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What if?

Posted on Friday March 18th, 2022 @ 1:52am by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Commander Sam Perkins

1,088 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Science Lab
Timeline: Current

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-Science Lab-

Sam sat in the corner tending to his plants. Norman and Susan could tell he was upset. The plants gently ran their tentacles across his arm. In turn he gave them some liquid feed. Which made them shake with delight.

The events of the recent mission seemed to play on his mind. Russhook is just inches away from him. Luck had been on Perkins side and the Gorn had not noticed him. But just the same what if he had?

What if? A voice made him jump.

Cal entered the lab near the corner Sam was seated. Norman and Susan. Hirsch smiled as the plants were tender as only someone like Sam could be so in tune as to pay the plants their sentience their attention. Sam was a kind soul.

Hirsch regarded the officer, never having really regarded Sam. The Lieutenant Commander had been through a lot on the last mission, having had to see Russhook once again. The criminal pirate had once again reared his ugly face. Having been informed of his past dealings with the Gorn, Hirsch felt empathy for Sam.

"Sam," Hirsch stood without walking a bit closer, wanting to give him his space. "You ok?" Hirsch asked curiously. "May I come and say Hello?" Cal lent a smile.

“ Yes….Yes hello Cal. I meant to say hello on the…..away team. But events kind of got ahead of me. How are you?” Sam said extending his hand.

"Should I leave it as is, or a prosthetic?" Hirsch turned to Sam seeking any reaction. Perkins definitely looked turmoiled on their mission. Calvin slowly extended his hand meeting Sams. The back story was sad. Sam was targeted by a Gorn simply for being who he was in the Academy, an upstanding academic Cadet. Russhook couldn't take it and was a devil. He was a menace, a bullying troll!

“ Sorry Cal. Supposed to be a Starfleet Officer and here I am acting like a frightened teen girl on her first date.” Sam replied

Hirsch had chuckled. Sam always had something original and easing to say, which was his very nature. Hirsh had then clasped his hand into a more friendly-looking first bump, as he brought it forward to meet Sam's. "First bump." Hirsch smiled and said friendly.

“ First bump..” Perkins said returning the gesture.

It was easy to come to Sam, but... How would Cal broach the intense energies he experienced? Did Sam ever experience anything like this from Russhook, or explain how the metallic beast violated Hirsch with negative force.

Perkins could see Cal was considering him.

“ Is this about what happened on the away team?” Sam asked.

Perkins was worried some crew would blame him for what happened. Maybe if Sam had done a bit better with Russhook at the academy? Then none of this would of happened. But Cadet Perkins had done his best with the Gorn. Russhook had been a slow learner. He became inpatient with things and resorted to cheating. Resulting in that terrible explosion claiming the gorns eye. But Sam had been exonerated of all blame. Except Russhook. He vowed revenge. But for some reason the Gorn had not recognised Perkins.Instead he had attacked the others leave Sam alone. Why…?

"Sam. It is." Hirsch held no secret. He simply wanted to talk. Something told him Sam was processing what had happened on the away mission. Something also told him that he was worried. It would be enough to process for anyone, let alone being shadowed by a one-eyed Gorn.

"On the Cardassian vessel. I experienced a force, an evil force. Sam, do you know anything about the metallic beast? Russhooks pet thing.

Sam looked at Cal.

“ To be honest Cal. Once Russhook was sent back to his people in shame. I never heard from him again. Although a few years ago. I did hear some news about him. I learnt he was in the area of the nebula. But as soon as I heard that was to be our mission area. I went straight to the Captain and XO to warn them.” Sam replied

He could tell by the look on Carl’s face this was not much help.

“ But. There was a report on Gorn science being not as backward as many think. I know he had a cousin who was a scientist. I may be able to look his name up in the database if that would help.” Sam said

"Thank you, Sam. I would appreciate that." Hirsch paused, re-wording his question. "Sam. While on the away team, onboard the Cardassian vessel, did you feel anything odd, other than the usual human fear."

“ Actually yes. I literally could not move.” Sam said

"Sam. I was afraid. Not Russhook but the beast." Calvin had lent a content smile, hoping it might help Sam remember or further open. He could tell Sam was unsettled.

“ Maybe there is more to this then out wright fear. Remember the Gorns are a lot more advanced science wise then we realise. It is possible that some kind of fear inducing device was used. I would not put that past Russhook. Having one eye would not make him that scary. So he would need something to help him against adversaries.” Sam wondered aloud.

“Sam, would Russhook have a way to save himself, which the auto-destruct detonated?” It was necessary to ask if he was capable of some ulterior transport—mere’ what-ifs?' to be asked.

Perkins pondered this.

“ Well that could be possible I am afraid to say. But judging by his use of that metallic beast. He might not have had one. He always did have a single way of thinking. While constructing that thing Russhook may not have thought what would happen if the auto destruct went off. With him in the area of explosion. We saw that single minded view. He was so busy with you guys. I was left with all my body parts intact.” Perkins said.

Nodding, Hirsch had chuckled. "Thank you Sam. You have helped with my report. I have yet to finish this all and send it to the Captain. Let me guess you sent yours in on the double, per usual?" Calvin grinned. A friendly joke, as he was to depart the room.

Perkins gave a nod.

“ Always best. Perhaps later we could meet up for a drink or ten?” Sam said to his friend.

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Lt. Calvin Hirsch
Chief Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt.Cmdr Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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