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Quarters Quagmire

Posted on Sunday September 26th, 2021 @ 7:08am by Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Ensign Lethe Sivarr

683 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Deck 03, Senior's Officers Quarters
Timeline: Current

[OOC:] My bad. Rejigged the post. We're now in Sam's quarters! ;0)


Hirsch had met with Lieutenant Stevens, and Ensign Lethe Sivarr, the Rechakan. Rechakan's were a very interesting species, highly intelligent, if not curious to Hirsch. Personally he had not had much time working with the Ensign before. Calvin had met Lieutenant Michaels, watching as the Ensign worked on the replicator.

"Ensign Sivarr. Have you encountered replicator accidents like this before, or heard of any?" Calvin was well aware that Starfleet replicators had an accomplished track record of performance.

"While I did learn of the most common problems, as well as examples of more extreme malfunctions as experienced by various ships of the fleet, I've never personally encountered anything like this, no. There are safeguards and redundancies to guard against replication failures, and even more to guard against anything that would cause physical harm to the operator." While it might slow done the diagnosis, Lethe's first priority after accessing the internals was to physically disconnect the power feeds. Even a malfunctioning replicator couldn't do much harm when deprived of all power. Usually, anyway. "Until we determine the nature of the problem, however, I suppose it will be ration packs for everyone."

Micheal had been in his own quarters when he had received the call and had headed to the ensign's Quarters; he asked "So, what's up?" as he knew that all information that he received would have to be given to the Captain, who already was not happy as it was. now, this had happened and the way things were heading was out of control and by the looks of things someone had been injured.

Hirsch nodded. "Keep me apprised of your progress and efforts if you will, Gentleman." Hirsch rubbed at his neck and opted to take a leave for the moment.

A short while later, Hirsch reported from Deck 12. The Main computer sub-processor units stored replicator molecular matrix data on Deck 12. The matter stream for onboard replicators was governed by the molecular pattern data outputs on deck 12, which were now verified as compromised. "Fawk!"

Hirsch growled. He bites his lower lip. =^= Hirsch to Lieutenant Stevens, Ensign Sivarr. =^= Calvin breathed calmer, angry this happened on his watch. =^= The replicator distribution net is compromised. =^= This may have led to Perkins's situation. The quantum geometry transformational matrix field from at this location is disturbed, thus manipulating a replicated output. =^=

Lethe scowled at the news, glancing over at Stevens. "Ration packs for the next few days at least, and they give me a sour stomach." Two hands still in the guts of the replicator, he reach up with a lower hand to tap his combadge. =^= Understood lieutenant. Recommend, before any attempt to purge the data and reload from backups, that we try to mirror everything in it's entirety on a secure, offline storage device. If there's any 'fingerprints' on the files, we can preserve it without leaving the replicators down for the duration.=^=

Hirsch listened and nodded. =^= Understood. I will await an Engineering Computer Specialist to work on that. =^= No way did Calvin want to touch, nor try and duplicate the data. =^= We have to be secure about what we do. We don't want to trigger any other hidden code. Hirsch out. =^=

Micheal looked back at Lethe and said " I don't want them either, but it will before at least three days," as he hoped that the fingerprints on this would still be there when they copied the data over, he finished " But we have to take it slow and not miss anything"

"Agreed. However, if this was some form of... attack, on Poseidon, is this the extent of it? Or with the replicator network offline, will those responsible now begin to escalate to the next level?"

"To me, it looks that way," replied Micheal as he knew that now this had stepped up a level, he continued," I have a very bad feeling about this is going to get worse,"

Lieutenant Micheal Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Ensign Lethe Sivarr
Damage Control Specialist
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch
Security Chief
USS Poseidon


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