him, gladly accepting the offer. "Thank you, Lieutenant." She said as she took a bite of the protein bar and also pulled out her own canteen, hydrating herself as well.

"I must admit, Lieutenant, when the Captain and I had arranged this meeting, I had not been expecting to discover what we did while hanging off the side of El Capitan..." She began, almost trying to make light of the situation. "Before, I could only have put down your actions on-board the Akril-Class Starship back in the Betreka Nebula to sheer recklessness. I'm sure it's not lost on you just how close we all came to dying."

Her words were soft, but no less direct. It was clear that while she was being serious she was not trying to admonish the Lieutenant, perhaps something she had originally intended. "Of course, your actions in those key moments - including the depth of your injuries you've clearly sustained - made sure we escaped, but that was due to the teamwork of everyone in those crucial moments as well. Originally, that was going to be my lesson to you today. It still is, though in light of what we've learned today, I will say this..."

She now placed her hands directly on the Security Officer's shoulders, compelling him to look directly at her. "If it is truly the case that you were manipulated by this other lifeform to act in the way you did that day, then it would be wrong for me to hold you entirely at fault. However, there is a lesson here, especially now as it is clear you've been marked by this creature: When we are on a mission, it's just as important to protect your mind as it is your body. Empathic and telepathic creatures will look to exploit your emotions just as much as a creature of might will look to exploit your physical attributes. I don't know where you mind was prior to our arrival, but when we're Away we must maintain our focus, and not allow ourselves to be led astray. Do you understand why I'm telling you this?"

Calvin watched back to Shakura. “Commander. I placed the away team in danger by my sole actions of leaving the main bridge. As a Chief of Security for the Poseidon, I am a role model to other Officers, Personnel and especially….” Hirsch swallowed. He loved his team of cadets. “Especially the Cadets.”

“I understand, Commander.” Hirsch imparted his deepest, purest feelings of regret from his good soul as best he could. Cal tired closed his eyes, hoping she could sense he was not lying about everything. If this held, Shakura would feel this.

"Mr. Hirsch," Franklin said as he finally spoke up, "Your role as my department head does not simply constitute you being in one place on my ship. Yes, you lead by example just as you did, but you do so by enduring the same struggles the cadets will ensure. Leading by example is providing that example of hardship so others know what to do when they face that situation."

"Sometimes we fail, Mr. Hirsch," the Captain added. "But failing does not necessarily mean we lost our objective. The only way to learn in life is by failing, and if you didn't fail at something, then you never learn anything. That's not to say I consider what happened to you a failure. I consider it a lesson learned. That, to me, means more than anything because it lets me know you're capable of being better than what you were."

Franklin smiled at Hirsch, then to Kanaka as he gauged whether he was helpful or not. He hoped he was because that was from the heart and he was still very proud of Calvin.

Calvin smiled. For once, he was looking forward to the mission leave. He would need the rest.

Kanaka smiled back to the two of them, before giving Calvin a pat on the sides of his arms before standing and looking back at the shimmering sunlight over the photorealistic canopy. She allowed them all the chance to enjoy the view for a little moment longer. "Computer, end holoprogram."

With that, El Capitan dissolved as quickly as it had grown, and their surroundings came back into focus as they "returned" to the Poseidon. Turning back to them, she straightened up in her more typical fashion as she gestured for them to make their way to the door. "Well gentlemen, it's time to get to work. Remember, keep your head up."


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Cmdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lt. Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon



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