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Intelligence In Short Supply?

Posted on Thursday November 25th, 2021 @ 2:52pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch

690 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: After Movie Night Part: 3


Hirsch had chimed on the Intel Officer's department. The Intelligence Department was often shroud in mystery. From the last, Hirsch had spoke with Commander T'Pri, he found the Vulcan to be very astute, refined, and seasoned. In other words, a Vulcan.

"Enter" T'Pri said.

"Commander. I was glad you accepted this meeting time. I have some updates to speak with you in regards to the Captain's Replicators, and the Probes ongoing investigation, which had failed to scan the Nebula." Calvin left that last one hang a moment.

T'Pri stood gesturing to a seat.

"Can I get you a refreshment some tea perhaps?" T'Pri asked.

Hirsch had paused as he had gestured. "No. Thank you, Commander. I have had considerable amounts of caffeine and tea as of late." Hirsch had a padd of analytical reviews of the types and compromises of security breaches to the ship LCAR networks, responsible for the Captain's Klingon Dish incident.

Hirsch had the data sets from all the student teams arranged. "This is results from my ATS (Academy Training Scenario) Exams one of five. Groups of Security, Operations, Science, Engineering, and Command. They're usually completed three weeks from now. I moved them up to see what bright eyes we are working with."

"Care to review the team's results and recommendations. They are quite.. illuminating." Hirsch eyed T'Pri.

"Yes, lets take a look at the results. Then we can discuss you concerns and recommendations." T'Pri said.

T'Pri took the PADD and began to review the data.

"If you noticed. There was a rather small deviation in the Tomcat's subspace communications. At first, it was too small to notice, too minute for Communications to identify the source onboard."

"We have messages being transmitted. Despite the systems being placed into Security Hibernation." Captain Johnson was the only member who would be able to send transmissions at that security level lock-down.

"Have you been able to trace the messages?" T'Pri asked.

Hirsch had breathed inward, and released. "Is this office secured?"

T'Pri pressed a button on her desk.

"It is now Lieutenant, please proceed." T'Pri stated.

"The Poseidon acts as a subspace relay, as you are aware, Commander. Communications are transmitted to subspace relays at a peak radiated power of 22.65 lightyears. Far faster than calculable warp fields." Calvin had begun to draw upon the office display, an interloping grid. "Between the set FTL data bursts receiving and sent, protocol matching delays adhering to encryption levels in the main processer were observed."

Calvin rubbed at his headache, forming from trying to divulge as much information as he could. "At 0200 exactly two days prior, Starfleet encryption isorhythm-algorithms rotated, which is the norm. Within the encryption update, a static resonance interrupted that line sight to the Poseidon. What do you believe the static resonance was?" Calvin knew.

T'Pri analyzed the data and examined what interrupted the data flow..

"The interference patterns suggest Tachyon's". T'Pri replied.

"Tachyons." Hirsch listened to T'Pri. "Tachyon interference. A source in itself. The energy required to produce interference." Calvin leaned back in his seat to T'Pri. "What do you suggest we use to track this source? Is it naturally occurring? We will have to have Sciences involved."

"A tachyon is a subatomic particle that naturally exists at faster-than-light velocities, and can often be associated with time travel or produced as a byproduct of a temporal distortion. Tachyons exist both naturally, as in the tachyon eddies, such as those found in the Bajoran system, or can be produced artificially, such as in tachyon detection grids and temporal transponders. They can also exist as the byproducts of the use of many technologies, such as cloaking devices and transporters." T'Pri stated. "Tachyons could be utilized in a number of ways, including as scans, offensive weapons, and even as a means of communication." T'Pri continued.

"I fear this is over my pay grade Commander." Hirsch shook his head. The complexities. "I will seek a meeting with the Captain, Sciences and Intel. We need direction on the matter. I can only protect and secure my small little universe. This crosses solar systems."

"I will go with you if you like" T'Pri said.



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